Mariah, tell when is last time when you have been dating a man or had normal sex with a man that has had nothing to do with porn industry? What do you mean with throwin your past in your face? You say you love men and cock, but your messages say something else...
What if I'd throw a raw guess on your face and say that you are probably very insecure yourself? All those childhood traumas, bad daddy, were molested, bad relationships together with your own bad choices (yes you can't accuse your ex-boyfriend from everything, after all you need 2 people for relationship) ending into a being manhating single mother. You probably already past that young and love all shiny things, but you probably love money because you believe that with money you do not need to rely on men. You want to be on control at all times and are unable to let yourself free, to fall in love with men, to rely on a man at anything, to become a happy little normal couple, because of you in fact have not still gotten past all your own childhood traumas and they are hugely affecting your life.
Something I haven't really bothered to mention because it's not really my business nor do I want to be a part of their dramas, but I do believe that many porn girls are very insecure themselves from what I've read and heard, which makes it bit hilarious when I see them using this word. They seem quite double-minded on their ideals, very insecure themselves, messages full of jealousity and bitterness, trying to force people to accept their own view while not accepting other with some excuses not forgetting those haters subjects blahblah etc. are just huge joke.