Defeat John McCain 2010!

I used to like McCain until he sold his soul to get the nomination two years ago. Maybe he'll go back to what I liked about him, i.e, he called them like he saw them regardless of whether what he believed was "popular" or not.

Palin just needs to go away.
I used to like McCain until he sold his soul to get the nomination two years ago. Maybe he'll go back to what I liked about him, i.e, he called them like he saw them regardless of whether what he believed was "popular" or not.

Palin just needs to go away.

He totally lost me on his immigration stance (a stance that is understandable as a politician - someone who sells their soul for votes - and AZ being probably half illegal alien). All the more why JD Hayworth should, and hopefully will, get the vote.

Ahh, that was 2000, btw...that was when he actually was a Maverick....

Absolutely. What the F was that party thinking back then to put that chimp in office? :D


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Whattaya say, Sparky? :dunno:

Nothing I can do about McCain since I live in Texas. He certainly seemed to sell his soul when he ran for president. Retirement should sound pretty good to him.


Member, you member...
He's just trying to ride on the coattails of Palin's popularity.

blah, blah, blah and a blah.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member

She Who Must Not Be Named will eventually go away if noone talks about or directly to her.

Thank you

McCain will just die one day, problem solved :D
I think McCain will win handily. His old buddy Dubya will come out of mothballs and help him. :thumbsup:

A research firm--Morgan Quitno--publishes various state rankings and in 2006, Arizona came up as the "dumbest" state. This firm uses variables like state with highest percentage of high school dropouts, lowest teacher salaries, etc.

From 2006--The dumbest states
41 Tennessee
42 Hawaii
43 Alabama
44 Alaska
45 Louisiana
46 California
47 Nevada
48 New Mexico
49 Mississippi
50 Arizona

I'm guessing, based on the crumbling economy, that not much has changed since 2006...:dunno: (no free content, must pay for content).