Yes I'll definitely get it
I can understand that. Extreme camping I would agree is just a waste of time, I just couldn't really put into words why that is, and I think you've touched on it pretty well.
pussies, simple as that. People are to damn chicken shit to move around on the map. I'll camp sometimes. But not for to long. Get a few kills and move to somewhere else. Rest of the time I'm crouched and creeping around the map.
damn, i hate the fact that the sound keeps going out for some reason, then it comes back, usually after I get killed 'cause I didn't hear the guy sneaking up on me, anyone else having that problem? What do you do about it?
You sure they don't have the Ninja Pro perk on? You can't hear footsteps with that perk. I use the Ninja Pro perk and the Cold Blooded perk (to keep off of UAV's, Sentrys, Harriers, Predators etc...). I'm like a ghost on the battlefield.
Nope, it's like the whole sound goes off, like a loose cable but the cables are fine i checked
Ok,someone needs to explain this to me please. In this match tonight,I'm playing and all of a sudden this dude gets an EMP thing were all your electrical shit dont work.He got it very very early in the match and I said to my buddy "already????".....
I was amazed and after it hit us I looked at the stats and the highest guy on their team had 9 kills. Here's the fishy thing,the EMP takes 15 kills to get so how did he manage this?????? Codes,gamesharks,hacks,cheats???????
care package. I've gotten an emp twice from a regular care package. It's also the only way I've ever gotten an AC130
I think the AC130 is overrated. I'd much rather have the chopper gunner than the AC. AC takes to long to reload, the only good thing about it is its very hard to shoot down.
care package. I've gotten an emp twice from a regular care package. It's also the only way I've ever gotten an AC130
I think the AC130 is overrated. I'd much rather have the chopper gunner than the AC. AC takes to long to reload, the only good thing about it is its very hard to shoot down.
Couldn't you just keep rotating between 25mm, 40mm, and the 120mm?
yeah sure, but compared to the chopper gunner, its fire rate is far behind.
But isn't the chopper easier to shoot down? I mean, the AC130 is hard to see.
the choppers are easier to shoot down. The AC130 puts out those fuckin flares so even if you have a lock on it, you won't shoot it down. Unless you fire a rocket right after someone else does. I've shot one down, once.