Connecticut school shooting: 18 children among 27 dead

Will E Worm


Your Governement is killing your kids – MK Ultra

Sandy Hook Staging

At least 26 dead in shooting at Connecticut elementary school
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This is the ramp up event I predicted for the twelve days of XXXMAS. MK Daddy Delta. This is the sacrificial slaying for the illuminati for Saturnalia. In Connecticut it has even a more symbolic meaning as was the Columbine event in Colorado.
Child, gunman dead in Conn. elementary school shooting
This event will culminate with a government staged shooting in the shot heard around the world. Kiss your freedom Sayonara America. It’s already known there was more than one shooter here. This supposed father of a student is best served to have had some divorce or custody type situation. The preliminary information says they are looking for another suspect who fled the scene. Likely he did after he killed the Delta trigger. Unless it was an Omega assassin it appears the best bet is handler and Delta.

The police report one shooter dead. That means the Police did not shoot him? More than likely they use the murder-suicide which is completely bogus. It never happens in a random rampage but only in a love triangle or he and she scenario. This is the government staged event and has all the MK fingerprints from the likes of the Chicago Communists or the Southern Poverty lawless.

At least 27 dead in Newtown school shooting –
This event follows on the heels of the Bob Costas affair and ESPN will be now heavily involved with the anti-constitutional agenda of 21 and the assault on first and second amendments.

In the video, the military is present on purpose and they again refer to a staging area. They are foolish to refer to staging areas but it is verbose and grandiose arrogance media assaults that make these events powerful.

Again the authorities say he is dead but do not state who or how. There are also reports of some children being sequestered for this event and were never at the school for today’s staged events.

The trigger shooter may not have fired a single shot and the persons who fled the scene were likely the only shooters. The dead man appears to be a twenty year old man which would also tend to lead to a stooge. More to come.

Newtown Elementary School Shooting Update: Police Looking for Purple or Maroon Van
4 Dec 2012 12:02 PM EST-by Trista McKenzie, Contributing WriterAccording to incoming reports, police in Danbury, Conn., are looking for a purple or maroon van connected to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

Passengers inside the van are armed, and one is possibly wearing a nun’s costume.

The van is allegedly heading towards Danbury, and those who come in contact with it are advised to not approach.

More on this as the story unfolds…

Uh Oh! This sounds like the Ayers Chicago Gang. Wheres Bernadette and Bill? Getting a Police escort to Danbury?

Jib Jabble
Tough love for Hollywood from someone who cares.

Adam Lanza- Framed Brother Ryan In Shooting
[He wore his brother’s, Ryan’s, identification. Ryan is being questioned in Hoboken, New Jersey, but he is no longer a suspect.

None of these reports are confirmed. There is also not much information being fed to the public about the mysterious dead body in the Lanza family home. He was killed before the rampage. Reports are saying that it may be Lanza’s father.

According to reports from the Newtown Patch, “Ryan Lanza, who denied being the shooter after multiple outlets posted his Facebook page, has confided in a friend that he suspected his “developmentally disabled” younger brother was responsible for the killings. “]

This Staged Event may be a Holyrood Production?

Police Official: 27 Dead, ‘It is Not a Simplistic Scene’
[Vance confirmed the death toll: 20 children, 6 adults, including the shooter, and one adult victim at a "secondary scene" in Connecticut.]

I love this, righties are armned to the teeth, yet no one seems to have one when really needed. Oh sure, I can go shoot Bambi with a high powered rifle and scope 200 yards away, shoot 1000 rounds at an inanimate object, be it cardboard or metal, gotta keep my trigger finger sharp, strip polish and clean the action over and over again. Amass 10, 20, 40 guns and rifles. Yet no one ever seems to have one when it really counts, to defend ones life, family or home. Most guns will be used in a suicide, a fit of rage, lovers spat, hold-up, criminal activity or accident (my nephew found my loaded gun and shot his brother thinking it was a toy). The killing of America.

This is why!

1. Run into a department store with a sword, hacking big people's heads off as quickly as you can. With smaller victims, just simply run your sword through their stomach.

2. Get into your car and drive as fast as you can into a crowd of people, killing perhaps a dozen or more in one clean sweep.

3. Get on a train or subway and with box cutters, slice as many throats as you can.

Or..... kill yourself before you do harm to other innocent people.

And remember.. Guns don't kill innocent people. People kill people with guns.

And remember.. Alcohol doesn't kill innocent people. People driving intoxicated from alcohol kill people.

*I posted a video monologue yesterday from a Rush Limbaugh show from his 1992 television program. In it, a liberal writer gave his opinions as to why we are seeing all these rampant killings. It describes it perfectly.... yet I bet not ONE person in here listened to it. It's only five minutes long fer krise sake, yet nobody bothered to hear what has happened to the youth today, which causes so many of them to commit these horrible murders.

I wish you people would listen to it.. even if you despise Rush, he is only quoting from the author's manuscript.

If you listen to it, be prepared to find yourself agreeing with the author. A well know liberal writer.

NOTE: Scroll down about half way if you want to listen to it while you read it.

And none of those methods you posted would kill as many people as a guy with a gun would. You can run from a guy with a sword or a box cutter. You can't outrun a bullet.

Even the Chinese knife attack didn't result in any deaths, just injuries.
I used a firearm to prevent injury to my family during a home invasion. I am the person that was ready and did prevent further crime that day.
Seems to me, I recall being made fun of in here because I practice daily drawing my pistol from my holster. Some in here taunted me and made fun of me. So go ahead and keep laughing and pretending it might never happen to you.

Be careful, El Perro, Samantha practices drawing her gun daily. I'm thinking she might be a fearsome opponent. :rofl2:

I refuse to be a victim of a crime like what just took place today at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
From the liberal point of view, that plague won’t be cured until no firearms remain in the hands of law-abiding citizens. Then they will go after sharp implements.

There is no more dangerous weapon in the hands of a demagogue than a dead child in a puddle of blood. As authoritarians ramp up the rhetoric, keep in mind that mass-murdering maniacs are likely to target schools precisely because they are gun-free zones, where no one can stop them until the police arrive.

Will E Worm


Column: Gun-free zones provide false sense of security

Killers aren't stopped by these policies.

"After a shooting spree," author William Burroughs once said, "they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn't do it." Burroughs continued: "I sure as hell wouldn't want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military."

Plenty of people — especially among America's political and journalistic classes — feel differently. They'd be much more comfortable seeing ordinary Americans disarmed. And whenever there is a mass shooting, or other gun incident that snags the headlines, they do their best to exploit the tragedy and push for laws that would, well, take the guns away from the people who didn't do it.

There are a lot of problems with this approach, but one of the most significant is this one: It doesn't work. One of the interesting characteristics of mass shootings is that they generally occur in places where firearms are banned: malls, schools, etc. That was the finding of a famous 1999 study by John Lott of the University of Maryland and William Landes of the University of Chicago, and it appears to have been borne out by experience since then as well.

In a way, this is no surprise. If there's someone present with a gun when a mass shooting begins, the shooter is likely to be shot himself. And, in fact, many mass shootings — from the high school shooting by Luke Woodham in Pearl, Miss., to the New Life Church shooting in Colorado Springs, Colo., where an armed volunteer shot the attacker — have been terminated when someone retrieved a gun from a car or elsewhere and confronted the shooter.

Policies making areas "gun free" provide a sense of safety to those who engage in magical thinking, but in practice, of course, killers aren't stopped by gun-free zones. As always, it's the honest people — the very ones you want to be armed — who tend to obey the law.

This vulnerability makes some people uncomfortable. I teach at a state university with a campus gun-free policy, and quite a few of my students have permits to carry guns. After the Virginia Tech shooting a few years ago, one of them asked me if we could move class off campus, because she felt unsafe being unarmed. I certainly would have felt perfectly safe having her carry a gun in my presence; she was, and is, a responsible adult. I feel the same way about the other law students I know who have carry permits.

Gun-free zones are premised on a lie: that murderers will follow rules, and that people like my student are a greater danger to those around them than crazed killers. That's an insult to honest people. Sometimes, it's a deadly one. The notion that more guns mean more crime is wrong. In fact, as gun ownership has expanded over the past decade, crime has gone down.

Fortunately, the efforts to punish "the people who didn't do it" are getting less traction these days. The Supreme Court, of course, has recognized that under the Constitution, honest people have a right to defend themselves with firearms, inside and outside the home, something that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit recently acknowledged in striking down Illinois' gun-carry ban. Given that gun-free zones seem to be a magnet for mass shooters, maybe we should be working to shrink or eliminate them, rather than expand them. As they say, if it saves just one life, it's worth it.


Sandy Hook was a gun free zone. Criminals and people under mind-control do not care about the laws. :facepalm:

I used a firearm to prevent injury to my family during a home invasion. I am the person that was ready and did prevent further crime that day.


I refuse to be a victim of a crime like what just took place today at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

As authoritarians ramp up the rhetoric, keep in mind that mass-murdering maniacs are likely to target schools precisely because they are gun-free zones, where no one can stop them until the police arrive.
Keep in mind that the crazy guys reponsible for these kind of bloodbath are not profesionnalk criminals who have access to underground black-market, they are nerds who buys their guns on the internet.
Ban guns and these guys won't be able to buy any 'cause they don't have acess to the persons that can provide them witg guns from black market.
It's a damn shame that people are talking about politics when 18 young children have been killed. We don't even know how this bastard acquired the guns he used. Stop using this tragedy as an excuse to babble about political views (Piers Morgan is doing this on Twitter and it makes me sick).
And none of those methods you posted would kill as many people as a guy with a gun would. You can run from a guy with a sword or a box cutter. You can't outrun a bullet.

Even the Chinese knife attack didn't result in any deaths, just injuries.

Really? Didn't men armed with box cutters kill thousands on 9/11? Thousands....

Airplanes, a gun free zone.
They teach people how to use their gun. And still, they have a higher firearm-related death rate than France and its strict gun laws (Switzeland : 6. France : 3)

It's a damn shame that people are talking about politics when 18 young children have been killed. We don't even know how this bastard acquired the guns he used. Stop using this tragedy as an excuse to babble about political views (Piers Morgan is doing this on Twitter and it makes me sick).
When this kind of horrible things happen again and again, one must think about what causes it and how to prevent further killings.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
My heart goes out to the families. The rest of you can go screw.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Strict gun laws would only keep guns out of law abiding citizens hands, as is evidenced by Chicago. You're still a fucking idiot.
They teach people how to use their gun. And still, they have a higher firearm-related death rate than France and its strict gun laws (Switzeland : 6. France : 3)

When this kind of horrible things happen again and again, one must think about what causes it and how to prevent further killings.

And France did so well when their friendly German neighbors drove through in the 1940's.
And France did so well when their friendly German neighbors drove through in the 1940's.

Watch out cause the Canadians and Mexicans have been seen talking. ;)

Oh, and you really brought up 9/11 for you box cutter argument? Really that's your big reason why everyone should be armed?