Crystal Klein

Crystal Klein

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Thanks Eddie!! :glugglug:
And hey, I think you have a point there, she does have some similiar features.
And since she has a website, maybe I can set up a trade g/g shoot with her!
that'd be hot!


O it's a joke relax.

Crystal, any pictures showing a talent like dildo pictures or on all 4's like a doggy and spinning some plates on a broom stick looking over the shoulder to the camera?
One question to you Crystal (or to any of her fans too)

Do you have any set where you wear lowrisepants/hotpants etc...? ;) (not even necessarily a nude set...) :yummie:
This thread should come with a 'May be hazardous to your health' (and I mean that in a good way, of course) warning label.

The sets with Crystal by herself were unbelievable ...but then we've got sets with her AND Kyla Cole well as one with Aimee Sweet. Dear Lord help me now! :D

Anyways ...I know it's very late, but I had no idea it was your birthday for what it's now worth ...

Happy Belated Birthday, Crystal! I hope you had a great time and got everything you wanted. :)
