Question for you all regarding gun ratings. When a gun is rated high in damage does that mean its a potent gun compared to all guns in all classes or just the particular gun class that it resides????
This is what I mean.....Are the assault rifles,no matter what the damage rating, always gonna do more damage than a gun from the light machine gun class or sub machine gun class???
If so than it would make sense to think that an assault rifle with a damage rating of 75 would still be more potent than a gun from the LMG class with a damage rating higher than the assault gun say like 90 or whatever.....
If this is true than that makes me rethink my usage of different guns in this game.
It isn't overall, unfortuneatley. Plus, do not believe the damage stats on this game, they are very inaccurate.
An example; all sniper rifles have the same amount of damage, but the game shows otherwise. All semi-auto sniper rifles have the same amount of fire rate, the game shows otherwise.
Accuracy? I am not sure, accuracy is accurate in my opinion, to a certain extent, it's mostly recoil that the accuracy is factorized in. As for the damage, yes, all sniper rifles do have the same amount of damage.
Here are some of my findings.
Weapon - Head, Chest, Body, Limbs
Intervention - 1.5, 1.5, 1.1, 1.0
Barrett .50cal - 1.5, 1.5, 1.1, 1.0
WA2000 - 1.5, 1.5, 1.0, 1.0
M21 EBR - 1.5, 1.1, 1.0, 1.0
To get the damage output of each weapon, multiply the base damage (70 or 50) by the body-part area (1.5, 1.1 or 1.0). Multiply the result by 1.4 if Stopping Power is being used, and that should be your final total.
Sniper Rifle Damage Totals:
Weapon - Head, Chest, Body, Limbs
Intervention - 105, 105, 77, 70
Intervention (w/Silencer) - 75, 75, 55, 50
Intervention (w/SP) - 147, 147, 107.8, 98
Intervention (w/Silencer & SP) - 105, 105, 77, 70
Barrett .50cal - 105, 105, 77, 70
Barrett .50cal (w/Silencer) - 75, 75, 55, 50
Barrett .50cal (w/SP) - 147, 147, 107.8, 98
Barrett .50cal (w/Silencer & SP) - 105, 105, 77, 70
WA2000 - 105, 105, 70, 70
WA2000 (w/Silencer) - 75, 75, 50, 50
WA2000 (w/SP) - 147, 147, 98, 98
WA2000 (w/Silencer & SP) - 105, 105, 70, 70
M21 EBR - 105, 77, 70, 70
M21 EBR (w/Silencer) - 75, 55, 50, 50
M21 EBR (w/SP) - 147, 107.8, 98, 98
M21 EBR (w/Silencer & SP) - 105, 77, 70, 70
Since every player in MW2 multiplayer has 100 health (or 30 in Hardcore), you can use the resulting damage values above to calculate the number of shots required to kill an opponent.
I hope that has, and most probably has helped you, it certainly has helped me, now, I am a very good sniper and am more wise when it comes to this game.
Another finding; Silencers decrease recoil on EVERY gun (more accuracy) but decreases damage.
Example; L86; SP-40 Silencer-30. If you want a wee-little bit more accuracy in a gun and are willing to trade it in for a bit of damage, silence it. It seems to help a lot of the UMP. Too much in my opinion.
Remember, don't hold back on any questions!