Canadian sniper makes record-breaking killl shot in Iraq

from over 2 miles away.

A sniper with Canada’s elite special forces in Iraq has shattered the world record for the longest confirmed kill shot in military history at a staggering distance of 3,450 metres.

Sources say a member of Joint Task Force 2 killed an Islamic State insurgent with a McMillan TAC-50 sniper rifle while firing from a high-rise during an operation that took place within the last month in Iraq. It took under 10 seconds to hit the target.


Not only distance, wind and curvature of the earth, but at that range, the rotation of the earth and heck, the moon's orbit and what you have set to record on your dvr.

kinetic energy - renewable and doing good for humanity.


Hiliary 2020
The US kills Muslims everyday. And the ones they don't kill directly they supply the bullets and bombs.
I suppose this time it's different because it wasn't a civilian or so they say.
You know a woman or a little kid like most are.
I remember watching a documentary on Rob Furlong (#3 on that list, and #1 at the time) on how he made his shot. It actually took him 3 shots to hit the target (the taliban where confused what was happening so they didn't run for cover).
I wonder if this was one shot, or if he also needed to make some corrections?

At this point though, with weapons this accurate you have to figure these insurgent wars are just becoming a sort of Olympics for special forces competing for such kills.
The US kills Muslims everyday. And the ones they don't kill directly they supply the bullets and bombs.
I suppose this time it's different because it wasn't a civilian or so they say.
You know a woman or a little kid like most are.

Hahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahaahahh. What a stupid thing to say. Yeah, boatloads and boatloads of innocent women and children. Make your sentences with facts next time, honey. Yeah. The US makes little Muslim angels everyday. It's just an awesome headline to see that a bullet flew threw the air for almost ten seconds, 'til it made its home buried deep in the brain, betwixt the eyes, of some IS piece of shit, surrounded by his last flickering thoughts of, "Whuh?..." Yep, sorry you fucking douchebag, no murdering of innocents for Allah for you.