First off, as long as President Bush is in office...all policies and situations regarding the War, The Economy fall on his head. President Bush is now trying to "blame Congress" for things like $4 gas and not offering immunity for the telecoms who helped illegally spy on us but everyone can see through his desperation. He is a clown and is the most worthless, nincompoop we've ever elected into office. All the misery we are feeling is a direct result of President Bush's many mistakes.
I do agree that the Dem congress has been "too careful" with the President and Republicans. They were given a "change" mandate in 2006 and didn't aggressively pursue an end to the occupation. They should've. Only Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel were honestly talking about how the Dems could/should end the war. Sadly, Pelosi and the rest of the Dems played it "down the middle."
The Dem congress, in my opinion, is too concerned with the Fringe Right of the Republican Party. They are too concerned with letting these morons call them "weak" or "Liberal" or whatever on any issue. That's the problem. When the Dems realize that the American Public DO NOT WANT to continue down the Fringe Right/Evangelical Republican path....all will be fine.
The 2008 election will be the last chance for the Congressional Dems to "get going." The reality of the 2006 Congress is the Dems did not have a Veto-proof majority. THe Repubs still had enough clout to clog things and protect President Dumbass.
Make no mistake Conservative Lunatic Freeones Republican members. You and your party are going to be handed an historical beating this coming November in all races--National and Local. The American People can point to misery in the Economy/Housing/Gas Pump/Supermarket Shelves/Katrina/Natural Disasters and all of these issues point back to Republicans policies implemented or ignored by Dubya/Cheney/Rove....