Republican & Tea Bagger ~ImPloSiOn~ leading up to the 2010 Elections...

The normal Republicans wants to take the country back to the 1950s. The Tea Party wants to go back to the 1850s. Maybe they could compromise and settle on repealing the 20th century so we go back to the 1900s.

Wow. Spoken like a true "centrist," Trident :rolleyes: :facepalm:

Don't worry Trident. It's not like anyone here believes you'll carry the bag of anyone other than a GOP clown when (or if?) you step into the ballot box this Nov.

The idiots in that clip are American embarrassments. None of them are qualified to vote. It scares me to think my future could be affected by those asshats.
Wow. Spoken like a true "centrist," Trident :rolleyes: :facepalm:

Don't worry Trident. It's not like anyone here believes you'll carry the bag of anyone other than a GOP clown when (or if?) you step into the ballot box this Nov.

The idiots in that clip are American embarrassments. None of them are qualified to vote. It scares me to think my future could be affected by those asshats.

Yes spoken like a true Centrist. What did want me to say? Did you want me to gush unabashed love for the leftards in office? Fat chance. They're in and they're game for the proverbial tar and feathering until they're booted out.:hatsoff:


"tea bagger" . . at least they're working (bagging tea or whatever :1orglaugh) and they're not just sitting 'round all day exchanging various and sundry online left wing political commentary whilst waiting for their subsistence check to arrive . . . mooching off of those who have rightfully decided to make something of themselves in this very brief life. :facepalm:

Go on . . . continue to defend your dependent status in this world.
Let the whole world just pass you by . . . and it will.
"tea bagger" . . at least they're working (bagging tea or whatever :1orglaugh) and they're not just sitting 'round all day exchanging various and sundry online left wing political commentary whilst waiting for their subsistence check to arrive . . . mooching off of those who have rightfully decided to make something of themselves in this very brief life. :facepalm:

Go on . . . continue to defend your dependent status in this world.
Let the whole world just pass you by . . . and it will.

Huh?? I'm not sure what to make of this blather other than to say...Tea baggers are the only people who seem to find the time to run here there and everywhere whining about nothing.

Who has the time nowadays to run from the border to D.C. to sit around ruminating about ...uh ..about :cool: hell, I don't know what those fools were ruminating about...
"tea bagger" . . at least they're working (bagging tea or whatever :1orglaugh) and they're not just sitting 'round all day exchanging various and sundry online left wing political commentary whilst waiting for their subsistence check to arrive . . . mooching off of those who have rightfully decided to make something of themselves in this very brief life. :facepalm:

Go on . . . continue to defend your dependent status in this world.
Let the whole world just pass you by . . . and it will.

Here is another example of you setting the bar SO LOW for the country...:facepalm:

It's no wonder our economy and nation are in the shitter...the people who were interviewed in that video clip might actually be putting shackles on the economy..

"Excuse me Ms.. [lady from the video] forgot my dad's quarter pounder and this Big Mac has that horrible special sauce which I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T WANT :mad:"
And so it begins....these next 40+ days ought to be really revealing about American Conservatism....Sarah Palin leading the Tea Baggers and Karl Rove leading the ol' Republican CorporateWhitemanocracy :yesyes:

From the Empress's mouth as she tries to unite/warn Karl Rove and the Fox/Republican Machine...
And Karl, here! You can come to Iowa! And Karl Rove and the other leaders who will see the light and realize that these are the normal, hardworking, patriotic Americans who are saying no, enough is enough. We want to turn this around and we want to get back to those time-tested truths that are right for America.

It would be wise for the Dems to try to feed these internal :flame:fires:flame: by trying to get the GOP and the Tea Baggers into a Social Issue war...there are very distinct differences socially between these two factions. The Dems need to lob the Gay Marriage grenade, the Evangelical grenade, the war spending and Defense Dept Budget grenade, the Legalize Marijuana grenade....and sit back and watch the parties tear into each other...

The infighting between Tea Bagger and RoveRepublican should tune out a large percentage of the conservative voter block and benefit Dems in November
Titsrock...... I could spend a lot of time demeaning you for your regurgitation of media garbage, namely, calling people with different ideas/ideals than you names that have been thought of by other people than yourself......but instead, I think just this once I will sink to your level.........

ehh......never mind.....the fucking nazis here will ban my ass, and I would rather avoid that.........fucking nazis...........

hmm........something get that Tits? Nope, probably fucking caveman...........
These GOP twats are so clueless and hypocritical.

Ignorant too.

Oh really? :facepalm::why:And you think Obama is a so clever man? Liberal/democrat and leftists of all kind are also big hypocrites, they would rather sacrifice their own country to kiss the UN's ass and other nation countries rather to defend their country's interests. Before name calling one ignorant, make sure that you know about politics more than your opponents or the people you are blindly accusing/name calling.
Good thing these guys are making asses of themselves. We don't need any trigger happy racists in power.

You think you are making yourself smart with such non constructive arguments? I think not. Look also at your avatar, first kim il jong then ahmadinejhad, you do support racism and far leftism, so stop saying that you don't need any trigger happy racists in your country, when you avatar shows clearly the opposite.
Let's focus on the ISSUES.

1. Criminalise abortion and NO exceptions!!! If a girl of 12 is raped and gets pregnant - FORCE her to have the baby and then turn our backs on her when she has to drop out of school and go live on the streets. Of course, they'll be no monetary aid for her type, since we're firing any kind of welfare programs ASAP.

2. Tax cuts ONLY for the wealthiest 1%! All you hockey mums, mama grizzlies and Joe the plumbers types who are struggling on minimum wage will surely definitely support this!

3. Outlaw marijuana/MMJ! Alcohol or prescription drugs, which benefit large multi-national corporations & the FDA are the only way to go.

4. Homosexual rights? Nah! Let's just tell them to stay in the closet - and if they dare come out - STONE THEM to death! It works in Iran!

5. Health care? Another socialist/communist/nazi plot from that muslim in the Whitehouse! If you can't afford $50,000 for that cancer treatment - then tough!

6. Masturbation? Only way to stop this filthy habit is to make the government install cameras in every person's house and monitor what they do in their bedrooms and bathrooms. This is obviously another great example of the teaparty wanting government out of our lives! Right???

So if we just focus on the ISSUES - the Tea Party is a sure bet to win the November elections - and we'll get to see Sarah Palin as President in 2012!
Titsrock...... I could spend a lot of time demeaning you for your regurgitation of media garbage, namely, calling people with different ideas/ideals than you names that have been thought of by other people than yourself......but instead, I think just this once I will sink to your level.........

ehh......never mind.....the fucking nazis here will ban my ass, and I would rather avoid that.........fucking nazis...........

hmm........something get that Tits? Nope, probably fucking caveman...........


It ain't exactly my fault is it that these two totalitarian factions will be tearing each other a part for the next 6 weeks...

Not sure if this has already been posted in the Christine O'Donnell thread :rofl:

Never has a candidate gone up in :flame: ~flames~ :flame: so soon...

O'Donnell In 1999: 'I Dabbled Into Witchcraft' (VIDEO)

O'Donnell has already canceled her Sunday talk show appearances :wave2::rofl2:

From the High Priestess's mouth...
I dabbled into witchcraft. I hung around people who were doing these things. I'm not making this stuff up. I know what they told me they do. One of my first dates with a witch was on a satanic altar and I didn't know it. I mean, there was a little blood there and stuff like that.

We went to a movie and then had a little picnic on a satanic altar.

I'm guessing this ain't gonna play well in the Heartland or the Boardroom, eh?
I like how the left calls anything Corporate as solely belonging to the Right. Let's see NBC/GE is run by a leftist, then we have Overlord Soros Leftist Supreme.
Memo to all the chest thumpin' Conservatives who have been crowing about a GOP takeover this coming November.


If this is true....than we might as well say goodbye to the GOP as a viable political body for the next 15 years!!!


John Boehner 'Affair' To Be Focus Of New York Times Expose, NY Post Reports

House Minority Leader John Boehner was asked by a liberal blogger Thursday to answer questions about an affair with a lobbyist, an allegation that will reportedly be the focus of an upcoming New York Times expose. Boehner ignored the question outright.

The Post sees a journalistic plot to drop a bombshell on the upcoming midterm elections by smearing a high-profile GOP leader:

Mike Stark, an activist and blogger, intercepted Leader Boehner after his highly publicized "Pledge to America" unveiling to ask him about the accusation:

"Speaker Boehner, have you been cheating with Lisbeth Lyons, the lobbyist for the American Printing Association?" Stark asks. Boehner did not respond.

Stark later contacted Lyons, the Vice President of Government Affairs at Printing Industries of America, to get a comment on the allegations. She didn't provide any.

The New York Post has since caught up with Lyons, who said the rumors were "unfounded."

"As you can imagine, I was stunned by such a question," Lyons told the Post. "I found it to be highly insulting, particularly as a female political professional, as well as unfounded. Beyond that, I have no further comment on the matter."
Story continues below

A Boehner spokesman blamed Democrats' allies in the liberal media for fabricating the charges.

"This is bull[bleep]," the spokesman told the Post. "The American people oppose Washington Democrats' job killing, so their desperate liberal allies are resorting to outright lies. It's low, and it's dirty."

[UPDATE: Boehner spokesman Michael Steel tells HuffPost Hill, "It is deeply disappointing that even a scandal-mongering rag like the NY Post prints ‘bull(bleep)’ when the spokesman clearly said it’s ‘bullshit.’"]

There's a vid too :wave2:


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I was under the impression that Darwin was misquoted; he never said we evolved from monkeys but rather that we shared a common ancestor; humans and apes evolved from... species X lets say.