Connecticut school shooting: 18 children among 27 dead

So the American way is to accept this as an inevitability? People will get their hands on guns one way or another, so tragedies like today are just something we have to accept. People will die so I can collect guns. Shit happens.

People die because of a lot of things. It's the randomness and violent nature of gun crime that is scary. I really feel for those people as my kid is in 1st grade.

How many die from fast food and processed food? (Bloomberg is banning soda size). MILLIONS....

How many die from car accidents? Maybe the drivers test should be harder, but they don't do it. Thousands die....

Needless wars? Thousands....

Altered weather from CO2? We're not closing down power plants though...

Cigarettes cause many magnitudes more of death, yet we just tax them....

OH, and there is a second amendment. If you invalidate it without another amendment, where is the protection of the first, or forth, or fifth, or all of the limits on government we allow our government to have. See in the USA, our government exist because we allow it too. That is the whole darn premise of our society.
I hope those parents had gift receipts.

You're an asshole! This is not the time for comedy and to try to be funny. If you were in my sight right now I'd knock you the fuck out.
Logic? Reason? Your posts are barely coherent.

And all the posts of the gun control advocates wreak of fear and weakness.

I am not surrendering my civil rights based upon the actions of a crazy person in Connecticut.

My post are as coherent as any other in this thread. And stop shifting the argument to personally attacking me. Is that what you do when you have no logic left to reasonable disagree with me? The gun control position, at its core, is illogical, and a knee jerk reaction.
I'm using logic, reason, and argument. You don't make a valid point, and you resort to insulting me. Name calling... Perhaps you should try to address the rest of the quote you took from my post instead of name calling.

I guess me and the other 50% of my country are dumb. And by that, I don't mean Republicans.

Democrats are thieves.
Republicans are thieves that talk like patriots, but due just as much damage.

I did make my point. Who said anything about the left or right? I said YOU where being stupid. It's not worth responding to your outlandish examples.
Okay, people. Have a great discussion about gun control. In another thread. On another day.

I'm not denying gun control is an issue in USA
I'm not denying this was a heinous crime that was accomplished with guns

This crime has nothing to do with gun laws. This was a terrible crime that was accomplished by terrible people who would have gained access to guns regardless of what the laws are. Please. If you want to have a discussion about gun laws, by all means, do so. Please don't make it contingent on the lives that were lost today. Relating these lives to gun laws is disrespectful. A lot of families lost CHILDREN. If you don't have kids, and I mean no disrespect with this, but if you don't have kids, you simply can not imagine the horror of this day.

Guns be damned. Gun carriers be fucked in the ass. Gun haters suck Richard Simmon's dick. None of you are relevant. Children and teachers are dead. They would be dead regardless of the laws about guns.

What is the solution? I beg of you. What is the solution?

I am literal when I say on this evening: I weep for humanity.
I did make my point. Who said anything about the left or right? I said YOU where being stupid. It's not worth responding to your outlandish examples.

You win. I cannot remember how to argue at a 6 year old's level.

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.” ― George Carlin
I am horrified at the tragedy that happened in Connecticut today but I can not believe how many of you are blaming the GUN instead of the MAN behind the gun!! The gun did not make this man do what he did, he was a deeply disturbed man with obvious emotional issues with his parents. He could have made a bomb, he could have drove his car through the school playground during recess, or he could've killed the children by attacking them with a knife like the psycho in China today!Story here The gun didn't do this, the man did, if one of those teachers had a gun on them the fatality level would have been much much less. This is overwhelmingly sad but no reason to attack the second amendment. I believe in background and psychiatric evaluations before somebody can own a gun, I think if people had to have a license to own a gun instead of just to carry one it might make things harder for the crazy people to get ahold of one.. But like I said, if this guy wanted to inflict pain and suffering on people so badly and guns weren't available to him, he would've found some other way to do it.

Thank you. Reason, finally...
You win. I cannot remember how to argue at a 6 year old's level.

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.” ― George Carlin

That's why it's not worth my time, you just proved you are a condescending ass!
"That's why it's not worth my time, you just proved you are a condescending ass!"

An ass shitting on folks like you. Since you can't stop, I guess I'll entertain you...
Even if laws were changed to make it difficult or impossible to purchase new, let's say AR or AK style weapons, how do you remove and disarm the folks who have them when they're unwilling to give them up? You won't. I won't surrender mine either.
Even if laws were changed to make it difficult or impossible to purchase new, let's say AR or AK style weapons, how do you remove and disarm the folks who have them when they're unwilling to give them up? You won't. I won't surrender mine either.

Bravo! :)


Even if laws were changed to make it difficult or impossible to purchase new, let's say AR or AK style weapons, how do you remove and disarm the folks who have them when they're unwilling to give them up? You won't. I won't surrender mine either.

Dino, were you able to find anyone to talk you out of trying smack?
Dino, were you able to find anyone to talk you out of trying smack?

Wow, shifty, you are so witty and smart. Thanks for blessing us with your brilliant comebacks.

I don't know how I survived this long in life with out the blessing of the amazing value you add to the discussions.
Expand on this post...

I don't know what else there is to expand on. Americans want their guns, no matter how many incidents like this happen.Gotta take the good with the bad. It's more important that good people have guns than bad people don't have them. I Dont know what the solution is, but can you honestly say things are fine the way they are? People will die, shit happens. But as long as people get their guns.

Lol sam.