Christy Mack / War Machine story

Re: dramatic news about christy mack

I've only just read about this, and am totally sickened by what's happened. I'm fairly new to Christy's work, and don't normally like heavily inked models - but Christy had - or should I say, has - that something extra that makes her different. While this thread has been somewhat taken over by outpourings of (totally justified) hatred and anger, what isn't being focused on much are the implications for Christy's future. Having read that article, and seen those horrendous pictures, her injuries seem so severe that it's likely this waste of space may have ended her modelling career, and possibly had a permanent effect on her health. You don't just bounce back from injuries like that, at least not quickly.

Why oh why do some women love such bastards..? What is is about these mouth-breathing, knuckle dragging macho assholes that makes otherwise intelligent women go back to them time and again?

Get well soonest, Christy. That is all that matters - your health, and your life. If it comes to it that you have to make the difficult decision not to return to porn, then I for one would rather you did that and made a new and better life than put yourself through unnecesary strain and trauma. It would be sad, but you only get one life.


I eat redheads for breakfast
Re: Adult film star reveals her disturbing photos Christy Mack

Here is what Christy Mack wrote: "My injuries include 18 broken bones around my eyes, my nose is broken in 2 places, I am missing teeth and several more are broken. I am unable to chew, or see out of my left eye. "

That's fucked up.

Here's an extract from that guy's blog, which he wrote while in jail (for assult, surprise, surprise.) :

"The oppression of MEN is worse than oppression of Jews in Nazi germany, worse than the slavery of Blacks in early America... I'm not exaggerating either."

Seems a well balanced individual...

Will E Worm

Re: dramatic news about christy mack

MRA much? Even if I hang out with the worst people ever it didn't excuse then acting terribly. I mean fucking a guys we are all literally anonymous jerk offs, I certainly hope no one judges me by the company I keep here.

MRA... :facepalm:

I never said he had an excuse. People need to learn to stay away from people like him.

Once you shot the guy once, once is on the ground, incvapable to cauise any harm to any one, you don't have to shoot him anymore. Shooting a guy who's already neutralised isn't self-defense, it's manslaughter.

You're Christian, righjt ? Isn't written in your holy book "Thou shall not kill". Wasn't Jesus himself who told "whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other cheek" ?

Who said the person would be on the ground with one shot? Self-defense is a birthright.

Jesus is for self-defense. The Ten Commandments were given to the Israelites. Gentiles were never put under the law.

Self-defense Link

This has nothing to do with MRAs.

Re: dramatic news about christy mack

Who said the person would be on the ground with one shot? Self-defense is a birthright.
In most cases, it's enough, few people are tough enough to still cause harm after being shot.

Jesus is for self-defense. The Ten Commandments were given to the Israelites. Gentiles were never put under the law.
Jesus is for self-defense ?! If he was for self-defense, he wouldn't have said "Whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other cheek"

The Ten Commandments are for Israelites ? Then I gues the Deutoronom applies only on them as well ? Then, Thee'sz no reason for banning homosexuality, since the laws than ban it are from the Deuteronom, wich applies only to Israelites...

So Judas came to the garden, guiding a detachment of soldiers and some officials from the chief priests and the Pharisees. They were carrying torches, lanterns and weapons.
Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, “Who is it you want?”
“Jesus of Nazareth,” they replied.
“I am he,” Jesus said. (And Judas the traitor was standing there with them.) When Jesus said, “I am he,” they drew back and fell to the ground.
Again he asked them, “Who is it you want?”
“Jesus of Nazareth,” they said.
Jesus answered, “I told you that I am he. If you are looking for me, then let these men go.” This happened so that the words he had spoken would be fulfilled: “I have not lost one of those you gave me.”[a]
Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant, cutting off his right ear. (The servant’s name was Malchus.)
Jesus commanded Peter, “Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?”
Then the detachment of soldiers with its commander and the Jewish officials arrested Jesus. They bound him and brought him first to Annas, who was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, the high priest that year.
John 18 ; 2-13

Is that a man in favor of self-defense ? I don't think so...

Jesus is opposed to violence. Whatever the reason may be, a true christian should never use any form of violence.

Anyways, you christian always select the parts of your holy book that you like and ignore the ones you don't like...
Re: dramatic news about Christy Mack

Fuck looks awful hope she fully recovers mentally as well as physically. This guy need to be caught or perhaps some of his more respectable MMA buddies will give him a good as a beating

Will E Worm

Re: dramatic news about christy mack

Next time look at the link.

Self-defense Link

Luke 11:21 (KJV)
*When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace:

Luke 22:36 (KJV)
Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
Re: Adult film star reveals her disturbing photos Christy mack

Best guess "Roid rage"?

There are a lot of people on steroids that aren't violent. There are a lot of MMA people that aren't violent outside the ring either.

Considering his past the best answer is because he's one of those people that is a dangerous psychopath that needs to be locked up for a long time. While I don't believe in revenge I have to admit that world would be a better place without him in it, and I don't see a likelihood he will change his ways or redeem himself. Maybe if his future victims are lucky he will do something really stupid and resist arrest when the police catch up to him.


Torn & Frayed.
Re: Adult film star reveals her disturbing photos Christy mack

Looks like Duane Dog Chapman is getting in on this.

(Dog, not RASQ :cool:)
Damn, that makes it kinda hard to decide who to cheer for if/when they meet up. I know... how about this War Machine dude lays a good old 'roid-fueled beating on the Puppy Dawg and then the cops take him into custody. Yeah, that would be a happy enough ending.

I'd pay good money to see this.

Great - one dumb cunt after another... that is one motherfucker of a mullet that bounty hunter is sporting :facepalm:

Re: Adult film star reveals her disturbing photos Christy Mack

Really sad what happened to her, glad here that there have been positive comments for her, some negative comments have been posted on other sites and twitter, even a bitter chick posted a negative comment on twitter, just won't mention the name though
Re: dramatic news about christy mack

After reading what she posted, she says "he has beaten me MANY TIMES BEFORE but never this badly." I'm sorry but I don't feel the slightest bit of sympathy for someone that CHOOSES to stay with an abusive partner. This type of shit is so cliche, it's sad. It's almost like trying to feel sorry for someone that kills themself after getting behind the wheel of a car while drunk and wrapping the car around a tree.


Closed Account
Re: dramatic news about Christy Mack

ok,let's punish him first..then beat him to death :cool:
hitting your girlfriend (or boyfriend) is one of the worst things human can do! If you don't like someone,just break up with them. There's no need for violence

There's no need for violence yet you feel he should get beaten to death? :facepalm:


Closed Account
Re: dramatic news about christy mack

After reading what she posted, she says "he has beaten me MANY TIMES BEFORE but never this badly." I'm sorry but I don't feel the slightest bit of sympathy for someone that CHOOSES to stay with an abusive partner. This type of shit is so cliche, it's sad. It's almost like trying to feel sorry for someone that kills themself after getting behind the wheel of a car while drunk and wrapping the car around a tree.

Very good point. Still, going to have to read and hear more from their side of the story before judging on the issue


Closed Account
Re: dramatic news about christy mack

MRA much? Even if I hang out with the worst people ever it didn't excuse then acting terribly. I mean fucking a guys we are all literally anonymous jerk offs, I certainly hope no one judges me by the company I keep here.

Yeah but the majority of women would rather be in a relationship with an abusive guy then with a nice boring guy. Which makes me wonder about women sometimes...
Re: dramatic news about christy mack

the photos released are pretty bad. She's missing teeth, broken cheek bones to the point of not being able to speak. This goes beyond a regular slap in the face argument. It looks as if someone was truly trying to kill someone here. I think I read in the reports he stabbed her as well.

The whole situation is afoul and wrong. Whether or not he's innocent or guilty is not for me to decide as I don't know all the facts here, but I hope she does recover and get back to performing and modeling. I hope that her emotional and mental scars heal more than just the physical ones. Hopefully she has a set of friends and family surrounding her that will aid in getting her back together again.

Lacey Black

Official Checked Star Member
Re: dramatic news about Christy Mack

This is absolutely disgusting. Like others have mentioned, no matter what she may have said or done, it doesn't justify a trained MMA fighter beating a woman(or any person really) to the state that Christy is in. I hope she recovers quickly and this idiotic "alpha male" is put in jail where he belongs. Maybe there he will learn real "alpha males" take care of women, not abuse them.