
You want to know what makes California the best state -

In N Out


California Burrito's

Hottest chicks - period


Great weather



Six Flags


and of course, its only like 5 hours from Vegas..

The downside, is its expensive to live here - but if you have the money, only Hawaii, Miami and few other places come close.
Yep I love livin here...but I havn't really lived anywhere else so...I guess I have to do some traveling to do.
madeguy said:
I just visited LA and thought it was a complete shit hole. However, Santa Barbara was very nice.

it depends on the part of L.A. it's either crap or nice.


Retired Moderator
I've always heard California was the Land of Fruits and Nuts! :1orglaugh

DISCLAIMER: It's only a joke
I like cali, especially norcal.

CHICAGO, ILL is the best place in the USA.

best skyline.
best pizza.
best hotdogs.
best music.
italian beef sandwiches.
non-stop drinking, if you're into that type of thing.

it's the biggest small town.

the list goes on.
nothingandless said:
I like cali, especially norcal.

CHICAGO, ILL is the best place in the USA.

best skyline.
best pizza.
best hotdogs.
best music.
italian beef sandwiches.
non-stop drinking, if you're into that type of thing.

it's the biggest small town.

the list goes on.

How about those Bulls, Cubs and Bears? Yup.....
went to LA fews year back, it was 4th of july weekend, i had a great time boozing it up around sunset ended up in a bar with a rodeo horse (mechanical lol) awesome times ahhh.....
You would have to kill me and drag my carcass over to get me to go there, especially southern California. The only redeeming quality I find about the place is the hot chicks. Wasn't it supposed to fall into the ocean by now? :1orglaugh
D-rock said:
You would have to kill me and drag my carcass over to get me to go there, especially southern California. The only redeeming quality I find about the place is the hot chicks. Wasn't it supposed to fall into the ocean by now? :1orglaugh

i have lived in so. cal my entire life and i dont get how anyone could say that....

unless u dont like mexicans.... in that case i could see it. But hey, they make good food.
Oh, and by the way - when is Arnold leaving Sacremento?
nothingandless said:
I like cali, especially norcal.

Nor Cal is like a different state though. It's only California by name. God I'd love to live right in the middle of the redwood forest!
Big P13 said:
Nor Cal is like a different state though. It's only California by name. God I'd love to live right in the middle of the redwood forest!

God bless the hippies... nor cal is like marijuana heaven - along with the carribean, hawaii and holland.
Senor_Cheese35 said:
i have lived in so. cal my entire life and i dont get how anyone could say that....

unless u dont like mexicans.... in that case i could see it. But hey, they make good food.

Things I don't like about California, although I would like to say it's not like I hate the people there. Some of them I extremely dislike though.

Everything seems phonier there. Even the people I have meet that come from there it seems like they are always trying to project an image to the others around them instead of being down to Earth and honest.

Insane property prices, I don't want to have to pay a million dollars for a crapy piece of land with an equally crappy home on it. Sometimes I wonder how normal people actually live there and make it.

There is too much influence by celebrities and other political elites.

There are too many people; I don't like the idea of being packed in with others like sardines.

They use a disproportionate use of recourses. The area is a relatively arid part of the country let they divert water that could be used to help grow crops elsewhere so they can have things like swimming pools and other non essential things, yet many people there don't see anything wrong with that or wonder people further east don't like it.

Yes there liberal but that isn't necessarily a good thing. Just like I don't like mindless conservatives, places like California and Massachusetts have long sense passed the point of being liberal in a open minded critical thinking sense to just plain being stupid. Half the time when I hear of some ridiculous law it comes from those two states. It has gotten to the point where they are just as bad at restricting liberties as the worst conservatives, perhaps even worse.

There is something very wrong with any state that would actually elect people like Arnold and Dianne Finstein to positions of power. (especially Finstien)

You have beaches, and maybe you could actually walk on them if people there didn't have fight a constant battle with billionaire waterfront property owners that seem to have the idea that it's there land when in fact it isn't.

I don't hate Mexicans. What does piss me off is the fact that California has been on the front lines of illegal immigration for decades, and has basically done nothing but drag there feet on the issue. After decades of having done that the entire nation is starting to pay for it now and it might be so big of a problem nobody is willing to do what it takes to fix it anymore. They're too weak and wishy washy to do what it takes. Some of the people in power actually openly welcome them down there probably because they see their future children as a good potential voting block. What also is ridiculous is the fact that some of the bleeding heart liberalism has gotten to a point where they actually will spend millions upon millions of the tax payers money to fund them when if it hurts there fellow citizens.

It seems to be the car chase and gang capital of the world.

There is rampent corruption at ever level of political office and law enforcement.
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