jak3f Reply:
June 16th, 2010 at 5:56 pm
Lets take a second to review both of these womans records:
Rosenthal was charged in November with second-degree robbery. According to prosecutors, she punched a 15-year-old boy in the face while she and a group of youths were on their way to a rave in South Seattle last Aug. 28. The boy told police that his cellphone and $20 were stolen in the incident. A 14-year-old boy told police that he was punched in the head and his hat was stolen.
Authorities say the case was dismissed when the boys refused to testify.
In April 2008, Rosenthal was charged with third-degree theft after she allegedly stole a minivan in Tukwila, prosecutors said. Kent police said she used a screwdriver to break the ignition and start the vehicle.
The charge was later amended to theft of a motor vehicle. Rosenthal was given a deferred disposition — charges would be dropped if she stayed out of trouble — because it was a first-time offense, said Ian Goodhew, deputy chief of staff for Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg.
Levias was charged in February 2009 with third-degree assault after she allegedly pushed a King County sheriff’s deputy down.
According to charging documents, on Feb. 3, 2009, deputies were called to the Ruth Dykeman Children’s Center, a Burien center for troubled girls, in response to a report that Levias was being abusive toward staff. When Levias was confronted by Deputy Amy Zarelli, she pushed the female deputy, causing her to fall, charging papers said.
Levias was given a deferred disposition because it was a first-time offense, Goodhew said.
If you ask me the cop punched the woman in the face and karma came back around in a painful way.
How about this? Obey the laws and dont try to fight a cop and you wont get hit in the face? Too many of yall are brainwashed by alex jones to think that the cops are EVIL and HATE you and are trying to destroy the country, but in reality you all are destroying the country by failing to obey the laws and respect the USA.
I am glad she got hit in the face, and he should have thrown the other woman to the ground.
I tell you what, I wouldnt push a cop and get an attitude cus i got caught jay walking. I would be a citizen and take the $10 ticket.
If I were that cop I wouldnt have shown her even that much mercy.
All you Alex Jones TRUTHERS need to realize how Alex brainwashed you all worse than fox news! WAKE UP you retards and follow the rules, be proud you live in AMERICA the greatest country in the world. Obey the laws and respect the ones who carry it out or leave!