Still not seeing it ...
Really? How do you figure that, Prof? It was authored by Newt and the Boys. You do know they literally made the words "CONTRACT WITH AMERICA" the ad copy and platform copy in all their brochures and print ads...this was still before the 'Net

And FDR called it "A New Deal."
But if you look at the bills in Congress, things pre-date many others.
Just because the politicians can sell you on their originality doesn't mean they are.
Party politics often causes blockage during an election year.
You should look up some of the bills Hoover was trying to push through.
Same deal on Clinton before the Republicans took back Congress.
I don't see how any Democrat would take or be given credit for the Contract with America.
Bill Clinton took credit for many portions of it, and rightly so.
Simply voting for it doesn't count, you know. Seeing as the Senate killed most of the "Contract" and Clinton vetoed parts of it, I don't see many Dem fingerprints on it, to be honest.
Actually, Clinton can be considered responsible for reducing welfare and many other benefits during his term.
That's why I liked Clinton's fiscal policies from 1994-1998 far more than W.'s ultra-spending-free 2001-2006.
There were some good parts to the Contract.
No joke, but some of it pre-date the new slew of Republicans coming to town.
This is why I
hate party affiliations.
They prevent people from focusing on the individual candidates and what they propose and vote on.
I don't vote for an individual candidate unless I know how they will vote on an issue, or what bills they are putting forth.