I agree with this. I fell that if I don't get 10 kills then I played shitty.
I only need a k/d spread of 1:1 or higher and im happy
I agree with this. I fell that if I don't get 10 kills then I played shitty.
yea but when you go 2 and 13...you didn't really kill anybody. Just 2 lucky kills is all.
I dont get how people keep getting nukes.
Ive never had more than a 21 kill streak and that was on mw1. I know that 1 kill streak can lead to another 1. Mabie ive just been unlucky. The biggest streak ive had is 11. Ive never even seen the enemy have a nuke. The next killstreak open i get im unlocking the nuke. Im at level 41. Do you guys just play with skilled players? or is it that your on xbox and im on psn. Or is it your really really skilled? or just luck?.
LOL....how do you figure 2/13 is fun cause your just out there killin'????? whatja' kill????
They fixed the shotgun thing? I didn't even notice. I still get blasted from to far away with those fuckin things. The noob tube is retarded.
Last night I went 41 and 12 in a game of domination on underpass. I used my run-n-knife class! I forgot how much of a lunge you get with comando pro! :eek:
We lost that match, cause we couldn't hold 2 points for very long. I don't care I still had a blast stabbin people and pissin em off!!!
I'm not sure about 360,I speak from a ps3 perspective. But yes, the duel wield shotgun glitch was taken care of when they patched it a couple of weeks ago.
I gotta bone to pick with the devs. The XXX movie section in the red light district on invasion hasnt gotten any new releases since launch and the magazine stand in the airport has the 2 month old issue of Club.......what gives?????
Gotta love the ones who hang out in the porn section jackin off. Everytime I run in there just to check and see if some douche is camping there. When there is I let em have it at the end of the match. Or right then if its free for all. They always end up leaving after I rip into em about sitting in a corner jacking off.
Gotta love the ones who hang out in the porn section jackin off. Everytime I run in there just to check and see if some douche is camping there. When there is I let em have it at the end of the match. Or right then if its free for all. They always end up leaving after I rip into em about sitting in a corner jacking off.
COD6 for PS3 was my Christmas present and I love it...![]()
Hey I don't have that game, but I really want it. I never played a shooting game on PS3. Can anyone tell me if the control is easy for a shooting-on-PS3-noob. :o
I'm used to play my shooter games on a pc with a mouse.
Is it possible to play it on a PS3 with a mouse? And if so can you play it with mouse and PS3 controller at the same time? You know running with the controller, but shooting with the mouse. :o
Thanks in advance for any help.