Crissy Moran / Chrissy M / Chrissy Moran / Chrissy Morgan / Cris / Crissy M

Happy Thanksgiving, Crissy and all :)

The proclamation establishing Thanksgiving Day as a national holiday, to be observed on the last Thursday of each November, was issued on Oct. 3rd, 1863 by Abraham Lincoln.
I like your latest pics very much, Crissy. You do look drop-dead gorgeous. And I hope you will show us more shots with your puppy, Blade. He's a star!

I hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving Day as much as I did. Although, I'm still feeling stuffed. Revenge of the turkey, I guess.
havent kept up with this thread but heres some good shots of her new boobs
just awesome!!!
Chrissy, congrats with the new boobs, you realy realy realy have got the perfect pair now!!
My gf uses them as an example picture, because she wants to get them done too.