Casey Anthony - NOT GUILTY

When your on a jury you have to base your verdict not on what you think happened, but on what you think the prosecution proved. There was just a lot of circumstantial things and lack of evidence in this case. I don't necessarily disagree with the jury. The district attorney of the area even called it a bare bones case. (Which makes you wonder why they went to trial in the first place if that was the case.)

It's hard to say what my verdict would have been without me paying more attention to the case. I can only hope she really isn't guilty. Not only because the crimes she was accused of were pretty horrible and I would like to think people wouldn't do them, especially to their own children, but because she is now found not guilty in a court of law. If she is guilty I will have to settle for justice being done in the next life, and if she isn't guilty it's a good thing she's not going to prison.

This is just like the OJ trial. Guilty defendant but the prosecutors didn't go all the way to prove it.
Casey will be ostracized just like OJ.

I wouldn't classify it like that. The OJ trial had much better evidence against OJ in my view and finding OJ not guilty was more unjustifiable in my opinion.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
This was one of those verdicts that made me go huh. It makes no sense to me, why can't so called parents if they don't want kids just drop them off at the nearest hospital, fire station, or church doorstep.

cindy CD/TV

I'm glad she was acquitted because I think she's super hot ... and now I don't feel so guilty about thinking so. :facepalm: :o

More seriously, through, the prosecution simply didn't make its case, IMO. I watched quite a bit of the trial, and what the state's case boiled down to was this: Casey is a bad person, a liar who likes to sleep around, therefore she must be guilty. :bs:

Simply being a bad person is not a crime. Plus, Casey has obviously got some serious emotional issues. Whether they stem from sexual abuse, I don't know. And her behavior while Caylee was missing was certainly bizarre to say the least. However, the behavior in itself is NOT evidence of guilt. Juries don't, and can't, consider theories and speculations and emotions, JUST FACTS. The state built its case on emotions and smelly garbage and Casey's slutty lifestyle. There was no physical evidence tying Casey to the death of that little girl: no "smoking gun," no DNA, no fingerprints, no cause of death, no witnesses. If you're going to send someone to death row, you MUST be absolutely certain and present irrefutable hard evidence.

The state never could explain WHY Casey would chose to kill her daughter so that she could go out partying when Casey could easily have dropped her daughter off with her doting grandparents any time she wanted to. :dunno:
What I want to know is why the state didn't focus more on Lee Anthony (who might very well be Caylee's father ... :eeew:) or that meter-reader guy who somehow managed to spot a half-buried tiny skull from 30 feet in the bushes but refused to go down and check it out because he's scared of snakes. His testimony was creepy and left me with deep suspicions of his involvement and motives. Hmm...

Casey was merely an immature narcissistic liar who wanted to do what young 20-somethings like to do: drink and fuck, drink and fuck. But that doesn't mean she killed her daughter. By all accounts she was good to Caylee. There was no pattern of abuse. Usually moms who kill their children fall into two categories: 1) Severe mental illness/separation from reality; 2) Consist and progressive patterns of physical and verbal abuse that, if unchecked, escalates to mortal harm. Casey falls into neither category -- simply put, a mom just doesn't decide to murder her toddler so she can go out dancing. Period.

I bet Casey has had a giant reality check as a result of all this. I'm sure she will forever be changed by this experience. She will do a book deal, a movie deal, a reality show, do interviews and, hell, she might even pose nude for Playboy. I don't think we've heard the last of her.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Lets not forget the burden of proof is for the prosecution to prove and exhibit exactly what happened, when and how, a crime was committed and describe it to jury of the accused peers and I don't believe they came close to achieving that, on the other-hand, all the defense has to do is present some kind of reasonable doubt in the eyes of the jury, why the accused isn't responsible, present the doubt that the jury could be sending or punishing the wrong person, which the defense did do. :why:

I honestly don't know why Casey waited 31 days and what the evidence in the trunk was really from, but, the scientific proof was lacking and there were to many holes and unanswered questions the prosecution could not solve or present to the jury in a capacity that proved CASEY was indeed directly responsible for Caylee's death, the prosecution didn't have enough forensic, scientific or air tight evidence that could prove Casey being guilty, maybe SOMEBODY is guilty only a few people know that for a fact, but it might NOT have been CASEY who should have been on trial. :dunno::2 cents:

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I feared that there was far too much circumstantial evidence in order to convict her. Anyone who has ever served on a jury in a murder trial (I had the privilege of serving in that capacity once) knows that the judge's instructions for the jury to determine guilt are extremely explicit and that only the facts as they are presented can be considered as hard evidence to prove guilt beyond the preponderance of any reasonable doubt. Obviously, the defense was able to create enough reasonable doubt to get an acquittal. Personally, I still think she did it.

You mean the "Look at her" strategy isn't enough to convict? I'm shocked. The prosecution dropped the ball, plain and simple.


Hiliary 2020
I never heard about it until I sawr it a few weeks ago.
she's guilty as fuck.
People are generally weak these days. I'm referring to the jury.
Unless they have DNA evidence they won't convict.
Then again know everything today is fucked up.
Why did the state try to go for the death penalty?

Everywhere you look , screwheads.


Lord Dipstick
She didn't do it.....:nono:
Prosecution did a horrible job proving it beyond a reasonable doubt, She most likely did do it but they couldn't prove it...Now lets see her on Freeones :)

Jon S.

She didn't do it.....:nono:

That's not what the jury found...they just found that the State did not meet their burden to prove their case. Not guilty does not mean you didn't do it....just ask O.J. Simpson & Robert Blake.

Now, my (higher) educational background is in the law and criminal justice....and let me tell you this'd be hard pressed to find 12 dumber people than a jury! Smart people find ways to get out of jury duty, dumb people serve. Ha ha ha! For real though! Nothing worse than dumb people trying to play smart! Ha ha ha!

As technology and science continue to play greater roles in criminal cases.....that only exploits the problem of, being kind here, less than the sharpest tools in the shed serving on juries. They can't follow or understand the evidence to make an educated interpretation of the evidence and how it links the defendant to the crime. :2 cents: If the girl died in an accident as was seemingly claimed.....why all the lies and the cover-up and dumping her (bound with duck tape) like she was garbage? Just sayin'! I don't believe anyone can say that based on a preponderance of the evidence (more likely than not) that Casey didn't kill her daughter. Yes, that's a lower standard than a criminal trial calls for....but it's good enough for the court of public opinion.
I don't get why people are so upset over this verdict, to me it actually shows our justice system actually works somewhat. The prosecution couldn't prove that Casey had killed her daughter (she probably did) but there just wasn't any proof of how Casey died.

I'm more interested to see how the Anthony family handles all this after what the defense said about them (namely the dad and brother).

All that said, I wouldn't mind seeing her naked ;)
I don't want to see her naked. I don't want to see her face anywhere anymore. Whether or not she killed her baby, she is a poor excuse for a human being. Partying with the knowledge that your beautiful child is dead, even IF it was accidental, just proves that IMO. The interviews, book, and movie deals will come in due time no doubt..just another reflection of the sick society we live in.
And for those who can-t convict purely on circumstantial evidence, I have 2 words for you..Scot Peterson.
Well, if nothing else this case sets a ground breaking precedent: duct tape is now considered a suitable babysitter.

On a somewhat unrelated note, I'm off to the 99 cent store to buy a night out on the town with the old lady.
Smart people find ways to get out of jury duty, dumb people serve. .

A reporter did report they were upset they missed their holidays and most of their summer, thus why they put in the verdict so quick. You are probably right. I will keep that in mind whenever in the future I am called for duty. lol

I think shes SO hot. I love that she is SO slutty too. Even her defense attorney called her a slut lol.

I don't find her attractive in the least. In a few of the photos of her she looks nice but mostly she reminds me of an Elf with those pointy ears. :flame: