Casey Anthony - NOT GUILTY

She should make a sex tape or do some porn.
Whether she did it or not if there isn't enough evidence to prove she did it beyond a reasonable doubt then you must aquit. There is always the unlikely possibility that she didn't have anything to do with the murder, if she did I hope it eats away at her for the rest of her life.


Anthony faced seven charges

First-degree murder NOT GUILTY

Aggravated child abuse NOT GUILTY

Aggravated manslaughter of a child NOT GUILTY

Four counts of providing false information to a law enforcement officer:
-That she worked at Universal Orlando in 2008 GUILTY
-That she left Caylee with a babysitter named Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez GUILTY
-That she told Jeffrey Hopkins and Juliette Lewis that Caylee was missing GUILTY
-That she received a phone call from Caylee on July 15 2008 GUILTY

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The clerk who read the verdict in the Casey Anthony murder trial was left speechless today when she saw the 'not guilty' verdict.

Judge Belvin Perry handed the clerk the verdict to read to the Orlando court, saying: ‘Will the defendant rise along with counsel. Madame clerk you may publish the verdicts.’

The clerk, accepted the printed verdicts and began reading.

But she was immediately rendered speechless after seeing the jury’s verdict.

After an uncomfortable silence she appeared to regain her composure and declared Anthony not guilty.

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AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.

The clerk who read the verdict in the Casey Anthony murder trial was left speechless today when she saw the 'not guilty' verdict.

Judge Belvin Perry handed the clerk the verdict to read to the Orlando court, saying: ‘Will the defendant rise along with counsel. Madame clerk you may publish the verdicts.’

The clerk, accepted the printed verdicts and began reading.

But she was immediately rendered speechless after seeing the jury’s verdict.

After an uncomfortable silence she appeared to regain her composure and declared Anthony not guilty.

Read more:

I watched it live. The above account is simply untrue. She stumbled once, on the second or last 'lying to the police' verdict, and it was clearly just a stumble: not surprising considering the forum she was in.

Typical Daily Mail. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.


Mr. Nice gallery
I think that the jury and the lawyers both did a great job in this case. I believe they got it right there wasnt enough evidence against her to convict her.
I Thought She Done It All Along!!
But, The Jury Say's NO!! And I'll Respect That!!
But I'll Stick With My First Thought's Deep Down!!
I didn't follow any of the evidence in the trial but from the pre-trial reporting she sure didn't act like she was "not guilty" (but alas, that's not evidence).

The jury has spoken.

I hope someone pays for the crime one day.
So everyone watched this circus show? I honestly only paid attention to the bit about her car stanken like some funky ass shit and her ugly lyin' ass with her elf ears. She was out partying just a couple days after her daughter was missing? She did it.


Torn & Frayed.
I stole this from my Twitter feed; but it's worth noting here:

Stop looking at the Casey Anthony verdict from a emotional stand point. Looking at it from evidence found, and they found NOTHING.
She's going to have a Judge Judy-like show where she critiques alibis and lame-ass explanations-"Where was I on the night of the murder? Where were YOU?!"
This is just like the OJ trial. Guilty defendant but the prosecutors didn't go all the way to prove it.
Casey will be ostracized just like OJ.
I think her life outside of prison will be more difficult to deal with than it would have been inside prison had she been convicted or murder. To those thinking justice wasn't served...this woman will not be able to even leave her home without being thrown with harassment and hatred...the public isn't going to let her get away with this, and she won't be able to maintain any sort of life worth living. In jail she would have been able to hide from all of the hatred but outside? Her and her family are going to have a very rough go at it.

And for what its worth, I think the jury did an outstanding job. Not an easy trial to be a part of, but they did the best that they could with the evidence that they were presented with...thats all you can expect or hope for in justice system. Personal opinions shouldn't matter, its all about remaining unbiased and making the best choice with what you're given, which they did. I hope the jury doesn't wind up being harassed as well, that would be horribly unfair. :/

agreed. this woman is never going to be able to go anywhere without hearing awful things about her. The fact her lawyers conceided she lied about alot of things means her words will never be trusted, or at least shell have to prove the truth before people believe her. Shell be haunted by her past for the rest of her life
She'll be haunted, but only if she has something resembling a conscience-and I wouldn't bet on it.


Postal Paranoiac
This was the opening story on Telemundo News tonight. After that, there were just a bunch of stories about immigration.