So the American way is to accept this as an inevitability? People will get their hands on guns one way or another, so tragedies like today are just something we have to accept. People will die so I can collect guns. Shit happens.
People die because of a lot of things. It's the randomness and violent nature of gun crime that is scary. I really feel for those people as my kid is in 1st grade.
How many die from fast food and processed food? (Bloomberg is banning soda size). MILLIONS....
How many die from car accidents? Maybe the drivers test should be harder, but they don't do it. Thousands die....
Needless wars? Thousands....
Altered weather from CO2? We're not closing down power plants though...
Cigarettes cause many magnitudes more of death, yet we just tax them....
OH, and there is a second amendment. If you invalidate it without another amendment, where is the protection of the first, or forth, or fifth, or all of the limits on government we allow our government to have. See in the USA, our government exist because we allow it too. That is the whole darn premise of our society.