Despite minimum wage hike, Seattle's economy is flourishing

Velocity of money. A theory in practical opposition to trickle down, but unlike trickle down, is grounded by historical evidence.

Notice how he uses "velocity of money" as a catchphrase without actually comparing the historical evidence. He can't and he won't.
The "velocity" could be slow "deflation" or fast "inflation".

More evidence that he is a spoon fed gasbag.

There is plenty of historical evidence of the successes of supply side economics.

Not only that, but Reagan's successes benefited his next two successors.
Tax and economy policies of the US : trickle-down economics all the way.

It started with Reagan.
Bush Sr doubled-down on Reagan
Clinton doubled-down on Bush Sr
Bush Jr doubled-down on Clinton
Obama doubled-down on Bush Jr

This is what brought the US were they are now : massive profits raise for US corporations, massivve GdP growth but low and middle-classes struggling more and more each day.
And still thhe Right has the guts to tell us that the only option is to go even further, to double-down again, to triple-down, that there is no other options, that keynesian economy is communism


You know what they said about doing the same thing again and again, hoping for different results...

A ‘very credible’ new study on Seattle’s $15 minimum wage has bad news for liberals

By Max Ehrenfreund

June 26, 2017 at 6:01 AM

When Seattle officials voted three years ago to incrementally boost the city's minimum wage up to $15 an hour, they'd hoped to improve the lives of low-income workers. Yet according to a major new study that could force economists to reassess past research on the issue, the hike has had the opposite effect.

The city is gradually increasing the hourly minimum to $15 over several years. Already, though, some employers have not been able to afford the increased minimums. They've cut their payrolls, putting off new hiring, reducing hours or letting their workers go, the study found.

The costs to low-wage workers in Seattle outweighed the benefits by a ratio of three to one, according to the study, conducted by a group of economists at the University of Washington who were commissioned by the city. The study, published as a working paper Monday by the National Bureau of Economic Research, has not yet been peer reviewed.

notice it's bad news for "liberals" instead of those affected.

and the study has not yet been "peer reviewed" so rattrap is still stroking his 4-inch dick.

edit: not that there's anything wrong with having a 4-inch dick, hence not a personal attack.