Cop punches girl in face

Hey, my mom always told me if a woman has the cajones to swing on a man then that automatically puts her in the same league as the man. Ladies, I am not the type of man that takes pleasure in beating up a woman but for your own sakes do not swing on a man and expect him not to do anything. Hell, by law in some states the person is well within their rights to knock the hell out of you once that first punch is thrown.


Approved Content Owner
Really? Well, I know between the two of us of us has resorted to silly name calling, whining about threads, repeatedly stalking posters by calling them by name in post after post, etc. just because they didn't like the point the poster was making. Then after all that, the childish gall to whine to the mods when they get checked on it. Hint: It wasn't me. BTW, it's 'more intelligent "than" (not "then") they are...' (I ate this, "then" that.....I'd rather have this "than" that...).:2 cents:


If I remember correctly, you were the guy that Petra has warned more then once in threads to behave. I also notice that you never shut the hell up and always go on and on with trying to make people choke on your beliefs. I think most people on here wish you would just STFU.
If I remember correctly, you were the guy that Petra has warned more then once in threads to behave.


Yeah, I was the one in that thread making every other one of my posts about another poster. Then running to a mod when someone posts something I disagreed with:rolleyes:

Again, I'm not the one of the two people here always trying to bait other posters and OCSMs into a personal pissing contest about everything but the topics....just to try and whine to the mods.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member

Yeah, I was the one in that thread making every other one of my posts about another poster. Then running to a mod when someone posts something I disagreed with:rolleyes:

No you just fight with people all the time thinking you are always right. I also named that guy three or four times, and I didn't complain to the mods. He was banned from here for all of his craziness and not listening to the mods. I don't run to the mods when people disagree with me, that seems more of your style. :thumbsup:

You also cried to Petra that I called you a jackass and gave you a negative rep. You act like a jackass, that is a fact.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
I don't like seeing women get hurt or harmed, especially by a guy. However, since the whole equality of sexes thing, how come a woman can slap, punch, or verbally abuse the guy and the guy has to take it?

Frankly people shouldn't be acting that way to begin with no matter what the gender is and if it is towards the same or opposite sex. It seems equality is only played when something is wanted and a step up can be taken. Beyond that equality rights can either be used or abused.

I clearly stated that a guy should not take it. No one should take anyone hitting them. :2 cents:
I don't condone police violence towards anyone, but I did see the girl swing @ him 1st. that and he was vastly outnumbered! all those bystanders could have jumped the officer, why he didn't have adequate back up is beyond me, but, I think he did what he had to do in that given situation, had he used a weapon then maybe its an issue, both girls were resisting and out of control IMO.

I live in the City, and I have been assaulted by the police, so I am not just some snob siding with the officer, those girls were out of control, they resisted, and shit happens when you don't obey an officers commands, whether your right or wrong, just listen to the officer and the situation gets resolved quicker without anybody getting hurt or anybody having any regrets!
:2 cents:

if you punch a woman in the face where i come go to jail..directly to not pass not collect 200$...if you are a police..and your not manly enough to simply put a womans hands behind her back and cuff may have the wrong police should be that weak in the mind or anywhere else:dunno:
if you punch a woman in the face where i come go to jail..directly to not pass not collect 200$...if you are a police..and your not manly enough to simply put a womans hands behind her back and cuff may have the wrong police should be that weak in the mind or anywhere else:dunno:

:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh Well, there's another theory..the guy is just in the wrong job.
No you just fight with people all the time thinking you are always right. I also named that guy three or four times, and I didn't complain to the mods. He was banned from here for all of his craziness and not listening to the mods. I don't run to the mods when people disagree with me, that seems more of your style. :thumbsup:

You also cried to Petra that I called you a jackass and gave you a negative rep. You act like a jackass, that is a fact.

You're right I just did that. I could have whined to the mods 2 months ago when you did it or when you've posted about me and not the subject, etc. But I generally ignore that silly shit.

It would have gone on ignored had your buddy not come here injecting him/herself in the discussion and talking about what he/she thinks happened.

But as far as this goes...if you want to agree or disagree on issues and topics of posts we can do that all day long. I'm not interested in your personal opinion of me nor how I post. Nor do I care to get into one of your personal tiffs:hatsoff:

I'm done..okay? Okay.
if you punch a woman in the face where i come go to jail..directly to not pass not collect 200$...if you are a police..and your not manly enough to simply put a womans hands behind her back and cuff may have the wrong police should be that weak in the mind or anywhere else:dunno:

That is bs. haven't you seen the "how can you slap?" video?
The Cop was probably thinking: I am a ufc fighter!
and then he comes with a overhand right straight landing on the fat black girl face.

Also this is a porn forum so Im gonna say this. The black girl is cute (the one in black not pink), has she done porn or anything?

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
if you punch a woman in the face where i come go to jail..directly to not pass not collect 200$...if you are a police..and your not manly enough to simply put a womans hands behind her back and cuff may have the wrong police should be that weak in the mind or anywhere else:dunno:

I don't give a fuck about how the cop handled the situation. he had to deal with 2 out of control retards, how do you handcuff 1 while the other is pushing, touching, and trying to hit you? Not to mention having to worry about the crowd attacking him as well. Maybe your right, maybe he shouldn't be a cop, but that's not the point, the point was the 2 dumb bitches acted like ignorant uncivilized retards for NO reason. I don't condone men hitting women or vice versa, but that's not the real issue here, I understand the point your making, but it was a pointless confrontation that should have NEVER happened. :2 cents:
dude, shes in fucking high school :1orglaugh perhaps you should leave, we dont take kindly to cowpokes such as yourself :mad:
so what if she is in hs so what, she looks 18
Why should i leave i dont understand. i have just as much right to be here as everyone else. And what is a cowpoke?

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
You're right I just did that. I could have whined to the mods 2 months ago when you did it or when you've posted about me and not the subject, etc. But I generally ignore that silly shit.

It would have gone on ignored had your buddy not come here injecting him/herself in the discussion and talking about what he/she thinks happened.

But as far as this goes...if you want to agree or disagree on issues and topics of posts we can do that all day long. I'm not interested in your personal opinion of me nor how I post. Nor do I care to get into one of your personal tiffs:hatsoff:

I'm done..okay? Okay.

Then I suggest you not post your personal opinions about other people or how they post. I usually try to avoid you because you always think you are right and it is annoying. How about you don't post to me ever again and I will just ignore you. That seems fair. I also don't control what other people think or post on here to you.
so what if she is in hs so what, she looks 18
Why should i leave i dont understand. i have just as much right to be here as everyone else. And what is a cowpoke?

shes 17 you sick fuck, read the article dont just skim through it like some illiterate fiend. lol asking if she did porn, you can really get this forum in trouble. perhaps you should really leave since you dont know anything, i mean come on man ur the one that wants 9 inches as if your cool. *golf clap for you


^Sanjay, you do have a's a porn site. Also, it sure beats these guys bickering back-and-forth off-topic. :thumbsup:

another fiend? he has a point?? so its ok to ask if a 17 yr old does porn, OMFG :confused:
^Don't get your panties in a bunch, Reverend! No need to get vulgar with me with your "sick fucking fiend" comment.

While I don't agree with his underage comment, which was probably an oversight, I agree with his "it's just a porn site" comment.
This is what I took out of his point. This ain't church or a court of law. You're taking yourself way too seriously with this "holier than thou" diatribe.
shes 17 you sick fuck, read the article dont just skim through it like some illiterate fiend. lol asking if she did porn, you can really get this forum in trouble. perhaps you should really leave since you dont know anything, i mean come on man ur the one that wants 9 inches as if your cool. *golf clap for you

There is no reason to use that kind of language or tone. You are only making yourself look bad. And don't be paranoid. Its silly to think that this whole forum will get in trouble by my asking if she has done porn. When i posed that question i thought she was atleast 18. And about me wanting a 9incher, what is wrong with that. You are highlighting it but it's not like i am trying to hide that. have you forgotten that this is a porn forum?

another fiend? he has a point?? so its ok to ask if a 17 yr old does porn, OMFG :confused:
I think you should stop with this. Why are you looking to fight people?
There is no reason to use that kind of language or tone. You are only making yourself look bad. And don't be paranoid. Its silly to think that this whole forum will get in trouble by my asking if she has done porn. When i posed that question i thought she was atleast 18. And about me wanting a 9incher, what is wrong with that. You are highlighting it but it's not like i am trying to hide that. have you forgotten that this is a porn forum?

I think you should stop with this. Why are you looking to fight people?

Not everything on this board is about porn. There are several forums here and while the majority of the things discussed here is about porn or models as you can see from some of the subjects any subject may be discussed on this particular forum.:2 cents:

Sounds like your assumption is since this story is being discussed here, it must be related to porn. No so.
^Yes, you have a point. But instead of discussing the topic, these posts are off on a tangent talking about who complained to the mods and what-not. He joked about getting back on topic and admitted to an oversight yet, we're being labeled as sick fuckers...and on a porn site!
(...and yes, I am offended by this label.)

If you are going to chime in about forum etiquette, please re-read your previous posts in this thread.
I clearly stated that a guy should not take it. No one should take anyone hitting them. :2 cents:

I understood what you posted. I wasn't speaking against what you had. :hatsoff:

I was putting in my two cents based off of what I read in your post. Which is why I quoted it to show this is my response to it in a neutral stance. As to not look like I am randomly posting something in the midst of other posters.