NAMOR said:
Why not? She could just as easily NOT even post on this board and NOT provide us with new FREE pics. How many people with Crissy's stature would even take the time to come to a Bulletin Board like this and interact with their fans as much as she has?
Doesn't it strike you as strange that virtually the only women that regularily post on here out of the the hundreds of members on here all have websites to support? You think that is coincidence?
She (and others) are posting free pics to entice you and others to sign up to her website. Simple business - and I do not blame them for doing it. Prove to me she/they are not and I will withdrawl the comment.
I will say (and have said before) I think Crissy Moran is at least a relatively smart business woman and seems to be amongst the higher integrity models on this site.
I type this often. And I mean it here again...I mean no offense to you. But comments like yours prove all the more to me how naive many people on here actually are.
That is why I make the comments I do. Not to hurt her or other models business. But to try and stop
some of her/their fans from getting too carried away.
Finally, might I suggest - if you can easily afford it - that you subscribe to her website, if you haven't already (especially if you or others have downloaded many of her pics without ever having been members). I did once and I probably will again once she gets enough new implant pics online. It's a very good site and seems to be VERY hands on from her part.
And as you can probably guess - I get zero renumeration from her or anyone for that endorsement. A statement that every member of Freeones cannot make I suspect.
Have a nice night.