Canada vs. The U.S.

It's ironic when you factor in the fact that nice decent people don't have a chance.

I think there has to be something wrong with you anyway to want the job. Among the new candidates, look at the lies, insults, half truths and outright deceit already when you check what they say publicly, (which gets remembered as factual whether it is or not), against the truth, while they attack each other and flip flop their, "message", and public personna to look and sound it's best.

Good used car salesmen.
I have an impression from each side:

Canadians seem to spend a lot of time saying that they are not Americans. (Abroad, over here)

Americans seem to never think about Canada - it's like the USA's attic - there's something up there, but you don't really care or have the time to look.

Oh yeah....Canada?! I forgot all about them.

Hey, how's the weather up there? ;)
I love snow. I like to ski. <3


Canada -

Has a province that is a physical duplicate of conditions common to the earths moon - Regina Saskat. :1orglaugh

Plain(s), coooold, austere, non descript and boring. Depopulating to boot !


MM uses more direct fact and quotation and incontrovertible statistic than any of his discreditors.

" I don't own one single Stock" - MM :tongue:

Starts with an H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _n < ends in an "n"

His "followers" say he didn't have the slightest idea what existed in his multiple stock portfolio. IIRC - He even conceded the point that he owned greater than a single share of "H" stock and his ultra dedicated tier of anarchists / fans / followers went beyond and continue to defend the indefensible.

Some of my buds - (dedicated liberals) felt betrayed by him and today believe that he's just another greedy grubby capitalist, just oriented differently.

Mr. Moore is very talented, however, I would prefer he turn his aptitude toward a more sensible more inspiring vision.
No Can DO ! Controversy sells tickets :sleep: