Conservatives On Gay Marriage


Uh... One half of your original thread does not have anything to do with gay marriage.

Next time you post, make sure you have all your eggs in one basket.

I am going out to eat at "Red Lobster" tonight. I have been watching television and see they have a sale on "King Crab."


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I'd just like to point out one thing to everyone right now... This is a topic that tends to bring out the worst in people, so please keep it civil or the thread could be closed and members could be banned.


Closed Account
does that mean you tried it and it didn't work out for you?

No. What I was trying to say was gay marriage doesn't make any sense to me. I just can't picture seeing two genders of the same sex getting married in front of the altar and it's against traditional rules. Marriage is between a man and woman. That's what's sacred it's traditional. Call me conservative, (yeah I guess) but that's how I feel and this is why I am against gay marriage.

A true "conservative" doesn't have a problem with gay marriage... only "social" conservatives.... whatever the fuck they are. If two adults want to get married and it doesn't hurt anyone else, why shouldn't they be able to do what they want? :dunno:
There is no such thing as a true conservative today. Conservatives have been taken over by the religious and moral right. All conservatives are social conservatives today.

It kills me that people against gay marriage say it will destroy the "sanctity of marriage".

Guess what fuckheads? The "sanctity of marriage" HAS been damn near straight people.

The only way to possibly get a semblance of it back is to lead by example...that is, worry about preserving the sanctity of your marriage.
That is the point I was making.

Uh... One half of your original thread does not have anything to do with gay marriage.

Next time you post, make sure you have all your eggs in one basket.

I am going out to eat at "Red Lobster" tonight. I have been watching television and see they have a sale on "King Crab."
No my original post is spot on and the exact point I was trying to make. The people I mentioned were conservatives that claim to value marriage yet they treat it like a joke.
No. What I was trying to say was gay marriage doesn't make any sense to me. I just can't picture seeing two genders of the same sex getting married in front of the altar and it's against traditional rules. Marriage is between a man and woman. That's what's sacred it's traditional. Call me conservative, (yeah I guess) but that's how I feel and this is why I am against gay marriage.

All those wholesome god fearing Christian folks getting divorces is also against tradition. Anyway, your post proves you can't think of any intelligent argument against gay marriage and that's why I want to ask you something. Have you ever or would you vote against gay marriage and if so, why do you think you have the right to deny others the same right you have enjoyed all your life?


No. What I was trying to say was gay marriage doesn't make any sense to me. I just can't picture seeing two genders of the same sex getting married in front of the altar and it's against traditional rules.

Traditional rules are just value judgments made on the basis of whatever one's particular culture says is acceptable or allowable at a certain time. It's basically divorced completely from ethics.

The beauty queen's answer was a good example of that. She qualified her position by saying that's how she was bought up -ie that's what her parents told her to think- and not because she'd applied some kind of moral scrutiny or reasoning to the idea of gay marriage.

:2 cents:


Staff member
All those wholesome god fearing Christian folks getting divorces is also against tradition. Anyway, your post proves you can't think of any intelligent argument against gay marriage and that's why I want to ask you something. Have you ever or would you vote against gay marriage and if so, why do you think you have the right to deny others the same right you have enjoyed all your life?

Oh really :drama::sarcasm:
The intelligent arguments against gay marriage are the following:
-two persons of the same sex can't really be parents because the roles are not really defined and the personalities of the same sex can be confusing
-it is totally christ unlike to marry the persons of the same sex
-how can really gay parents fullfill their obligations as good as heterosexual parents? That is the question to ask
But oh well all is a question of consent between two people.


Closed Account
Oh really :drama::sarcasm:
The intelligent arguments against gay marriage are the following:
-two persons of the same sex can't really be parents because the roles are not really defined and the personalities of the same sex can be confusing
-it is totally christ unlike to marry the persons of the same sex
-how can really gay parents fullfill their obligations as good as heterosexual parents? That is the question to ask
But oh well all is a question of consent between two people.

That's pretty much how I feel about it too. Overall, gay marriage doesn't make any sense. My whole take on this subject is pretty much the same as Carrie Prejean and nothing is going to change that sorry.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Oh really :drama::sarcasm:
The intelligent arguments against gay marriage are the following:
-two persons of the same sex can't really be parents because the roles are not really defined and the personalities of the same sex can be confusing
-it is totally christ unlike to marry the persons of the same sex
-how can really gay parents fullfill their obligations as good as heterosexual parents? That is the question to ask
But oh well all is a question of consent between two people.

-The roles of a family unit are defined by the family, not the sex. I grew up with a mother and father, however, my father was always away with the military so my mother ended up doing the traditional jobs of both parents. This didn't confuse me in any way, shape or form. So if you have 2 men or 2 women, they are going to define who picks up the traditional paternal roles or make up new ones. Kids aren't stupid, they don't confuse easily.

- So, can someone tell me why the only thing in the book of Leviticus that still stands today is the fact that men aren't supposed to lay with men as if with a woman? According to that book we can have slaves, can't sleep with a woman while she's on her period, can't cut your hair, can't eat pork or shellfish, can't plant fields with multiple seeds, can't wear clothes woven with 2 types of material (fuck, we all fail this one in today's age!!!), and so on.

What about all of the sacrifices we're supposed to make? Oh yea, when Christ died on the cross for us he washed away all that was unclean except for being gay. Wonder how that worked?

- I don't think it's even fair to ask how can gay parents fullfill their obligation as good as hetrosexual parents when hetrosexual parents are getting a big fat F these days. Unless you're talking about the playstation or computer? I think those objects are doing a slightly better job.

Mind, I'm just playing devil's advocate here. Gay Marriage doesn't affect me in any way, shape or form. It doesn't make my own marriage any less valid or invalidate me as a married person. Hell, I didn't even have a "traditional" marriage. I only did the ceremony at city hall that's required by dutch law...guess according to conservatives I'm going to hell. Or does this make it OK because I'm straight? :dunno:
Oh really :drama::sarcasm:
The intelligent arguments against gay marriage are the following:
-two persons of the same sex can't really be parents because the roles are not really defined and the personalities of the same sex can be confusing
Show me a study backed up by scientific facts on how gay people are bad parents.
-it is totally christ unlike to marry the persons of the same sex
You're using your personal belief in some big wizard who lives in the clouds as an argument? You're letting a book that was written thousands of years ago and wich has been re-written countless times since then tell you what's right or wrong and you're basing your arguments on that? Really? Is that the best you can do?
-how can really gay parents fullfill their obligations as good as heterosexual parents? That is the question to ask
They can't just like heterosexual parents can't fullfill their obligations as gay parents. Was there an argument somewhere in there? Are you also saying heterosexual people are good parents because of their sexual orientation? I think millions of children all over the world who were abused by their good heterosexual parent would disagree.
But oh well all is a question of consent between two people.
Yes it is. Who are you to try and push your views onto other just because they don't believe what you do? What gives you the right?

That's pretty much how I feel about it too. Overall, gay marriage doesn't make any sense. My whole take on this subject is pretty much the same as Carrie Prejean and nothing is going to change that sorry.
I'm going to ask you again. Have you ever or would you vote against gay marriage and if so, why do you think you have the right to deny others the same right you've enjoyed all your life?
I'm going to ask you again. Have you ever or would you vote against gay marriage and if so, why do you think you have the right to deny others the same right you've enjoyed all your life?

If there is no justification for prohibiting gay and lesbo marriages, there shouldn't be a justification for prohibiting any other alternative arrangement.

It is funny though as soon as this is mentioned many gays and lesbians scoff at equating polygamy (as one example) with gay marriage as much as heteros scoff at the notion of equating gay and lesbo marriage with hetero marriage.

I say either make marriage without border recognizing any and all arrangements or have a "separate but equal" :eek: equal legal arrangement to recognize gay and lesbo unions.

For those using Jesus to justify denying people human right, what did Jesus say about gays?

Answer: Absolutely nothing.

He didn't specifically but the Bible says much...and it doesn't seem to bode well just going by that.
Hot Mega said:
It is funny though as soon as this is mentioned many gays and lesbians scoff at equating polygamy with gay marriage as much as heteros scoff at the notion of equating gay and lesbo marriage with hetero marriage.

I don't have a problem with polygamy. If that's how some consenting adults want to live why should I care? In fact, it would be awesome if I could have Elise van der Horst as my wife as well :yesyes:
I don't have a problem with polygamy. If that's how some consenting adults want to live why should I care? In fact, it would be awesome if I could have Elise van der Horst as my wife as well :yesyes:

Ergo, (and I believe you have spoken to this in the past) why isn't the gay and lesbian POV on the subject less about gay and lesbo marriage and more about freeing restrictions on any type of arrangement.

I imagine practically it probably amounts to the baby steps approach but I would submit you get farther taking larger steps even if you trip along the way than trying to push baby steps through obstructions.

Bigger steps produce more momentum since you can have more mass moving (others in similar plight enjoining your effort).

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
Let them do as they please..
If we ever took the real rules of marriage and made them mandatory, like "the no divorce" rule, we would have a lot more dead people.


I don't have a problem with polygamy. If that's how some consenting adults want to live why should I care? In fact, it would be awesome if I could have Elise van der Horst as my wife as well :yesyes:

And this is the 'slippery slope' part of the argument that people like Rick Santorum have used against gay marriage, that if we allow gays and lesbians to get married, next we will have to allow polygamy, next dudes will want to marry farm animals etc.

One tac many conservatives including National Review are now putting forth as their argument against gay marriage is that the main, if not only purpose of marriage is procreation, ie; the chick getting knocked up, which they argue
can't/wouldn't happen with gay/lesbians marrying. Of course this conveniently ignores the fact that many gays adopt and many lesbian couple DO get pregnant through a surrogate jizz donor. Conservatives saying that marriage is only about procreation is a gargantuan slap in the face to older straight couples like my dad and his wife who got married when they were in their 60's and 50's respectively. While there may be sex involved, there aren't going to be any kids.
If you really think a book that is 3,500 years old should be followed word for word and if you are going to use the Old Testament’s book of Leviticus to justify denying a groups of people human rights, then to be intellectually consistent you must support outlawing football, Red Lobster, eating shrimp and bacon.

You must surly also support it being illegal to have a shaved face and to wear a cotton polyester blend cloths.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
If you really think a book that is 3,500 years old should be followed word for word and if you are going to use the Old Testament’s book of Leviticus to justify denying a groups of people human rights, then to be intellectually consistent you must support outlawing football, Red Lobster, eating shrimp and bacon.

You must surly also support it being illegal to have a shaved face and to wear a cotton polyester blend cloths.

Don't forget if you follow Leviticus you get to have slaves!

Then what I do to ex-mods and co-workers wouldn't be illegal....:cthulhu: