Controversial Topic


You are all a bunch of fascist, racist, communist, capitalist asswipes, not to mention religious fanatics (is there any kind?).

Seriously, don't post such obviously biased shit unless you get paid by fox to do so. Switch on the junkyard you call your brain before coming here or uninstall the fucking intarwebz.

How could you possibly disagree with me, the master of all creation? All creation except you, you retarded stoolsampler, for i could not have created such a waste of meat and bones as yourself even if i tried, you useless piece of that white stuff that forms at the corners of my mouth when i'm really thirsty.
It's just like you to focus on the one, minor flaw and blow it COMPLETELY OUT OF PROPORTION. Most of us are able to look beyond it and see the big picture. But you, apparently, have a warped view of the world and you're incapable of seeing how this totally benefits society and not just your friends, the privileged elites.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
That's it, bring in the Gene Roddenbury examples. They are fiction. Want to talk about not having a grip on reality? Tell mom and dad you are ready to move out of the basement and we will talk more.


FUCK YOU, man, fuck you! that is really typical of you, to only read the title of the thread and then make wild assumptions as to its contents.

well whatever... i'm gonna stop arguing with you retards. you just cannot admit you're wrong, even when the bleedin' obvious is staring right in your deformed faces. it's because of people like you that we even are in this situation to begin with. your "worldview" is limited to whatever you see when you stick your head up your own ass.

i hope you get hit by a truck, or your local priest/charlatan introduces the body of christ into your body, anally.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
please log off of your dad's account and let the adults discuss big boy things
There hasn't been a good back-and-forth controversial thread in a few days, so I decided to start one.

As any reasonable person would do after reading up on the topic and weighing all the variables, I find your argument not only wrong, but quite narrow-minded and immature. Rebuttal?

The qualities of porn should be taught in high schools and publically financed!


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I expected nothing less from you. I sometimes wonder how you can walk down the street with those blinders on. it is a wonder you can find the front door of your abode. If the world were "black-and-white" (as you so easlily claim), this would be a moot issue. Maybe you have tinted blinders one, but my world is not "black-and-white" and the multiple variables in this instances make blanket statements such as yours worthless. Are you just regurtigating what a radio talkshow said?

Precisely the response I would have predicted from someone as out of touch with reality as you obviously are. What exactly is it that you do not understand about my stance on this? Is everyone from North Carolina as thick-headed as you are? If you do any research at all on the matter (hint: try using "Google"), there's is no way you can refute my argument. Open your mind and let some light and fresh air's getting mighty stuffy in there it would seem.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Listen fella. You've totally missed the entire point of the discussion. And I have no idea why you decided to bring that tangent issue into the discussion. IT HAS NO RELEVANCY!!! And one more thing, we all saw it coming a long time ago. You just weren't able to keep up and none of us wanted to clue you in that you were totally offbase.

I am astonished that someone walking the streets in 2009 has such a bass ackward view of this issue. Seriously. Read a newspaper sometime and if there are words in the articles other than and, or, but, is, and the that you don't understand...find a dictionary.

EXACTLY! Some people just don't get it!!!

I fear we are wasting our time with these idiots, t-rock. Do they have schools where you morons live? Let me explain it to you one more time....stick to the topic at hand and make lucid, intelligent and well-though-out responses to the question. That's all I ask. If you are mentally incapable of such thought processes, better to simply admit it and bow out of the discussion. I'm sure there's a Sesame Street rerun waiting for you on PBS as we speak.

FUCK YOU, man, fuck you! that is really typical of you, to only read the title of the thread and then make wild assumptions as to its contents.

well whatever... i'm gonna stop arguing with you retards. you just cannot admit you're wrong, even when the bleedin' obvious is staring right in your deformed faces. it's because of people like you that we even are in this situation to begin with. your "worldview" is limited to whatever you see when you stick your head up your own ass.

i hope you get hit by a truck, or your local priest/charlatan introduces the body of christ into your body, anally.

Oh...there we go! Just start throwing out the "F"-bombs whenever your brain runs out of anything remotely close to an intelligent thought (that takes all of about 5 seconds I would imagine in your case). The fact that, in spite of everything that has been said on this issue, you continue to maintain your insipid and indefensible position only serves to illustrate how stupid you and other like-minded morons truly are.

I don't know where to go with you if you continue to refuse to face facts. :mad::confused::thefinger


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
this is amazing.

Oh really? What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Some hidden catch-phrase for all the other pea-brain, narrow-minded stupid fucks who think like you do? If all you can offer is 3-word responses in this thread, I've got one to throw back at you.

Go fuck yourself!
There hasn't been a good back-and-forth controversial thread in a few days, so I decided to start one.

As any reasonable person would do after reading up on the topic and weighing all the variables, I find your argument not only wrong, but quite narrow-minded and immature. Rebuttal?


Well, you sir are a fool, as well as a lamer. You have no sense at all about what you are talking about, and frankly, I find your squabling mannerisms to be not only pretentious, but lacking in any kind of solid credibility. You do more to discredit your argument than I ever could. You dissapoint me in ways you could not imagine, and frankly, my day is a little darker for having listened to the asinine drivel that you call your thoughts. In fact, my sperm count has gone down thanks to you. I can now never impregnate a woman, even if I wanted to, all because of what you just said. You bastard. :ban:




Three lullabies in an ancient tongue

Well, you sir are a fool, as well as a lamer. You have no sense at all about what you are talking about, and frankly, I find your squabling mannerisms to be not only pretentious, but lacking in any kind of solid credibility. You do more to discredit your argument than I ever could. You dissapoint me in ways you could not imagine, and frankly, my day is a little darker for having listened to the asinine drivel that you call your thoughts. In fact, my sperm count has gone down thanks to you. I can now never impregnate a woman, even if I wanted to, all because of what you just said. You bastard. :ban:



Whoa....wait a minute. That's taking it just a bit far, don't you think? I mean, even though Feller469 is obviously an idiot, it doesn't mean that it's OK for you to just come in here out of the blue and jump his shit!!! And it's one thing to criticize him for his blatant stupidity but it's quite another not to offer some alternative viewpoint on the issue. My God, man!!!

So....stop the bullshit and tell us exactly what your opinion is concerning this subject. It's just a simple question so please answer without spouting off with your usual rambling nonsense. :mad:
Oh I see what you're trying to do. The placement of the nose, turned down like that CLEARLY means you are asserting a high degree of of good 'ol fashioned class warfare into the thread. It's amazing that so many people stomp on the freedoms I defend and then question the manner in which I provide them..

EXACTLY! Some people just don't get it!!!

I fear we are wasting our time with these idiots, t-rock. Do they have schools where you morons live? Let me explain it to you one more time....stick to the topic at hand and make lucid, intelligent and well-though-out responses to the question. That's all I ask. If you are mentally incapable of such thought processes, better to simply admit it and bow out of the discussion. I'm sure there's a Sesame Street rerun waiting for you on PBS as we speak

My friend, the clarity you bring to every discussion is enough to bring Jesuit priests to tears...

The fools in this thread are all the same, their argument strategies are very ordinary and simple to dissect. In fact, with one chump I employed the Sickorsky-Stoker Zombie technique which was when I isolated the premises of his arguments, injected a little counter-argument virus into one of the premises and this turned all his premises into Zombies! I turned his own argument against him and the Zombie went about eating up the rest of his position....
I've said it before and I'll say it again ...

The US dollar is fucked next year. Our economy has been fucked for a long time. And we'll continue to repeat the issues as long as people blame only one person or party, instead of the trend in attitude that lead to it.

Like the focus on a consumer-based economy, and the utter waste of people as a collective, instead of people individually helping each other and not hoping others do.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Re: I've said it before and I'll say it again ...

The US dollar is fucked next year. Our economy has been fucked for a long time. And we'll continue to repeat the issues as long as people blame only one person or party, instead of the trend in attitude that lead to it.

Like the focus on a consumer-based economy, and the utter waste of people as a collective, instead of people individually helping each other and not hoping others do.

Oh fuck, I was just waiting for you to chime in with your usual horseshit. Would you mind explaining (oh God, be careful what you ask for here, Jagger) what the fuck this has to do with the subject we are discussing?

In fairness, however, I can sort of see what you mean after t-rock opened the door for your comment by bringing up the infamous Sickorsky-Stoker technique (I assume the original European style, not the Occidental version introduced by the notorious Robert Mannheimer in the late 19th century). If you examine all of its various connotations, not the least of which is the effect that it can have on those who are not well-conditioned enough to cope with such wild deviations being inflicted on their normal behavior patterns, it is fairly easy to see where one might become vulnerable to such practices and be encouraged to make comments like you just did. So, in retrospect, please forgive my caustic remarks. You are not nearly as stupid as some who have contributed to this thread so perhaps I was a bit harsh. Then again, perhaps not. That, my friends, is a whole other thread all of its own.

Still, if you'd care to explain yourself, I'm certain we'd all like to hear your justification for making the statements you made.

Good discussion but I'd really rather see everyone stick with the subject matter. :thumbsup:
And not only that but the Prof just stepped into the trap we set for him. Now we will apply Sickorsky-Stoker to his pathetic argument--what was it this time--something about the dollar being fucked--and PRESTO!--all of the premises he came up with will turn around and begin attacking the crux of his position.

You know, if we use the Occidental approach to Sickorsky-Stoker, we might be able to achieve total victory and be able to proclaim and chest thump our greatness while our enemies beg for Mercy?