Cure for Seasonal Allergies?

see... the thing is this.

i stand outside for 30 minutes and i start sneezing.
after an hour, i feel like crap and i feel those affects for up to 24 hours.

i take reactin right now...does nothing.
i have tried claratin and alegra in the past... dont remember them doing much more to help.

anyone got any special family recipies or maybe another perscription that does the job?
i am an active beach volleyball player and well as just running.
so i am outside quite a bit.
any help would be appreciated
personally I use benadryl extra strength, it's powerful stuff and can make you really drowsy, especially if you take it and are inactive while it's working. In that case I usually take just half a pill by snapping one in half, does the trick takes a little longer but less drowzy with it.

Other than that you could see an allergist, who will poke and prod you until it's specifically known what exactly you're allergic too then treat that specifically.

I've suffered for years with cronic sneezing water eyes etc also from outdoor allergins...i feel your pain
juballs said:
see... the thing is this.

i stand outside for 30 minutes and i start sneezing.
after an hour, i feel like crap and i feel those affects for up to 24 hours.

i take reactin right now...does nothing.
i have tried claratin and alegra in the past... dont remember them doing much more to help.

anyone got any special family recipies or maybe another perscription that does the job?
i am an active beach volleyball player and well as just running.
so i am outside quite a bit.
any help would be appreciated

imunotherapy, go to an allergist do a scratch test and find out what your allergic to the doctor will give you injections in your arm (both) to become imune to the pollen . living in las vegas ive been getting shots for 6 years to fight off my allergies , or eat honey that comes from your town . You can find the honey at any naturalfood stores (please dont spell check:1orglaugh ) hope that helps.:2 cents:

if i have a bad reaction to the weather i take allegra d 12 hr it werks.
ThenewAmerica said:
or eat honey that comes from your town . You can find the honey at any naturalfood stores

I have never heard of that. I don't know if it would work. I might try it out. I have some mild allergies that make it hard to breathe much of the time. I have never had the means to do very much about it so I just deal with it and it has gotten so normal that I hardly even notice it anymore, but that is worth a shot just to see if it could work. :dunno: It would be nice to breathe fully whenever I want.
I just read about this also....So I went last week and got some local clover honey made a few towns over and this awsome silk infused tea far so good......
Benadryl is OTC and might work on the bad days. The honey is an interesting idea assuming you are allergic to pollen, it might help build a resistance to it.

D-rock said:
I have some mild allergies that make it hard to breathe much of the time.

Sounds like asthma
Well...for me moving from California to Pennsylvania cured my allergies, they are not nearly as bad here. Any how, A.R.M. worked for me" Allergy Relief Medicine".
Sounds like Hay Fever. Read below.

Symptoms of Hay Fever.
Cause and nature:
Hay Fever is the form of nasal allergy in which the mucous membranes of the nasal passages react to some inhalant-dust, orris, root powder, or pollen from trees, or weeds.
Running nose or sneezing which go with Hay Fever are often misdiagnosed as a cold.
Signs and symptoms:
Nasal blocking, running nose, sneezing, and sometimes conjunctivitis, or watery eyes.All of these symptoms occur when the person is exposed to the substance to which he is sensitive. Sometimes the attacks occur only in certain seasons of the year, as when a person is sensitive to pollen from trees.

It doesn't name any wonder drug but says that a antihistaminic drugs give great relief in controling the eyes and nose.

You can try to use a OTC in the morning and then take a different brand about noon to help get more in your system.
Try a saline nasal spray to help clean out your nostrils of all the bad stuff when you start to sneeze. Two shots to the back of the nostril before you begin to sniff.

I hope this helps if even a little bit.
Air Conditioning - thats what I use!

Seriously, nothing really helps all that much that I've found either. I'd say unless you're willing to go through the torture of allergy shots, you're pretty much screwed. But I hear they work like a miracle. :2 cents:

analfanette said:
well I wonder if moving from pennsylvania to california will cure mine?



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Green Tea (no sugar). Drink plenty of it.

To clear your sinus's, bring Green Tea to a simmer on the stove, cover your head and the tea with a towel and inhale the vapors. It seems to do the trick for me when I go to the countryside and can't breath.
I'm not sure what to do for it, I have mild congestions so I take a nasal spray, but am too lazy to use Claritan. I can't stress how much having a clear head helps. When I'm congested, I can stay in bed and sleep for days, it's just like my blood pressure dropped and when I get up I feel dizzy. After realizing that I haven't taken the spray for a while, I do so and in a few days I just feel clear of mind. So whatever you do, get that fixed. If you can't find out here, definitely ask an expert.
Itching watery eyes try Visine tears imo it works better than Visine with allergy relief.

Nasonex spray(prescription) for sinus congestion.

Allergy pills I take otc anthistamine.

Like mentioned above BOOZE as a last resort when misery sets in.
I have the EXACT same problem but heres the thing I do. My doctor did the same thing, ran through the alegra, reactine, claretine etc and with no sucess. Instead he suggested that my body needs to build up its defenses and its important to develop a good balance.

For me that included a nasal spray, eye drops and one of the aboved mentioned pills. It takes almost a full week for the results to be seen for myself, so its a weak of suffering and then finally I can function close to normally even though I still retain a runny nose from time to time.
I used to get it so bad, I couldn't open my eyes, just tearing constantly, nose running constantly, sneezing close to twenty times in a row. Eventually you start to build a tolerance to it, although one year I think I got a shot that helped. Barely react to it at all now.
D-rock said:
I have never heard of that. I don't know if it would work. I might try it out. I have some mild allergies that make it hard to breathe much of the time. I have never had the means to do very much about it so I just deal with it and it has gotten so normal that I hardly even notice it anymore, but that is worth a shot just to see if it could work. :dunno: It would be nice to breathe fully whenever I want.

Sounds like Chronic Rhinitis, D-Rock.

Usually for my allergies I just take an over the counter pill, when I can remember. I'm so used to it now I just use a nasal spray occasionally.

How long have you suffered from allergies, juballs?