Cure for Seasonal Allergies?

probably the last 4-5 years... it wasnt until i think 19 or 20 that they started to act up.
Adrenaline is best ...

Natural adrenaline is the best for controlling allergies. When I was young, my brother had allergies and I did not. But once I exited my teenage years and stopped running 5 miles/day, I got hit by them hard -- especially living in Florida (seasons never end). They are now becoming chronic in my 30s, affecting my hearing and other things. An ENT hasn't been any help and my allergy specialist says it's only going to get worse.

Now I've lost over 50lbs. since the beginning of the year and have started jogging again. This has helped tremendously. I combine that with over-the-counter Lortadine (generic name for Clartin), which costs under $0.20/tablet here in the US if you catch a good sale. That keeps me from losing it when I run into dust and pollen, but it doesn't clear up my ears or sinuses.

The only other thing that will work are steroids. But they not only give me a severe psychological reaction (long story), but steady use would decrease my lifespan.
i started using benadryl and it seems to help a lot!
no sneezing or runny noses... my nose is plugged but not as much, and it is mostly just dry.

@prof... i am very active. i run, play sports pretty much everyday, so staying active has not helped me...
Benadryl helped me with a number of different allergic reactions. Insect bites had me in the hospital, and I think a single Benadryl, (and building a tolerance) helped avoid a return after that. Itchy eyes, etc. It seems to work well.
I got some locally made honey a few days ago so I am going to be interested in how much it is going to help me. I will wait a bit and see how it turns out. Luckily it doesn’t taste as bad as I remember it, although that could be because it's better honey.