Crystal Klein

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Crystal Klein

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
eddie62 said:
Yes, that IS Crystal Klein... wearing a wig, obviously.


Haha! :) I like the idea that some don't recognise me with a wig!!!! :thumbsup:
I guess I must look pretty different...

As to the Eva thing, I complained about it before, that jackass FTV guy didn't let me use my name, only the "big names" are allowed to keep their names. So, Jamie Lynn is more famous than me all of a sudden??Or Amy Ried??
Oh well....
Crystal Klein said:
Haha! :) I like the idea that some don't recognise me with a wig!!!! :thumbsup:
I guess I must look pretty different...

As to the Eva thing, I complained about it before, that jackass FTV guy didn't let me use my name, only the "big names" are allowed to keep their names. So, Jamie Lynn is more famous than me all of a sudden??Or Amy Ried??
Oh well....
hmhm...amy ried goes now under "devin valencia" and i haven't seen her under "amy ried" anywhere else than there.

and ehem, yes you look different...even better, i might add. if that's posible, anyway. :)


Retired Mod
Crystal Klein said:
As to the Eva thing, I complained about it before, that jackass FTV guy didn't let me use my name, only the "big names" are allowed to keep their names. So, Jamie Lynn is more famous than me all of a sudden??Or Amy Ried??
Oh well....
Ooooh! The claws come out. That's what I like, a beautiful model keeping it real. :thumbsup:

Crystal Klein

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Thanks so much sweetheart! :lovecoupl

And yeah, I sometimes get my claws out, but not because of the other girls but some jackass photographers ;)