Don't have to read the post to tell you that all the parties are a big disappointment lately. I mean look at the republican side, McCain is flip-flopping by the day on his views of oil production and whatnot. And the democrat side, Obama is just a freakin terrorist! He actually supports the palastinian side of the occupation by the Israeli's in Jerusalem!

And didn't the terrorists warn us that they'd take over our government from the inside? Obama's middle name is Heusein. He isn't black, he's arab![/QUOTE]

Pretty harsh words!

Mr. Obama spoke of "a clear and strong commitment to the security of Israel: our strongest ally in the region and its only established democracy." Quoth he: "That will always be my starting point."

Obama is American and was born in Hawaii, his parents were from Kenya and Kansas. His name is of Arabic origin thats it.
Don't have to read the post to tell you that all the parties are a big disappointment lately. I mean look at the republican side, McCain is flip-flopping by the day on his views of oil production and whatnot. And the democrat side, Obama is just a freakin terrorist! He actually supports the palastinian side of the occupation by the Israeli's in Jerusalem!

And didn't the terrorists warn us that they'd take over our government from the inside? Obama's middle name is Heusein. He isn't black, he's arab!

I wonder how much neg rep he recieved for this mindless dribble?


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I too have been disappointed by the lack of proactivity in undoing the wrongs of the past 8 years once the dems gained a majority in the house back in 2006. However, if you look deeper, it becomes clear that a large part of the issue remains the fact that Bush is still the chief executive (Ugh! Just writing that sent shivers down my spine!). Until or unless ANY party gains a 2/3 majority with an opposition president sitting in the White House, its ability to effect profound change is extremely limited.

Besides, we give these guys way too much credence to lead us out of this mess. At the core, they are still just politicians whose primary aim is to tell us what we want to hear so they can get elected (or re-elected). It's the system that's fucked. It's unlikely that we'll see a dramatic change in our government unless we can find the ways and means to change the rules by which it plays the game.
First off, as long as President Bush is in office...all policies and situations regarding the War, The Economy fall on his head. President Bush is now trying to "blame Congress" for things like $4 gas and not offering immunity for the telecoms who helped illegally spy on us but everyone can see through his desperation. He is a clown and is the most worthless, nincompoop we've ever elected into office. All the misery we are feeling is a direct result of President Bush's many mistakes.


I do agree that the Dem congress has been "too careful" with the President and Republicans. They were given a "change" mandate in 2006 and didn't aggressively pursue an end to the occupation. They should've. Only Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel were honestly talking about how the Dems could/should end the war. Sadly, Pelosi and the rest of the Dems played it "down the middle."

The Dem congress, in my opinion, is too concerned with the Fringe Right of the Republican Party. They are too concerned with letting these morons call them "weak" or "Liberal" or whatever on any issue. That's the problem. When the Dems realize that the American Public DO NOT WANT to continue down the Fringe Right/Evangelical Republican path....all will be fine.

The 2008 election will be the last chance for the Congressional Dems to "get going." The reality of the 2006 Congress is the Dems did not have a Veto-proof majority. THe Repubs still had enough clout to clog things and protect President Dumbass.

Make no mistake Conservative Lunatic Freeones Republican members. You and your party are going to be handed an historical beating this coming November in all races--National and Local. The American People can point to misery in the Economy/Housing/Gas Pump/Supermarket Shelves/Katrina/Natural Disasters and all of these issues point back to Republicans policies implemented or ignored by Dubya/Cheney/Rove....


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
And the democrat side, Obama is just a freakin terrorist! He actually supports the palastinian side of the occupation by the Israeli's in Jerusalem!

And didn't the terrorists warn us that they'd take over our government from the inside? Obama's middle name is Heusein. He isn't black, he's arab!

I'm not taking ANYONE who can't spell "Hussein" correctly seriously!

Oh I know, lets give negative rep to people we disagree with. If everyone did that, we'd all have negative rep. Grow up guys.:thefinger


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Oh I know, lets give negative rep to people we disagree with. If everyone did that, we'd all have negative rep. Grow up guys.:thefinger go way out of your way to deliberately draw a target on your back and then bitch when others shoot arrows at you? There's a BIG difference here on this board between legitimately disagreeing with someone and making idiotic accusations that have no basis in fact. I suggest you learn that real quick or get ready for lots of little red squares to be headed your way.

By the way, just for the record for the rest of y'all, I did NOT neg rep little Mikey.....I don't neg rep anyone. I just sit and wait for them to get banned.

I was just saying what I heard on a political talk show yesterday. And theres a difference between disagreeing, and disagreeing while giving negative rep. I illustrated my point that just because you disagree with someone, doesn't mean you have to give them negative rep.

I guess this just wasnt the place to talk about anything. :dunno:
Lighten up :crying:

btw, people get banned on here if enough people disagree with them? If so, thats bullshit. Forums are for opinion. If you don't like someone else's opinion, dont fucking read it!
Mikey, your post (#15), if you were being serious, is filled with neg-worthy garbage, for which I neg repped you. If you were just parroting garbage in this thread which you "learned" from Wacko Right Radio, well, that's even more pathetic. Obama is not muslim. Stop spreading lies in public.

You presented nothing to disagree with. There are plenty of conservative posters in the FO community with whom I disagree with on everything but have never neg repped them because they actually attempt to make cogent arguments. They don't rehash the "Best of Rush" here....


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
And the democrat side, Obama is just a freakin terrorist! He actually supports the palastinian side of the occupation by the Israeli's in Jerusalem!

And didn't the terrorists warn us that they'd take over our government from the inside? Obama's middle name is Heusein. He isn't black, he's arab!

You heard this on a news talk show? What was it called...."Today in the Third Reich"??? Even Hannity wouldn't go that far (would he?)!

Mikey....listen to me good here OK? There is plenty of room here for disagreement.....I can show you a million examples. What you wrote is not an opinion. It is baseless, inflammatory and without substance. Just because you utter a complete sentence doesn't qualify it as an opinion. If you want to engage in a meaningful and though-provoking dialogue with those who might disagree with your legitimate stance on a given subject in a lively and well-informed manner, this is the place for it. If not, it ain't. Simple as that.
I was just saying what I heard on a political talk show yesterday. And theres a difference between disagreeing, and disagreeing while giving negative rep. I illustrated my point that just because you disagree with someone, doesn't mean you have to give them negative rep.

I guess this just wasnt the place to talk about anything. :dunno:
Lighten up :crying:

btw, people get banned on here if enough people disagree with them? If so, thats bullshit. Forums are for opinion. If you don't like someone else's opinion, dont fucking read it!

Well, your avatar sucks. Get a hot chick in there for christ sake.
im not disappointed at all
I have about as much use for the Democrat Party (as well as the Republican Party) as I do a STD.

Vote Libertarian
I can't believe the SAME PEOPLE who are DYING to put Obama in office are complaining about someone "trampling the constitution"!!! IF he's elected, you ain't seen ANYTHING yet!!!!!

Have you even LISTENED to what this guy has said and done?!?!?!!?!?

YES he DOES support the Palestinians and has NO interest in the Isrealis and their plight in dealing with those animals.

People absolutely amaze me. They elect this Democrat congress, who promised great things and promised they would make things all better.

Now here we are! 4 buck a gallon gas, inflation that is beating the country to death, prices on basic necessities going through the roof. The lowest approval for any congress EVER in the history of the country.

Obama is spouting energy policies that last time they were used (by that moron jimmy carter) resulted in gas rationing, gas lines and in a lot of cases, no gas to be HAD at ANY PRICE!
They are attempting to make fuel from FOOD which is STUPID because the refining process is INEFFICIENT and the fuel itself is inefficient. It is also NOT particularly good for engines unless they are specifically set up for ethanol.

This idiocy has resulted in a DEAD ZONE in the Gulf of Mexico that covers THOUSANDS of square miles because of the RUNOFF of the chemicals and all that is required to grow that much corn.

It has resulted in the price of corn which is a staple food in many less prosperous countries going up to the point that many just can not afford to buy it.

Yeah this is working out GREAT.
It seems to me that every other nation in the Middle East also doesn't have much interest in the Palestinians either if by "No Interest" the Wackoes exactly does "No Interest in the Israelis" and "supporting the Palestinians" mean?

86150--do you know that gas was on the march toward $4 and $5 a gallon (and beyond) BEFORE 2006? Why didn't our successful invasion and overthrow of Iraq "free up Iraq's" "vast" gas supplies and "pay for the war/reconstruction" like Vice President Cheney assured us it would?

It's rather pathetic that the Conservatives/Wackoes in this country are now framing all of George Bush's disasters as having occured since 2006 and are, therefore, the Dems' problems....

Yikes. That's not just intellectual dishonesty but pure brain-washing....I guess whatever rationalization that has to occur for the forthcoming Republican meltdown this November must happen to soothe the conscious?

Wackoes--free advice here. Just go away and sit on the sidelines for the next 4-8 years. We've spent the past 7 years under Pub Leadership and it's lead us into the worst fiscal and highest misery rates in recent memory. Just sit out the next 4 years. Don't delude yourselves into thinking you have a chance this November...
According to the latest ABC/LA Times poll...Obama already has a 12 point lead over McCain and it's only June. It'll probably be a 30 pt lead by August if Gas is at $6 a gallon in the U.S. and unemployment and inflation continue to rise...

I know, I didn't hear that on Fox News so you're already questioning it but...I'm sure their polls will show a McCain 25 point lead today....