hit her again....
I watched the video again, in slow motion and I NOT see where she "assaults" the officer. She pushes him half a foot. HALF A FOOT. He takes ONE step back because of her "assault" and his next move? Punching her in the face. He didn't attempt to step forward, grab her, restrain her and cuff her. He went straight for the face. I didn't realize that a slight push was enough to be considered "assault"...if he went down to the ground, or even if she was throwing punches or actually hurting him, I'd say yes, but dude literally took one step backwards. I've seen officers been thrown to the ground before by someone they're trying to arrest, someone bigger and much stronger than this girl is and you know what? They get right back up, chase the mofo down and arrest him. Its a struggle sometimes yes, but it gets the job done, and gets it done without adding unecessary violence.
This is a young woman. Yes she's harried. Yes she's freaking out. But if the best method is to use actual physical assault on her, for simply a small push...then thats pretty sad. You can see that the cop is acting out of anger, and not from his experience. All he would have needed to do was take his other hand, the one that he used to deck her in the face, and grab her other wrist to force her down on the vehicle. But he pussied out in anger and hit this woman. Totally lame.
What is lame is that you would defend someone that assaults a police officer. I have no respect for anyone that thinks it is ok to assault a man or woman of the law. No one has the right to put their hands on anyone let alone a police officer. She pushed him more than once and then walked back towards him. He had enough trouble with one crazy girl, he didn't need her friend acting like an idiot. She fully deserved to be punched in the face. As for her age, I highly doubt that officer knew she was 17 years old. I also disagree with you that he was acting out of anger. With that crowd around him, it was more like fear.
Young women should act like young women. If you step up to a man and hit him, you should expect to get hit back. Having boobs and a vagina does not give you the right to assault a man. These idiots should have taken the damn ticket and went on with life. I have never been hit by a police officer because I know how to behave. More people need to try it.
It also turns out that both of these girls are no stranger to the police and trouble.
What is lame is that you would defend someone that assaults a police officer. I have no respect for anyone that thinks it is ok to assault a man or woman of the law. No one has the right to put their hands on anyone let alone a police officer. She pushed him more than once and then walked back towards him. He had enough trouble with one crazy girl, he didn't need her friend acting like an idiot. She fully deserved to be punched in the face. As for her age, I highly doubt that officer knew she was 17 years old. I also disagree with you that he was acting out of anger. With that crowd around him, it was more like fear.
Young women should act like young women. If you step up to a man and hit him, you should expect to get hit back. Having boobs and a vagina does not give you the right to assault a man. These idiots should have taken the damn ticket and went on with life. I have never been hit by a police officer because I know how to behave. More people need to try it.
It also turns out that both of these girls are no stranger to the police and trouble.
Whoa now, I'm not defending this girl. I've stated that I think she deserved to be tased and arrested....she definitely is overstepping her boundaries. I just think, as the officer in the situation and the one with all the training, he was overstepping his in return. He could have restrained her, or tased her but he didn't.
And you think is ok for a man to hit a woman if she's throwing punches? I mean no woman has the right to assault a man, but with most men being at least twice the size and weight of a woman, he shouldn't be hitting back. Its just not the same thing, its not "eye for an eye" because most men hit harder than women. Most guys would probably laugh at a womans attempt to hit a man lol. Restrain the bitch or walk away. Just my :2 cents:
Exactly. You have to realize there are those who think it's cops' jobs to teach people lessons by using force. Necessary or not, legal or not. You will never get through to those people that it isn't about what some criminal deserves or not when it comes to the police. That's the court's job. But it's about the behavior, responsibility and conduct we expect of people in our society we've bestowed the right to carry firearms, the right to use them, the right to confiscate your property, detain and arrest you.
It doesn't help a cop (ever) when he/she reduces his/her actions and responses to the level of the criminal.
The funniest part, some of these same people who see reason in a cop throwing a punch and a matter of the person deserving it, would have no problem in the next whim justifying people in a heavily armed compound in Waco firing on law enforcement trying to effect a search warrant and blame law enforcement for what happened to the people doing that.
You would think some of these people imprinted on Do-do birds when they were infants or something.
How can you debate with people who's principles and morals are seasonal?
very different from this situation.
wheres the video of atf serving the warrant and the first shots being fired?
they called 2 news channels who taped everything before, during and after.
everythings on video, even the 15 year old unarmed kid getting mowed down by the helicopter machine gun bullets the size of coke cans while he watched from 1000 feet away..
except all the video of the initial contact has been lost since the day it happened.
wheres the door? lost.
no man, its obvious that the atf opened fire first, they shot and killed the old man who answered the door, then they shot koresh in the wrist and stomach while he was dragging the old man away before the civilians opened fire, which was their legal right to do so at that point.
but no, here we have these crazy religious fanatics holed up with innocent children inside.
but instead of doing whatever necessary to protect these kids we instead shoot at them, throw grenades inside where they are then gas and burn them, which is all on video also.
you had to bring up waco didnt you mega?
Sighhhh...you live in a dream land. These so called "tapes" are myths. Case in point...if the BATF just started blazing bullets as soon as the door opened...why didn't they continue the breach???? They obviously had the drop at that point by your allegations...why did they stop at the front door??
But beyond that, what you're saying is it is acceptable to respond in kind if you believe the cops are attacking you??? So for you to be consistent now....it must now be acceptable for this girl to have attacked the cop if her perception was that she and her companion were unlawfully under attack by the cop.
I doubt you understood the implications of what you were claiming about Waco...inconsistent people with seasonal principles and morals rarely do.
Like shooting fish in a barrel.:wave2:
Whoa now, I'm not defending this girl. I've stated that I think she deserved to be tased and arrested....she definitely is overstepping her boundaries. I just think, as the officer in the situation and the one with all the training, he was overstepping his in return. He could have restrained her, or tased her but he didn't.
And you think is ok for a man to hit a woman if she's throwing punches? I mean no woman has the right to assault a man, but with most men being at least twice the size and weight of a woman, he shouldn't be hitting back. Its just not the same thing, its not "eye for an eye" because most men hit harder than women. Most guys would probably laugh at a womans attempt to hit a man lol. Restrain the bitch or walk away. Just my :2 cents:
When you make statements that put your own positions at odds with each other...that's not twisting things just because you don't understand the full implications of the positions you hold.:2 cents:wrong.
youre the one in denial land.
la la land.
you twist things with your twisted pov.
You're right. There is no comparison...firing automatic weapons on law enforcement vs. two girls resisting and pushing a cop trying to cite them for jaywalking. Duh. However, where they should be similar based on your apparent belief is one having the right (according to what you've said here repeatedly) to defend themselves against police who are unfairly attacking them. You're the one saying that it is a defensible (or at least reasonable in your mind) response for a suspect who feels unjustly attacked by law enforcement to defend themselves as you claim was the case in Waco.these 2 girls going crazy and waco are not apt comparisons.
Responded with a submission hold, pepper spray or taser...if they produced a deadly weapon a wielded it against him, shoot them. :dunno: Pretty simple. Channeling Mike Tyson is not a part of the equation nor is tying to teach them a lesson. Nor does it make him any more safe...but less safe.2 girls, acting crazy, violent whatever one wants to call it.
its all on the tape.
what should the cop have done? keep asking them to "please calm down ma'am"?
I don't know whether to laugh or cry at how ignorant and absolutely idiotic what you just wrote is. Let me explain something to you. When law enforcement attempts to execute warrants, they want 2 things; The element of surprise and the people and/or the contraband they are looking to arrest or confiscate at the place where they are executing the warrant. For those reasons, (no matter what some wingnut is brainwashing you with) law enforcement DOES NOT alert the fucking news when they are trying to execute warrants. Honestly, you don't any better than that???waco tapes?
everything was recorded.
thats not a myth.
the ATF notified at least 2 news channels before the serving who recorded everything.
I understand fully the implications i am making about waco.
in short, the atf fucked up a publicity stunt and opened fire on a house full of people.
Really? Well, I know between the two of us ....one of us has resorted to silly name calling, whining about threads, repeatedly stalking posters by calling them by name in post after post, etc. just because they didn't like the point the poster was making. Then after all that, the childish gall to whine to the mods when they get checked on it. Hint: It wasn't me. BTW, it's 'more intelligent "than" (not "then") they are...' (I ate this, "then" that.....I'd rather have this "than" that...).:2 cents:You can't handle it when people do not agree with you and you try to imply that you are more intelligent then they are.
Intelligent people can have a discussion without being condescending. You should give it a try sometime. :2 cents:
In the real world then...here's a very simple question. Why in all of the 50 or so days, with all of the cameras there recording live feeds so we can see for ourselves didn't Koresh and his crew give a signal they were surrendering and simply come out? Just answer that for me with a response that sounds remotely sensible to average, common sense person and I will shut up. I presume just as with these girls, ANYONE having force wielded upon them by law enforcement can simply stop resisting and the force should stop right?youre just plain ignorant.
ignorant and arrogant.
ignorant to facts, especially regarding waco.
all you gotta do is watch the hearings.
ignorant to the real world also.
I suppose it depends on which cops you're talking about. According to you, if it's BATF and FBI they're bad and mass murder innocent people for publicity stunts....any other cop responding to being attacked with force is just having to do what they have to do, right?"oh the cops such a bad man"
In all reality if a woman is stupid enough to punch a man, she should get punched back. We as women wanted to be equal as men and not treated differently. That includes fighting. Women can't use the fact that men are bigger or stronger. They know that before they hit a man. Plus the girl in that video looked bigger weight wise then that police officer. I don't think most men would laugh if a woman punched them. A lot of ladies are not small and weak.
What the hell are you talking about bankers for? Way to completely lose focus on the point and go off on a rant that has nothing to do with what I stated.
Yes I would, I would also probably tell them they brought it to themselves for acting an idiot to a cop.
If it was my daughter I would whoop her ass for disrespecting a cop like this.
:2 cents:
Racism? Really? The guy acted rashly, it's that simple. Ascribing this incident to racism ignores almost everything that happened in that video.
I don't think anyone would really act all that differently had it been a relative. No, I don't necessarily condone hitting her, but if they'd just complied with the officer, the whole fucking thing would've been avoided.