Conspiracy Theory about the member above me...

Is a robot that creates robots that destroys robots that create destroying robots programmed to destroy creation...and varnish floors to a shine. Quite efficient.
is actually the inspiration for William Wallace in the movie Braveheart after Mel Gibson spent an afternoon with him

^ Knows where the original Luigi is buried (yes there is another. an imposter). If you listen to the game backwards, it says "EETS-A-ME, MAAARIO! AYE-A-KILLED-A-LUIGI FOR SOME SHROOOMS-A!...but don't-a-tell-a-no-body, eh -OR I CUT-A-YAR-DEEK-OFF! SUM-AN-A-BEETCH-AH!":hatsoff:


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
is planning to take over the world with pinky starting with freeones.

Yes, tomorrow night we will take over the world!
I *LOVED* that show.

The member above me is a failed genetic experiment in combining slugs and humans - by the Sudanese!
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knows whats really in cream filled donuts but wont tell anyone.

The kiddies started watching it a few weeks ago. I'm all in love with it all over again.
I don't want that much control thank you. Plus I'd insist on naked parliament wouldn't go over well.

plans to take over disney starting with silencing that mouse.