I'm watching some specialist videos
He is not a monster. He might be a crab but he is no monster. Sure he has issues but then again everyone has their personal issues in life. I believed he handled himself well under the circumstances. A violent and dangerous person as you have described wouldn't have done so. Also how do you know he could snap anytime? Just because he is an mma fighter? Is that how you would view all mma fighters as "dangerous" and "violent"? Tisk tisk...:nono:
No I wasn't a witnessed during his arrest although when I saw the photos of him shackled by his legs I was shocked and even more shocked in the news reports that he did not put up any type of harm or physical struggle or in any way fight with police. If he did tried to put up any type of physical harm well then yeah I can see the police having to go to extreme measures but he did not and the cops still went further to show their power. The horror...
I did not say he was a monster. I said he was a VIOLENT and DANGEROUS person.
This is not speculation, it is fact.
He has already served time for this.
He was on the run after having beaten 2 people, one a woman whom he beat so badly that she will need reconstructive surgery.
The police were called to the hotel in which he was staying because he was be abusive to another woman at the hotel.
He could snap at any time because he has a history of this (not because he has anything to do with mma)
How, in anybody's mind, would you not describe this man as violent and dangerous?
As far as other mma (or other professional) fighters are concerned, no I do not put them all in the same basket.