Re: Crissy Moran / Crissy M
All right, All right, enough cheap shots there Crissy.
I did not write you are UGLY. And God forbid someone would actually write "Crissy is Ugly" that person would be thorn apart by "these guys who spend a little too much time in front of the computer" Listen all you suckups, I am not the one with over 400 posts or 15,000 posts and a bunch of useless little green boxes. So, you should watch before any of you make comments about yourselves.
There is no way that any of these mouse clickers can see into your soul and heart because they don't know you. Basically if you didn't know Crissy this is a site where people jerk off to porn. Naked girls, that's right, not Match Making Central.
I would also hate to be married or dating a women who feels to take cheap shots just because you make an "OBVIOUS" comment about her. I did not say you are "ugly". I guess people have been throwing the word beauty around so much that my comment made your head come back to reality for a change and you got your panties twisted. Oh dear, just cause I said you were prettier I am single and stay single, haha get over yourself. For all those other "men" you are talking about Crissy they do care about "two" things and it is not your soul and heart.
Now I worded that "exactly the best way"
All of you antagonized this post and you know who you are. Even the ones who make the rules and do not follow them. Follow this \ /
Sorry... I guess I didn't word that exactly the best way.. but you know what I mean
It just gets me that people will make comments about me looking as if I have aged... maybe that is because I have! We all do!! So what!
I am 30 years old and proud of it!
I would hate to be married or dating a man who has this type of thinking. I wouldn't be surprised if a man like this would be and stay single. Thank goodness there are men who value more than just looks and see into the soul and heart.
All right, All right, enough cheap shots there Crissy.
I did not write you are UGLY. And God forbid someone would actually write "Crissy is Ugly" that person would be thorn apart by "these guys who spend a little too much time in front of the computer" Listen all you suckups, I am not the one with over 400 posts or 15,000 posts and a bunch of useless little green boxes. So, you should watch before any of you make comments about yourselves.
There is no way that any of these mouse clickers can see into your soul and heart because they don't know you. Basically if you didn't know Crissy this is a site where people jerk off to porn. Naked girls, that's right, not Match Making Central.
I would also hate to be married or dating a women who feels to take cheap shots just because you make an "OBVIOUS" comment about her. I did not say you are "ugly". I guess people have been throwing the word beauty around so much that my comment made your head come back to reality for a change and you got your panties twisted. Oh dear, just cause I said you were prettier I am single and stay single, haha get over yourself. For all those other "men" you are talking about Crissy they do care about "two" things and it is not your soul and heart.
Now I worded that "exactly the best way"
All of you antagonized this post and you know who you are. Even the ones who make the rules and do not follow them. Follow this \ /