Cop punches girl in face

First off, the fact that she is a minor is irrelevant. The cop didn't know their age...partly because they wouldn't comply with him when he tried to write them citations.

The boyfriend comparison is bullshit. These girls were complete strangers and the cop has a Glock hanging off of his hip. That punch was thrown to keep the girl aware from him and, guess what, it worked.

Restrain her or call for backup? He was already having difficulty restraining the first girl and despite what the movies show ya, backup doesn't arrive at the snap of a finger. The fact that he'd even have to think about calling backup in regard to four teenage jaywalkers says a lot more about them than it does about him. The simple fact is that if this girl wouldn't have put her hands on the cop and acted like a complete fool, she wouldn't have gotten punched.

They should get peppered, tased or handcuffed. You know, something thats actually EXPECTED when you're lashing out at an officer.

What's the difference between getting punched in the face and tazed? If he tazed her, we'd be arguing about whether or not he was in the right to taze a 17 year old girl. Cops can't win no matter what they do. If she wants to try and wrestle a cop, or whatever she was trying to do, she should expect to get beat down. WTF was she thinking?

I can't believe people are saying "poor girl".

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Arguments can be made on both sides about the way the officer handled the incident, bottom line is those girls were out of control, belligerent, and assaulting an officer, the crowd around the incident could have easily taken the girls side cuz they see an officer punching a girl, he justifiably felt like he might get jumped by the spectators in the vicinity.

Therefore the officer, did what he could to subdue the attacking girl, I think she is lucky she just got punched in the face, she would have been in allot more pain and for a longer period of time had he sprayed her with pepper spray or tasered her, instead for acting ignorant she got hit in the face, cuz you don't lunge @ an officer like that, you don't try and touch an officer, you don't even argue with an officer, its just not worth it, had the girls remained calm, NOBODY would get hurt, she probably just walks away with a warning & the whole situation is over with.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
The most coherent remark on the link:

jak3f Reply:
June 16th, 2010 at 5:56 pm

Lets take a second to review both of these womans records:

Rosenthal was charged in November with second-degree robbery. According to prosecutors, she punched a 15-year-old boy in the face while she and a group of youths were on their way to a rave in South Seattle last Aug. 28. The boy told police that his cellphone and $20 were stolen in the incident. A 14-year-old boy told police that he was punched in the head and his hat was stolen.

Authorities say the case was dismissed when the boys refused to testify.

In April 2008, Rosenthal was charged with third-degree theft after she allegedly stole a minivan in Tukwila, prosecutors said. Kent police said she used a screwdriver to break the ignition and start the vehicle.

The charge was later amended to theft of a motor vehicle. Rosenthal was given a deferred disposition — charges would be dropped if she stayed out of trouble — because it was a first-time offense, said Ian Goodhew, deputy chief of staff for Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg.

Levias was charged in February 2009 with third-degree assault after she allegedly pushed a King County sheriff’s deputy down.

According to charging documents, on Feb. 3, 2009, deputies were called to the Ruth Dykeman Children’s Center, a Burien center for troubled girls, in response to a report that Levias was being abusive toward staff. When Levias was confronted by Deputy Amy Zarelli, she pushed the female deputy, causing her to fall, charging papers said.

Levias was given a deferred disposition because it was a first-time offense, Goodhew said.

If you ask me the cop punched the woman in the face and karma came back around in a painful way.

How about this? Obey the laws and dont try to fight a cop and you wont get hit in the face? Too many of yall are brainwashed by alex jones to think that the cops are EVIL and HATE you and are trying to destroy the country, but in reality you all are destroying the country by failing to obey the laws and respect the USA.

I am glad she got hit in the face, and he should have thrown the other woman to the ground.

I tell you what, I wouldnt push a cop and get an attitude cus i got caught jay walking. I would be a citizen and take the $10 ticket.

If I were that cop I wouldnt have shown her even that much mercy.

All you Alex Jones TRUTHERS need to realize how Alex brainwashed you all worse than fox news! WAKE UP you retards and follow the rules, be proud you live in AMERICA the greatest country in the world. Obey the laws and respect the ones who carry it out or leave!

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
He should have knocked that bitch the fuck out. Thats what you get for not cooperating with the law.

I agree. I would have punched both of the girls in the face. I could never be a cop, they take to much abuse. I would be ass kicking and tasing everyone that touched me.

I also think a lot of you think being a cop is easy. 17 year olds can be just as hard to arrest as a 30 year old man.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
If its illegal for a man to hit a woman when there's a confrontation, then it should be illegal for cops to hit women too. Especially teenage girls. He's the one with experience, and I'm sure he's taken down people far more agitated, drunk, running away etc than this girl. Even if he had to push her down on the car and cuff just don't punch a girl in the face. Thats what pussies do. What he should have done was do his job ie. call for backup and try to calm the bitch down. He was just citing them for jaywalking in the first place, so all he would have done was write her a ticket and not needed to arrest her at all. Bottom line is he should have had control of the situation, and done his job. There are countless other ways to restrain a panicking person...punching a 17 yr old girl in the face isn't one of them.

It is illegal to hit anyone unless it is self defense. Women can't hit men either. I am sorry but if a woman puts her hands on a man, then he has the right to defend himself. No one in their right mind should touch a cop. That is asking for trouble. Girls need to stop fighting men and then crying when they get their ass beat.
What if the girl that was punched was your sister or your daughter would you still be ready to congratulate this police man?

Yes I would, I would also probably tell them they brought it to themselves for acting an idiot to a cop.

If it was my daughter I would whoop her ass for disrespecting a cop like this.

:2 cents:
What's the difference between getting punched in the face and tazed? If he tazed her, we'd be arguing about whether or not he was in the right to taze a 17 year old girl. Cops can't win no matter what they do. If she wants to try and wrestle a cop, or whatever she was trying to do, she should expect to get beat down. WTF was she thinking?

I can't believe people are saying "poor girl".

Well there is a difference in him tasering her from punching her. One is an attempt to restrain and the other is a fit of retribution. First of all, he doesn't see a 17 y.o. and probably has no clue how old she is...he's responding to a person assaulting a police officer. But his responsibility isn't to deal out his version of punishment (which is what his actions amounted to) but to neutralize and restrain her at that point.

She deserved the use of force, they both did but his response wasn't that of a police but of someone who lost his temper and control of the situation.

Because of that, it could have been far worse for him if he were actually dealing with two dangerous people and not a couple of belligerent airheads.
Well there is a difference in him tasering her from punching her. One is an attempt to restrain and the other is a fit of retribution. First of all, he doesn't see a 17 y.o. and probably has no clue how old she is...he's responding to a person assaulting a police officer. But his responsibility isn't to deal out his version of punishment (which is what his actions amounted to) but to neutralize and restrain her at that point.

She deserved the use of force, they both did but his response wasn't that of a police but of someone who lost his temper and control of the situation.

Because of that, it could have been far worse for him if he were actually dealing with two dangerous people and not a couple of belligerent airheads.

You think he had time to calculate "retribution"?? She barreled into him, grabbed his arms and pushed him. After he cleared her arms from his person, she stood in place. The cop had absolutely no reason to not expect further confrontation. Immediately after the punch landed, the cop tried to put her in an armbar. Drawing his tazer with arm's length between the two and another girl resisting arrest at his right side, is easier said than done. He's reaction was certainly primal, but it proved to be effective.
You think he had time to calculate "retribution"?? She barreled into him, grabbed his arms and pushed him. After he cleared her arms from his person, she stood in place. The cop had absolutely no reason to not expect further confrontation. Immediately after the punch landed, the cop tried to put her in an armbar. Drawing his tazer with arm's length between the two and another girl resisting arrest at his right side, is easier said than done. He's reaction was certainly primal, but it proved to be effective.

"Retribution" doesn't need to be calculated and most times isn't. In this case it was apparently an angry reflex. He was angry at her and his actions were about punishing her rather than restraining.

There are techniques he's likely been trained in that are designed to subdue and restrain....that wasn't one of them. It was obvious he let his temper get the best of him. But he was pushed, he wasn't under attack. If he had his wits about him which is why he shouldn't loose his temper..he would have simply taken a step back to engage in some force or responded directly with a submission technique.
"Retribution" doesn't need to be calculated and most times isn't. In this case it was apparently an angry reflex. He was angry at her and his actions were about punishing her rather than restraining.

There are techniques he's likely been trained in that are designed to subdue and restrain....that wasn't one of them.

She just assaulted him and continued to stand in front of him without any sign of backing away. He had less than a second to react...I can't imagine the police department prohibits the use of a punch in the case of assumed self-defense. I also can't imagine many people agreeing that an immediate reaction to a direct physical assault can be classified as "retribution." The sequence of events speaks for itself...he immobilized her with a direct blow and immediately followed it with an attempt at an armbar. Not another punch..not a kick.
She just assaulted him and continued to stand in front of him without any sign of backing away. He had less than a second to react...I can't imagine the police department prohibits the use of a punch in the case of assumed self-defense. I also can't imagine many people agreeing that an immediate reaction to a direct physical assault can be classified as "retribution." The sequence of events speaks for itself...he immobilized her with a direct blow and immediately followed it with an attempt at an armbar. Not another punch..not a kick.

He punched her for pushing him then he attempted to subdue her. Now you may get caught with the technical term "retribution" but it's pretty apparent his point of punching her was in response to her pushing him. I don't want to second guess what techniques the guy may or may not know but cops use techniques all day long to subdue an aggressive person and the last thing on their mind is throwing a punch.:2 cents:

Again, you are getting hung up on the technical term but his split second response was to get her back for pushing him then he went in to subduing her. That is retribution.

What does it matter? Well it doesn't really per se in this case. But what I would observe is a cop who lost his temper and for a second forgot about what he's trained to do for his own protection.
What if this girl was white and from a rich neighborhood would this story have been posted?

What if the girl that was punched was your sister or your daughter would you still be ready to congratulate this police man?

Racism? Really? The guy acted rashly, it's that simple. Ascribing this incident to racism ignores almost everything that happened in that video.

I don't think anyone would really act all that differently had it been a relative. No, I don't necessarily condone hitting her, but if they'd just complied with the officer, the whole fucking thing would've been avoided.

I'd rep this cop if I could.

You consider that violence? LOL you should see Marbella police... If you act like that you end at the hospital (even if you are the one with the phone)


Official Checked Star Member
I watched the video again, in slow motion and I NOT see where she "assaults" the officer. She pushes him half a foot. HALF A FOOT. He takes ONE step back because of her "assault" and his next move? Punching her in the face. He didn't attempt to step forward, grab her, restrain her and cuff her. He went straight for the face. I didn't realize that a slight push was enough to be considered "assault"...if he went down to the ground, or even if she was throwing punches or actually hurting him, I'd say yes, but dude literally took one step backwards. I've seen officers been thrown to the ground before by someone they're trying to arrest, someone bigger and much stronger than this girl is and you know what? They get right back up, chase the mofo down and arrest him. Its a struggle sometimes yes, but it gets the job done, and gets it done without adding unecessary violence.

This is a young woman. Yes she's harried. Yes she's freaking out. But if the best method is to use actual physical assault on her, for simply a small push...then thats pretty sad. You can see that the cop is acting out of anger, and not from his experience. All he would have needed to do was take his other hand, the one that he used to deck her in the face, and grab her other wrist to force her down on the vehicle. But he pussied out in anger and hit this woman. Totally lame.
I didn't read a single post in this thread, so I don't know what the prevailing thought is, but I will say this: She did attack him and was being beligerent. Just STFU bitch, and act like a lady.
I watched the video again, in slow motion and I NOT see where she "assaults" the officer. She pushes him half a foot. HALF A FOOT. He takes ONE step back because of her "assault" and his next move? Punching her in the face. He didn't attempt to step forward, grab her, restrain her and cuff her. He went straight for the face. I didn't realize that a slight push was enough to be considered "assault"...if he went down to the ground, or even if she was throwing punches or actually hurting him, I'd say yes, but dude literally took one step backwards. I've seen officers been thrown to the ground before by someone they're trying to arrest, someone bigger and much stronger than this girl is and you know what? They get right back up, chase the mofo down and arrest him. Its a struggle sometimes yes, but it gets the job done, and gets it done without adding unecessary violence.

This is a young woman. Yes she's harried. Yes she's freaking out. But if the best method is to use actual physical assault on her, for simply a small push...then thats pretty sad. You can see that the cop is acting out of anger, and not from his experience. All he would have needed to do was take his other hand, the one that he used to deck her in the face, and grab her other wrist to force her down on the vehicle. But he pussied out in anger and hit this woman. Totally lame.

I'll take a pop in the grill any day over getting tazzered or pepper sprayed. getting popped in the grill might look more barbaric and violent, but getting peppered sprayed or tazzered hurts a lot more.

FYI in my city a group of teenage girls stabbed a mother to death for trying to defend her daughter that they were beating up. Want me to tell you more horror stories about what teenage girls are capable of? or do you want to continue telling me the world is a rosy spring meadow with cute little bunnies running around that you can hold and cuddle and love fer ever!

For all that cop knew either one of those girls could have pulled a knife or a gun on him, because that's what ghetto trash does. For all he knew he could have gotten jumped from one of the bystanders, because that's how ghetto trash is. So if the cop got killed ( which by the way in my city a cop got shot in the head just approaching a house ) for doing his job , would you still be calling him a dick? Go ahead and tell me again his job is easy.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Laying your hands on anyone is considered assault. If it's a police officer it is not only assault, it becomes obstruction of justice AND assault on a police officer. I think he showed remarkable restraint in this situation.