Christine O'Donnell on Darwin, Creationism, Nazis, Onanism..


I can't imagine what it most be like for the intelligent people of America to have to share their landmass with people who are willing to vote in dumb cunts like this.


Why do you think Sarah Pee is supporting her?! See, it's all part of her plan for 2012.

Campaign slogan:
Smarter than Christine O'Donnell and Less Crazy than Michele Bachmann.
Vote Palin 2012!

:eek::cthulhu:Crazy Bachmann:cthulhu::eek:​

Thought that the 2010 census asked too many personal questions

Generally opposes Federal Bailouts without accountability

Is skeptical of the far left's definition of climate change

Opposes the Crap & Trade scam / fraud

Coauthored the bipartisan Credit and Debit Receipt Clarification Act

Was open for discussion on health savings accounts

Is anti Obamakare

Is opposed to mandatory public service (Americorp)

Is a proponent of Solar, Wind, Domestic Petrol and Nuclear energy options

Is an opponent of any form of progressive taxes

Was opposed to American entanglement in the global economy :p

Hates mr. pineapple head Ugo Chavez (the big evil hater she is!)

Is OK with abortion in cases of incest, rape and endangerment to the health of the mother
(so she met us 1/2 way)

She provides support for 23 Foster children

Maintains that the govt has no right to force incandescent light bulbs out of our markets :nono:

Claimed that the pope was the ''anti christ'' . . . allegedly

NOW, I know a few things about this ''crazy lady''.
The pubs have tossed away their chance to take that seat with her nomination.Same thing will happen in 2012 when the tea party dictates who will be the presidential candidate (most likely Sarah) and hand the election to Obama.

That is exactly how I see it playing out too.
The Tea Party is turning out to be the 2010 version of Ross Perot.
Splitting the Right/Conservative/Pepublican vote insuring Democratic victory.:2 cents:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Michele, my belle!!!

:eek::cthulhu:Crazy Bachmann:cthulhu::eek:​

NOW, I know a few things about this ''crazy lady''.

You ain't makin' fun of my woman, is you?! I don't take kindly to people who make fun of my woman! :mad:

Just cause she thought that carbon dioxide made up 3% of the atmosphere and that it's not harmful to humans (at 3% we'd all be getting close to being cold & stiff), just cause she called Smoot-Hawley, Hoot-Smalley, and didn't know that both of them were Republicans, that FDR opposed it and that it was signed into law by Hoover (a Republican), just cause she thought it was "interesting" that the swine flu outbreak of the 70's was under another Democrat (when it was in fact under the Republican Ford), just cause she said she'd slit her wrists if Obamacare passed (and I ain't seen no blood yet)... a lot of people add up her goofy ass comments over the years and conclude that she's an idiot. But we know different. Yes, we do. My woman! Hmm good! Mighty good! :nanner:

From what I understand, the kid with Downs Syndrome who played Corky on Life Goes On is a really nice person and did some great things with the money he made while acting. But I ain't votin' for him to be in the House of Representatives either. And I'd say he's smarter than Michele Bachmann, Christine O'Donnell and Sarah Pee all put together.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
That is exactly how I see it playing out too.
The Tea Party is turning out to be the 2010 version of Ross Perot.
Splitting the Right/Conservative/Republican vote insuring Democratic victory.:2 cents:

Actually United We Stand was more made up of social centrists/libertarians and (true) fiscal conservatives. There's every chance that you'd meet an econ professor at a United We Stand meeting (I met one of my old econ profs at one). And you can be certain that, unlike the average Tea Party yahoo, he'd know that the Phillips Curve wasn't a turn somewhere on a highway. And judging by the meetings I went to, it was a MUCH more inclusive (and intelligent) group than the Tea Party. You never heard about any of us shouting racist slurs at anyone or trying to blow up anyone's house.

I think your main point is that it split the Republican vote, since more of Perot's supporters were ex-Bush supporters than ex-Clinton supporters. So I'm sorry to be defensive. But I always speak up when I see any comparison between United We Stand and the Tea Party movement. There isn't just one Tea Party... there are a great many. And not all of them are made up of fringe characters. But too often it seems that fringe, borderline maniac, wingnuts are attracted to it. That wasn't true of United We Stand. So I feel the need to point out that a Timex and Rolex are both watches, a VW Bug and a Ferrari Testarossa are both cars and a Savage and a Weatherby are both rifles... but just like with the Tea Party(s) and UWS both being grassroots political movements, that's about where the similarities end; one (IMO) outclasses the other by a wide margin.

It was a fine Vietnam vet gun dealer who got me into United We Stand. I made some new friends and linked up with some old friends from college while in that group. I met people from all walks of life and from various ethnic and economic backgrounds. And it's the only politial movement that I've ever been involved in to that degree... and I'll always be proud of my involvement. I guess that's why I am quick to draw a line between UWS and the loud mouth, yammering mobs that are attracted to the Tea Party(s).

Pardon the rant... :hatsoff:
Actually United We Stand was more made up of social centrists/libertarians and (true) fiscal conservatives. There's every chance that you'd meet an econ professor at a United We Stand meeting (I met one of my old econ profs at one). And you can be certain that, unlike the average Tea Party yahoo, he'd know that the Phillips Curve wasn't a turn somewhere on a highway. And judging by the meetings I went to, it was a MUCH more inclusive (and intelligent) group than the Tea Party. You never heard about any of us shouting racist slurs at anyone or trying to blow up anyone's house.

I think your main point is that it split the Republican vote, since more of Perot's supporters were ex-Bush supporters than ex-Clinton supporters. So I'm sorry to be defensive. But I always speak up when I see any comparison between United We Stand and the Tea Party movement. There isn't just one Tea Party... there are a great many. And not all of them are made up of fringe characters. But too often it seems that fringe, borderline maniac, wingnuts are attracted to it. That wasn't true of United We Stand. So I feel the need to point out that a Timex and Rolex are both watches, a VW Bug and a Ferrari Testarossa are both cars and a Savage and a Weatherby are both rifles... but just like with the Tea Party(s) and UWS both being grassroots political movements, that's about where the similarities end; one (IMO) outclasses the other by a wide margin.

It was a fine Vietnam vet gun dealer who got me into United We Stand. I made some new friends and linked up with some old friends from college while in that group. I met people from all walks of life and from various ethnic and economic backgrounds. And it's the only politial movement that I've ever been involved in to that degree... and I'll always be proud of my involvement. I guess that's why I am quick to draw a line between UWS and the loud mouth, yammering mobs that are attracted to the Tea Party(s).

Pardon the rant... :hatsoff:

Then you're smart enough to know about this. The imposters are all OVER the Tea Party. Don't believe everything the MSM monopoly throws at you. They show you what they want to show you. They present what they want to present.

Carry on...

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Then you're smart enough to know about this.

Carry on...

I know that the Tea Party group that listed the (wrong) address for the congressman from the 5th district were gen-u-wine. ;)

It's really unfortunate that they didn't come to my house instead of the guy's brother. Trying to set my house on fire would give me the right to use deadly force. Ever seen what a 12 gauge magnum with buckshot or 40-50 rounds of 7.62x39mm do to the human body? Neither have I. But there's one way to find out. Come have some T.E.A. at my house and light a bonfire near my back deck. And call CNN and Fox News before you light the match. We'll make the nightly news... well, one of us will. :dunno:
I know that the Tea Party group that listed the (wrong) address for the congressman from the 5th district were gen-u-wine. ;)

It's really unfortunate that they didn't come to my house instead of the guy's brother. Trying to set my house on fire would give me the right to use deadly force. Ever seen what a 12 gauge magnum with buckshot or 40-50 rounds of 7.62x39mm do to the human body? Neither have I. But there's one way to find out. Come have some T.E.A. at my house and light a bonfire near my back deck. And call CNN and Fox News before you light the match. We'll make the nightly news... well, one of us will. :dunno:

You refuted nothing about the evidence of agent provocateurs. I'll just take that as an admission on your part. It's nice how the MSM goes out of their way to shine the spotlight on the wackos. Very convenient for their cause. The NWO is in full effect.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
There isn't just one Tea Party... there are a great many. And not all of them are made up of fringe characters. But too often it seems that fringe, borderline maniac, wingnuts are attracted to it. That wasn't true of United We Stand.

I know that the Tea Party group that listed the (wrong) address for the congressman from the 5th district were gen-u-wine. ;)

You refuted nothing about the evidence of agent provocateurs. I'll just take that as an admission on your part. It's nice how the MSM goes out of their way to shine the spotlight on the wackos. Very convenient for their cause. The NWO is in full effect.

While you may contend and fully believe that EVERY borderline personality that shows up at a Tea Party event is an "agent provocateur", supported by the MSM, driven by too many BYOB's, maybe former employees of the DoD or the FCC and not great believers in OEE :)rolleyes:)... my points are listed in the quotes above.

I will also say that it is possible, or likely that some of the kooks at Tea Party events are plants. But do I think all of them are plants? No, I already know (from reading the Lynchburg chapter's website) that is not the case. Some of them are true, blue, gen-u-wine nutcases. Further, one of the links on the Google page listed Lyndon LaRouche supporters as plants. Who's to say that the LaRouche crowd doesn't feel some kinship with the Tea crowd? Why single them out, when they often say things similar to what you've posted above? Agent provocateurs, black helicopters, NWO, MSM, etc. You've got Fox News basically organizing and sponsoring Tea Party Express events. What more do you want from the MS... er, "main stream media"???
Ahhhh, yes, fixed news. A walking contradiction. But tsk tsk to you. Isn't it very ironic and convenient that fixed news - the "news" outlet you purport are promoting the Tea Party movement - were the same ones who vilified Ron Paul, one of the founders of the movement, time after time in the '08 election. Yes, yes...the NWO is in order, and the MSM are, again, in full effect, sir. I can tell you're educated, but unfortunately your head is in the sand on this one:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I said that Fox News has been supporting the Tea Party Express... which is true. Look again at my quote above:
There isn't just one Tea Party... there are a great many.

That group (the Express) is now little more than an off-shoot of the GOP. Ron Paul is a libertarian (social and economic). He has been at odds with the Tea Party Express and the Sarah Palin contingent of the faux conservative movement for some time. If you want to suggest that Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. operation is supporting the movement most likely to agree with his corporate interests, and that they're using less educated (though maybe well meaning) "fiscal conservative" wannabes to do it, then we would be in agreement. Again, the true goals of the Tea Party is about as clear as mud. Why? Because, as I've said several times, there is not just ONE Tea Party - although most all of us get caught up by referring to it in the singular.

And not to draw this out too much more, but at the end of the day, you cannot be an effective leader just by saying what you are against. In order to accomplish goals, you have to be able to devise strategies to get from A to B. If I went into a company and just said that I was against higher costs and lower revenues... they'd have security escort me out for wasting their time. A baby can tell you what he's against. But he can't devise a workable strategy to accomplish what he's for. Unlike much of what I hear from the various Tea Party types, that is not something that United We Stand struggeled with. There was a great deal of intellectual horsepower in that movement. We may have gotten it wrong in the end, but we absolutely had plans and we knew how to implement them.
If you want to suggest that Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. operation is supporting the movement most likely to agree with his corporate interests, and that they're using less educated (though maybe well meaning) "fiscal conservative" wannabes to do it, then we would be in agreement. Again, the true goals of the Tea Party is about as clear as mud. Why? Because, as I've said several times, there is not just ONE Tea Party - although most all of us get caught up by referring to it in the singular.


More or less, yes, that's what I'm saying. And to that second point above, again I think the MSM has shown their colors by picking and choosing which aspect of the Tea Party Movement(s) to present. Most people see that movement as a single movement, like you stated. Lastly, haven't RP, Palin and Bachman been at rallies together? I'm pretty sure that is the case. In other words, I think there are issues they concur on.
More or less, yes, that's what I'm saying. And to that second point above, again I think the MSM has shown their colors by picking and choosing which aspect of the Tea Party Movement(s) to present. Most people see that movement as a single movement, like you stated.

The pre Obama era "Tea Party" was non existent. The movement has been co-opted by a bunch of GOPers prattling some incoherent message.

Why wouldn't the media cover those who are the one's that have exploited the movement to just sing another GOPer tune?

After all, isn't that the reason why we're paying attention to it now?
The way that people or entities in power maintain their power is to absorb the little upstart threat, call it "mainstream" and then silence it. Fox News embraced the Tea Baggers but only to be able to silence them when it came time to silence them.

I don't see misogynist corporate whore/white men like Karl Rove and Newtie Gingrich embracing attractive female candidates to be the spokespersons for a political party. These men really hate women and believe all women should be silent supporters of men, and they should do that silent supporting from the kitchen.

Are the Tea Baggers just a new label for Ron Paul Libertarians or are they just the Republican Party minus the Evangelicals?


Staff member
i think a lot of people are tired of obama and when the classic right wing doesn't really work, then they try something else by making a block vote.