Republican & Tea Bagger ~ImPloSiOn~ leading up to the 2010 Elections...

The Tea Party sure has gotten under the skin of the libtards.
I was under the impression that Darwin was misquoted; he never said we evolved from monkeys but rather that we shared a common ancestor; humans and apes evolved from... species X lets say.

How 'bout you and me go to the Zoo, head to the monkey cages and see if a human will evolve before our eyes for us to ask?
Enemies Of 'Big-Government Health Care' Rush To Defend Government-Funded Medicare


The Tea Baggers and Republicans want it both ways. Gov't Bad + Obamacare Bad should = Medicare bad....but, no? :dunno:

The Rand Paul/Ron Paul version of the Tea Baggers will absolutely destroy Medicare. Period. End of story.

The ChristiansFirst Tea baggers will go along with whatever, but then will wonder why their lives are worse when Medicare goes away and they are left sleeping in church pews during retirement.

The GOP would like to "privatize" it and if that ends up being a bad deal for retirees but a good deal for Financial Service companies (i.e. Big Banks, Big Insurance Cos) than so be it. It would be a "free market" solution as-long-as-a -few-key-players-that-we-Republicans-own-stock-in-win-out-in-the-end kind of solution :thumbsup: And as we've seen recently (1998-2008), free markets without any restrictions and regulation are ALWAYS better for consumers and retirees...


In the Nevada Senate debate last week, Republican Sharron Angle also criticized President Obama for his work on health care.

"Obamacare cut a half a trillion dollars out of Medicare right at the point where... senior citizens need to have that Medicare advantage," she said, adding, "The solutions to the health care insurance cost problem are simple, and they reside within the free market. We need to get the government out so we can go across state lines to choose insurance companies. We need to get the government out of the process so we can take off those mandated coverages. We need to get the government out so we can have tort reform and so we can expand the pools."

"[T]hey say there's not enough cost containment in health reform, yet in the next sentence, they say Medicare has been cut too much," noted Chris Jennings, who served as a senior health care adviser to the Clinton White House. "So if you're spending too much and there's not enough cost containment in health care, and then you're getting savings from Medicare, there's this whole question of how you reconcile those two things."
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Jennings also pointed to the fact that AARP, which represents millions of senior citizens, endorsed health care reform because it strengthens the Medicare trust fund and looks for new long-term care options. "It's nice for the Chamber to be so concerned about seniors," he said, "but that has never been a big priority of the Chamber previously. On a whole lot of fronts -- including pensions and retiree health and a lot of other things -- they've specifically embraced the ability for employees to embrace retiree health care coverage altogether."

The Angle campaign didn't respond to a quest for comment, but Chamber spokesman J.P. Fielder said there was no inconsistency in the organization's ads. "It is perfectly consistent to oppose a massive expansion of government involvement in health care, while also opposing taking $500 billion from Medicare to pay for this expansion," he said.
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Whatever happened to the "implosion". As far as I can see the Douchecrats are getting reemed.


Believer In GregCentauro
... It's funny how, according to conservative media of course, that there will be an automatic CHANGE this November...

I really dont care much about this, but I just found it kind of funny that you counter this with an article from a liberal new source The Huffington Post...its like duhhhh...
The Tea Party sure has gotten under the skin of the libtards.

The only "tards" in this equation are the teabagger headliners :facepalm:

Not so much under the skin as just boggling the mind at these so-called leaders. It's like a circus freak show. It would actually be funny if so many of you who appear to have a brain weren't so willing to uncritically ride The Dipshit Express.

Y'all are supposed to be so high-principled, how about disowning these morons and presenting us with leadership we could potentially respect?


TR, all you need is a few "NEOCON" references and you're beginining to sound eerily like a certain someone whom I don't think you want to be associated with ;)

And as pointed out, look at the completely inept and corrupt Democrats running Congress right now... You really prefer them to a stray dog at this point? Pelosi? Reid? Rangel? Waters?:dunno:

How about Bawny ->:love-smi: <- boy toy Fwank and his TARP bailout scandal that the DOJ (under BHO) refuses to investigate? :1orglaugh

and what about congressional approval ratings almost diving into single digits earlier this year . . . Pelosi! :1orglaugh:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm: Oh...rep!

"...and I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free.." free to be some of the biggest shit-kicking dummies on the planet.

I guess thanks are in order to Beck for corralling these goobers and taking them out of the way of the rest of us for a few hours.

Wow....I haven't spent much time trading "ideas" with tea-baggers but it is pretty evident that they are clueless for the most part. Perhaps that's how Christine O'Donnell, Sharron Angle etc got nominated since they seem to share that same trait. :dunno:

I did feel kinda bad for ol' Ben Franklin there at the end! :1orglaugh
I know: actually it has nothing to do with the ongoing discussion.
But did you realize that "Moaning Myrtle" from the Harry Potter Movies looks like Sarah Palin.
For those who don't know, who this character is. It is ghost of a girl, who lives in a toilet and moans a lot, because nobody understands her and wants to be friends with her.
The original voice sounds like the one of Sarah Palin:

But seriously:
Yesterday evening there was a big report about the upcomming elections in the States on the 9:45 p.m. news on one of the German news networks. It mainly covered the tea party - movement: Christine O'Donnell, who was affirming smilingly, during a tv ad, that she is not a witch. Glenn Beck comparing Obamas administration with national socialism and communism (at the same time), yelling like crazy, then crying - literally - about the "decline of his beloved country".
All those tea party suporters always repeat sentences like: "The US has to regain its credibility and its power." , "The World does not respect us anymore, we have to change it."...
If they want to see the reason, why the US losses respect worldwide, then they should watch that report. The tea party movement and its conservative supporters are not the solution to this situation, but the cause, which paved the way there...
Jinxed, aggressive and whiny: the conservative movement in the US 2010: dangerous combination....
I would hope this implosion theory would happen but this late in the game who really cares? This implosion will happen because when you have a party so unstable as the teabaggers/right when it does implode I just hope it doesn't happen when we put all of them into office to really fuck up our country beyond any stretch of the imagination but that is who is really running this party. Just look how the party chose Palin instead of letting McCain call the shots.
I hope the dems get their ass kicked in november


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I hope the dems get their ass kicked in november

Wow....that was out of the blue!!! :surprise: :D

Next thing you know we're going to hear some bomshell like you think Shyla Stylez is hot or something! :1orglaugh That's what I love about you, Georges. You are as steady as the Rock of Gibraltar.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Wow....that was out of the blue!!! :surprise: :D

Next thing you know we're going to hear some bomshell like you think Shyla Stylez is hot or something! :1orglaugh That's what I love about you, Georges. You are as steady as the Rock of Gibraltar.

That is why he made it to having his personal board smiley and you don't :bowdown:
In my experience with observing the world so many people are either stupid or apathetic in it that I long ago quit believing something dumb could happen because people would never go for it. Humanity has let me down before, so I put nothing past them.
I enjoy teabagging.

I don't care for any of the political parties I see. I also don't like people who use mean names to refer to a group of people.