Great idea! That's one way to get rid of your household, light a bonfire nearest the back deck! :flame:I know that the Tea Party group that listed the (wrong) address for the congressman from the 5th district were gen-u-wine.
It's really unfortunate that they didn't come to my house instead of the guy's brother. Trying to set my house on fire would give me the right to use deadly force. Ever seen what a 12 gauge magnum with buckshot or 40-50 rounds of 7.62x39mm do to the human body? Neither have I. But there's one way to find out. Come have some T.E.A. at my house and light a bonfire near my back deck. And call CNN and Fox News before you light the match. We'll make the nightly news... well, one of us will. :dunno:
Once the inner structure becomes enveloped in flames, that rotten imported sulphur fortified wall board should go up like a roman candle . . . ya think? :nanner: