a little bit.. but overall there doing an ok job.
I was just saying what I heard on a political talk show yesterday. And theres a difference between disagreeing, and disagreeing while giving negative rep. I illustrated my point that just because you disagree with someone, doesn't mean you have to give them negative rep.

I guess this just wasnt the place to talk about anything. :dunno:
Lighten up :crying:

btw, people get banned on here if enough people disagree with them? If so, thats bullshit. Forums are for opinion. If you don't like someone else's opinion, dont fucking read it!

You didn't even make a point. You just came right out and admitted that you didn't even read the post that started the thread. Then you regurgitated a bunch of outrageous lies about Obama that originated in the most extreme, racist, uneducated parts of the republican party.

Try telling us your opinion next time instead of exposing yourself as a sucker for propagandist lies.
I can't believe the SAME PEOPLE who are DYING to put Obama in office are complaining about someone "trampling the constitution"!!! IF he's elected, you ain't seen ANYTHING yet!!!!!

Have you even LISTENED to what this guy has said and done?!?!?!!?!?

YES he DOES support the Palestinians and has NO interest in the Isrealis and their plight in dealing with those animals.

People absolutely amaze me. They elect this Democrat congress, who promised great things and promised they would make things all better.

Now here we are! 4 buck a gallon gas, inflation that is beating the country to death, prices on basic necessities going through the roof. The lowest approval for any congress EVER in the history of the country.

Obama is spouting energy policies that last time they were used (by that moron jimmy carter) resulted in gas rationing, gas lines and in a lot of cases, no gas to be HAD at ANY PRICE!
They are attempting to make fuel from FOOD which is STUPID because the refining process is INEFFICIENT and the fuel itself is inefficient. It is also NOT particularly good for engines unless they are specifically set up for ethanol.

This idiocy has resulted in a DEAD ZONE in the Gulf of Mexico that covers THOUSANDS of square miles because of the RUNOFF of the chemicals and all that is required to grow that much corn.

It has resulted in the price of corn which is a staple food in many less prosperous countries going up to the point that many just can not afford to buy it.

Yeah this is working out GREAT.

Way to look at it from an unbiased perspective there 86150.:rolleyes:

I can't wait til you examine the Republican parties shortcomings with as much venom as you do the Democrats. Although I imagine I'll be waiting quite a long time for that to happen.

Also, I love how you refer to the Palestinians as "animals" that the Israelis need our help "dealing" with. I suppose by "dealing" you really mean killing.

And it's so touching to see how sympathetic you are to the "plight" of the poor Israelis.:rolleyes: Who are so threatened by the impoverished Palestinians that their extremely well equipped army, technologically advanced air force and hundreds of nuclear weopons aren't enough to protect them.:rofl2:

However, you placing the blame for $4 a gallon gas on the shoulders of the Democrats is priceless. You don't even mention the fact that the price of a barrel of oil went from $28/barrel when Bush was elected to $137/barrel as of today. And that this price increase occurred during a 7+ year period in which Republicans had control of both the Executive and Legislative branches of government for 6 of those 7 years.
Nice, turning to flame my avatar now. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse.:(

Mikey, I will not be baited into a "rep war". Pound away mercilessly on mine if you like.

The price of this, the price of that, those animal Palestinian/Isreali/insert nationality here, inflation, unemployment... I don't care about any of that. The economy moves for the most part in a cyclical nature, and in the middle of that cycle politicians FROM ALL PARTIES do there best to fuck it up while the concerned public yells at each other about which douche bag or collection of douche bags is the better one to vote for.

They all suck but what most concerns me is that the movement of funds between online gambling sites and US banks become legal again. I feel the only chance of that happening is with a democrat. Donkeys, here I come.
Way to look at it from an unbiased perspective there 86150.:rolleyes:

I can't wait til you examine the Republican parties shortcomings with as much venom as you do the Democrats. Although I imagine I'll be waiting quite a long time for that to happen.

Also, I love how you refer to the Palestinians as "animals" that the Israelis need our help "dealing" with. I suppose by "dealing" you really mean killing.

And it's so touching to see how sympathetic you are to the "plight" of the poor Israelis.:rolleyes: Who are so threatened by the impoverished Palestinians that their extremely well equipped army, technologically advanced air force and hundreds of nuclear weopons aren't enough to protect them.:rofl2:

However, you placing the blame for $4 a gallon gas on the shoulders of the Democrats is priceless. You don't even mention the fact that the price of a barrel of oil went from $28/barrel when Bush was elected to $137/barrel as of today. And that this price increase occurred during a 7+ year period in which Republicans had control of both the Executive and Legislative branches of government for 6 of those 7 years.

The Israelis had a huge section of their country taken over by the Palestinians, and the PLO has been responsible for acts of aggression and terrorism that makes Al Queda PALE by comparison. They are a terrorist organization whose SOLE PURPOSE and REASON FOR EXISTENCE is to DESTROY the nation of Israel.

That is WHY they were formed and that has ALWAYS been the end result they desire. YEAH THEY ARE ANIMALS as far as I am concerned.

As far as the REPUBLICANS, are concerned, I am very saddened about the fact that there isn't one set of balls in the whole damn party. Too many of them do nothing besides pander to the liberals.

I do NOT have anything against DEMOCRATS in general. I can not stand leftist liberals and socialists. A socialist is just a little communist anyway.

AND When this country elected all these damn DEMOCRATS it was so they could do some of the things they PROMISED!!!! One of those was to make things EASIER for the working man (They have FAILED miserably) and the price of gas has gone MONKEYSHIT over the past few months. They have been there over a year! They have also done exactly NOTHING to help the situation, WHY? Because that is exactly what they want, Obama even SAID he would have "preferred a more gradual ADJUSTMENT.." HIS WORDS not anyone else's. You have this guy that so many here just can not WAIT to stick in office and he could give a damn about how hard things are on normal working people. As far as he is concerned the ridiculous gas prices are an "adjustment". He's a moron.
No matter WHAT the solution is that is suggested, obama in all his wisdom about the oil industry, claims NONE of them will work. He's an idiot.

They promised to "straighten out the economy" and since they got in office they have straightened out exactly NOTHING!!!! What they have done is ushered in ridiculous inflation and caused more and more hardship for the VERY people they said they would HELP.

They also have the LOWEST approval rating of ANY congress in HISTORY.

They made a ton of promises about what they would do, and so far they have done NOTHING.
I've added the tags "Israel" and "neg rep", since apparently that is what this thread is about and not the democratic congress as the first post implied.
The Israelis had a huge section of their country taken over by the Palestinians, and the PLO has been responsible for acts of aggression and terrorism that makes Al Queda PALE by comparison. They are a terrorist organization whose SOLE PURPOSE and REASON FOR EXISTENCE is to DESTROY the nation of Israel.

That is WHY they were formed and that has ALWAYS been the end result they desire. YEAH THEY ARE ANIMALS as far as I am concerned.

As far as the REPUBLICANS, are concerned, I am very saddened about the fact that there isn't one set of balls in the whole damn party. Too many of them do nothing besides pander to the liberals.

I do NOT have anything against DEMOCRATS in general. I can not stand leftist liberals and socialists. A socialist is just a little communist anyway.

AND When this country elected all these damn DEMOCRATS it was so they could do some of the things they PROMISED!!!! One of those was to make things EASIER for the working man (They have FAILED miserably) and the price of gas has gone MONKEYSHIT over the past few months. They have been there over a year! They have also done exactly NOTHING to help the situation, WHY? Because that is exactly what they want, Obama even SAID he would have "preferred a more gradual ADJUSTMENT.." HIS WORDS not anyone else's. You have this guy that so many here just can not WAIT to stick in office and he could give a damn about how hard things are on normal working people. As far as he is concerned the ridiculous gas prices are an "adjustment". He's a moron.
No matter WHAT the solution is that is suggested, obama in all his wisdom about the oil industry, claims NONE of them will work. He's an idiot.

They promised to "straighten out the economy" and since they got in office they have straightened out exactly NOTHING!!!! What they have done is ushered in ridiculous inflation and caused more and more hardship for the VERY people they said they would HELP.

They also have the LOWEST approval rating of ANY congress in HISTORY.

They made a ton of promises about what they would do, and so far they have done NOTHING.

You are spot on on many points. The President has vetoed allot of their bills, they do have a majority in congress, but Republican's are very united in their stance and many Dems fall into agreement with them. The Liberal Democrats have been trying to make a change, I know you dont care for them, but they are trying.
What did you expect?

Look at the Democrats. On June 20, the House of Representatives, which the voters gave to the Democrats in the 2006 congressional elections in order to end the pointless barbarity that the US has brought to Iraq, voted the largest war-spending bill ever. The “antiwar” Democrats completely collapsed, giving the warmonger Brownshirt Republican regime everything it wanted.
Did you think they'd do otherwise?

Seriously, statistically speaking, no President keeps his party in Congress in his second term. In fact, Clinton didn't even make it through one term. I wish that would have happened to W. in 2002, and that would have helped greatly, but I guess most people "just don't get it."

Government never solves anything, it only causes more problems -- especially a strong federal.


Staff member
since the death of harry s truman no democrat candidate was that great. Don't tell me clinton was great because he wasn't.
Re: What did you expect?

Did you think they'd do otherwise?

Seriously, statistically speaking, no President keeps his party in Congress in his second term. In fact, Clinton didn't even make it through one term. I wish that would have happened to W. in 2002, and that would have helped greatly, but I guess most people "just don't get it."

Government never solves anything, it only causes more problems -- especially a strong federal.

I think we FO members should organize a Coup d'état. :ak47:

But seriously, I did think they would do otherwise. That's why I voted for Democrats in November 2006. That's why a whole lotta people voted for Democrats in 2006. We were all hoping they would "right the wrongs" so to speak. But they haven't. That's why I started a thread about being disappointed in them.
They all suck but what most concerns me is that the movement of funds between online gambling sites and US banks become legal again.

That's a concern of mine, too. I've got a nice chunk of change locked up at one offshore book. I understand why I can't wager through them anymore, but all I want to do is to close my account and be cashed out. Apparently the current (idiotic) law prohibits even that.

I feel the only chance of that happening is with a democrat. Donkeys, here I come.

I agree. But it's such a huge cash cow even the Dems will probably cave in to those who are determined to see that money go to domestic entities.
since the death of harry s truman no democrat candidate was that great. Don't tell me clinton was great because he wasn't.

nope, but he climbed aboard a nicely cruising ship and kept it off the rocks. George "Fuck all you People" W. Bush crashed it into an iceberg, set it on fire, and stole all the life boats.

Not picking on George What's a consitution? Bush, just using the example to illustrate although Clinton was no great thinker, it could, and did, get a LOT worse.
nope, but he climbed aboard a nicely cruising ship and kept it off the rocks. George "Fuck all you People" W. Bush crashed it into an iceberg, set it on fire, and stole all the life boats.

Not picking on George What's a consitution? Bush, just using the example to illustrate although Clinton was no great thinker, it could, and did, get a LOT worse.
I think Bill while maybe not great is not getting enough credit here and he is a bright guy IMO but with some flaws lol.Incumbent presidents(the 1st Bush) are not rejected because things are going so great.What Clinton did was surround himself with and appoint very capable people who cut spending(mainly on defense,but I think that was a no brainer as we spend way to much on it IMO) and got the deficts down and brought fiscal responsibility back.That all went out with Bush who spends more while cutting taxes (almost exclusively for the wealthy) which has made the deficit explode.

dick van cock

Closed Account
What Clinton did was [...] cut spending(mainly on defense,but I think that was a no brainer as we spend way to much on it IMO).
advocatus diaboli:

But Friday! Cutting defense budgets weakened the US's ability to protect itself against the terrorists. What Clinton did was effectively rolling out the red carpet for Osama Bin Laden.

Note it: The Democrats brought down the WTC!

{got some loose change, dude?}