You guys are all full of shit. Don't you understand that if the dollar didn't fuck us nobody would? It's all a bunch of Nazi, Commie, homophobe bullshit. :thefinger
And not only that but the Prof just stepped into the trap we set for him. Now we will apply Sickorsky-Stoker to his pathetic argument--what was it this time--something about the dollar being fucked--and PRESTO!--all of the premises he came up with will turn around and begin attacking the crux of his position.
You know, if we use the Occidental approach to Sickorsky-Stoker, we might be able to achieve total victory and be able to proclaim and chest thump our greatness while our enemies beg for Mercy?
You guys are all full of shit. Don't you understand that if the dollar didn't fuck us nobody would? It's all a bunch of Nazi, Commie, homophobe bullshit. :thefinger
oh well
welcome back miniD..........................
Shut up, ass-wipe! I'm sick and tired of this. We're never gonna score. It's just not gonna happen. We're just gonna get old like these people, but they've probably scored. Damn it, this always happens. I think I'm gonna score, and then I never score. It's not fair. We've traveled, um, a hundred miles 'cause we thought we were gonna score. But now it's not gonna happen. Damn it! It's, like, this chick's a slut. And look at this guy, he's old, but he's probably scored a million times. But not us. You know, we're never gonna score. We're never gonna score! We're never gonna score!!![]()
Nope, not gonna go there....I can't be mean to Mini-D!! :1orglaugh
This thread reminds me of the show "Seinfeld",you know the show about nothing.
This would be something where I would come in to joke and say, "I think we should be able to keep midgets as pets.", but Late Night Conan O’Brian stole that joke from me a long time ago, and I know nobody would take me seriously.:1orglaugh
This thread reminds me of the show "Seinfeld",you know the show about nothing.
Oh, so you're an anti-semite after all, FOMM? The truth finally comes out, huh? You've hidden behind that pinko commie socialist long-haired hippie flower-child dope-smoking acid-dropping peace-sign hash pipe dayglo roach clip tie-dye fringe jacket bell-bottom granny-glasses bong-hitting facade for way too long and now you finally stepped in your own dogshit. I knew you were a phony from the start....I just knew it!!!
You sir, are a reactionary liberal socialistic capitalist of the worst kind. It's people like you who are largely responsible for the soap-opera domination of daytime television and, through osmosis, perverse night-time aberrations like Dancing With The Stars. oh my, Bodie. Look who finally took off his floaties and came to take a swim in the deep end...
Where's your head, Bodie? Where do you think the pressure's coming from?
Oh yeah? Well, your mother wears combat boots! And she wants to see Favre play next year.
There has always been something about FOMM that I never trusted. It's the way he types the letter B. You can tell a lot about someone by the way they type the letter B...
That's a low-blow, GSB. Speaking of low-blows, how's your girlfriend doing?
Oh, so you're an anti-semite after all, FOMM? The truth finally comes out, huh? You've hidden behind that pinko commie socialist long-haired hippie flower-child dope-smoking acid-dropping peace-sign hash pipe dayglo roach clip tie-dye fringe jacket bell-bottom granny-glasses bong-hitting facade for way too long and now you finally stepped in your own dogshit. I knew you were a phony from the start....I just knew it!!!
She's doing just fine, thank you. By the way, were you the guy whose cum tasted like tater tots and sardines? :thefinger