And this is what it all boils down to.
That's what this argument really boils down to -- it's not pro- or anti-torture, it's pro- or anti-cowardice. Are you willing to take the risks inherent in being a free people who respect the rule of law or are you more inclined to be a fair-weather patriot who believes in American values only so long as they're convenient?. Are you willing to accept that bravery is required of a free people or are you going to embrace your inner coward?
Let me chime in. Here is my perception of the rule of law: the rule of law is a definition of dos and don'ts specific in the country where you are living in and it is not a global world wide rule of law. It is defined by a constitution where the rights are written. Freedom isn't free and remember: the freedom of ones stops where the freedom of others begins.
What is exactly your problem with American values??? :wtf::dunno:You go to the theatre and see American movies or watch American TV series, you like other people like a lot of the American culture (coca cola, disney, etc) and values, like in any country there is honesty, integrity, law abidence and patriotism. You think that European countries and values are so much better than the USA??? You are very wrong because some European countries are slowly losing their identity. A country that doesn't stand for itself but who is more concentrated and focused to solve other countries problems, has not understood something. Before solving others countries problems, solve your own problems.If many European people didn't believe in American values and in the Marshall plan, they wouldn't be able to rebuild Europe but I guess gratefulness isn't integrated in the education of many European people.
Bravery, define it. Bravery is fighting for the interests of your country against rogue countries that are willing to harm it in any kind of way, it is also taking efficient actions when they are needed. You will always obey the constitution of the country where you live in unless you are a convicted criminal who has no respect for the customs and habits for the country where you are living in. Inner coward? Define it please. A coward is anyone surrendering and unwilling to fight or take actions going in the interest of his country when it is needed. A coward accepts a book from a dictator of a country that hates USA and accepts to knee in front of the Saudi king. A man with pride and who stands for his country will never accept this. Anyone who is too weakminded and who thinks the policy of compromise and negociation will always work is definitely out of his mind and out of the reality. A coward always goes against the interests of his country but always accept to serve others countries interests.