Once you shot the guy once, once is on the ground, incvapable to cauise any harm to any one, you don't have to shoot him anymore. Shooting a guy who's already neutralised isn't self-defense, it's manslaughter.Self-defense is self-defense, in defense of my person, I can legally shoot someone.
You're Christian, righjt ? Isn't written in your holy book "Thou shall not kill". Wasn't Jesus himself who told "whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other cheek" ?Life behind bars is not better on the wallet. Some people need to be executed. Especially the ones who don't value human life.
You guys are horrible if you want him killed
Punished yes if he is really the one held responsible but I don't believe in executing him.
Love is blind...why is she with a guy who beats her regularly come on she can get any guy on the planet
Not many people are intelligent enough to catch on to the obvious.
Ted Bundy was still receiving mail until the day he was executed.
Serial killers and rapists get girlfriends and nice guys don't. Females do things to themselves.
MRA much?
Looks like Duane Dog Chapman is getting in on this.
lol, the dude is MMA. These dudes aren't prison bitches, they are "bubba".
Looks like Duane Dog Chapman is getting in on this.