yeah that flew over my head too.
yeah that flew over my head too.
Why do you think Sarah Pee is supporting her?! See, it's all part of her plan for 2012.
Campaign slogan:
Smarter than Christine O'Donnell and Less Crazy than Michele Bachmann.
Vote Palin 2012!
The pubs have tossed away their chance to take that seat with her nomination.Same thing will happen in 2012 when the tea party dictates who will be the presidential candidate (most likely Sarah) and hand the election to Obama.
:eek:Crazy Bachmann:eek:
NOW, I know a few things about this ''crazy lady''.
That is exactly how I see it playing out too.
The Tea Party is turning out to be the 2010 version of Ross Perot.
Splitting the Right/Conservative/Republican vote insuring Democratic victory.:2 cents:
Actually United We Stand was more made up of social centrists/libertarians and (true) fiscal conservatives. There's every chance that you'd meet an econ professor at a United We Stand meeting (I met one of my old econ profs at one). And you can be certain that, unlike the average Tea Party yahoo, he'd know that the Phillips Curve wasn't a turn somewhere on a highway. And judging by the meetings I went to, it was a MUCH more inclusive (and intelligent) group than the Tea Party. You never heard about any of us shouting racist slurs at anyone or trying to blow up anyone's house.
I think your main point is that it split the Republican vote, since more of Perot's supporters were ex-Bush supporters than ex-Clinton supporters. So I'm sorry to be defensive. But I always speak up when I see any comparison between United We Stand and the Tea Party movement. There isn't just one Tea Party... there are a great many. And not all of them are made up of fringe characters. But too often it seems that fringe, borderline maniac, wingnuts are attracted to it. That wasn't true of United We Stand. So I feel the need to point out that a Timex and Rolex are both watches, a VW Bug and a Ferrari Testarossa are both cars and a Savage and a Weatherby are both rifles... but just like with the Tea Party(s) and UWS both being grassroots political movements, that's about where the similarities end; one (IMO) outclasses the other by a wide margin.
It was a fine Vietnam vet gun dealer who got me into United We Stand. I made some new friends and linked up with some old friends from college while in that group. I met people from all walks of life and from various ethnic and economic backgrounds. And it's the only politial movement that I've ever been involved in to that degree... and I'll always be proud of my involvement. I guess that's why I am quick to draw a line between UWS and the loud mouth, yammering mobs that are attracted to the Tea Party(s).
Pardon the rant... :hatsoff:
I know that the Tea Party group that listed the (wrong) address for the congressman from the 5th district were gen-u-wine.
It's really unfortunate that they didn't come to my house instead of the guy's brother. Trying to set my house on fire would give me the right to use deadly force. Ever seen what a 12 gauge magnum with buckshot or 40-50 rounds of 7.62x39mm do to the human body? Neither have I. But there's one way to find out. Come have some T.E.A. at my house and light a bonfire near my back deck. And call CNN and Fox News before you light the match. We'll make the nightly news... well, one of us will. :dunno:
There isn't just one Tea Party... there are a great many. And not all of them are made up of fringe characters. But too often it seems that fringe, borderline maniac, wingnuts are attracted to it. That wasn't true of United We Stand.
I know that the Tea Party group that listed the (wrong) address for the congressman from the 5th district were gen-u-wine.
You refuted nothing about the evidence of agent provocateurs. I'll just take that as an admission on your part. It's nice how the MSM goes out of their way to shine the spotlight on the wackos. Very convenient for their cause. The NWO is in full effect.
There isn't just one Tea Party... there are a great many.
If you want to suggest that Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. operation is supporting the movement most likely to agree with his corporate interests, and that they're using less educated (though maybe well meaning) "fiscal conservative" wannabes to do it, then we would be in agreement. Again, the true goals of the Tea Party is about as clear as mud. Why? Because, as I've said several times, there is not just ONE Tea Party - although most all of us get caught up by referring to it in the singular.
More or less, yes, that's what I'm saying. And to that second point above, again I think the MSM has shown their colors by picking and choosing which aspect of the Tea Party Movement(s) to present. Most people see that movement as a single movement, like you stated.
Maybe I'm not up on the latest news, is she ineligible?