The more I think about it Mom wouldn't care. She is starting to only care if I meet a woman that can cook. Beyond that she wouldn't care if the woman used to run with the Symbionese Liberation Army.
I'm sorry Mariah but if I was banging some porn star I couldn't help but wonder if I was doing a good job. I mean that is a pretty high bar to hurdle.
They aren't questioning me and getting jealous because I reply to my male fan's emails.
I dated a guy not very long ago. June and July but then the questions started when I would fly out of town. That was when it ended.
When my son is at college I will maybe consider more options for a relationship. Until then he is priority #1.
The problems with people is that so often one person takes on the others life, instead of the 2 of you coming together to move your lives forward together. I dont want to take over or take on someone else's life and I don't want anyone doing it to me. I enjoy my space. I enjoy not having expectations that are unrealistic.
I have tried it both ways with new friends and also potential relationship people. not telling them makes you a liar and deceitful. Everyone should have the choice to be with someone who has a past. Ive not told someone and at dinner a guy came up to the table and called me Mariah and asked for a picture. The guy was pissed and he should have been. After that it's one of the first things I say.
I'm sorry Mariah but if I was banging some porn star I couldn't help but wonder if I was doing a good job. I mean that is a pretty high bar to hurdle.
I have often wondered if porn stars have been desensitized to emotional feelings during sex. I can't see them looking at it the same way as those of us that never did it for a living. I also wonder if it damages them to the point that they never are able to be in love. The whole lifestyle has me baffled.
I have often wondered if porn stars have been desensitized to emotional feelings during sex. I also wonder if it damages them to the point that they never are able to be in love. The whole lifestyle has me baffled.
I look forward to your every post assari
Mariah, I got some random question suddenly popping in my mind for you. Since you are (ex) porn girl and you do these turn-love-off things, but I've understood that you weren't liking escorting things. I suppose you do have some kind of pride to how or when you spread your legs. How many hours, days, weeks or months you believe that one should or you would date before having sex or when to have sex? Do or did you feel pressured to have sex with your dates when you were getting black cocks every other day, feeling guilty of poor clueless dude not having even seen your breasts? Do guys feel pressured or start to pressure you when they find out what you have done, like making them to expect more bed sports, friends-with-benefits and easy lay kind of things, beside escaping?
...with to be in love. Do you mean sex? I think that many of them have feelings like any other (hopefully), watching those same love movies from TV like any other people and wishing to live a happy normal life, but nature of where they have ended up with their job makes them rejected. Honestly I do believe that porn girls are very lonely and can most often only depend on other people of their kind, like socialize with each other like how Mariah said. Depending of how fucked up they are in their heads, I still believe that their children, friends and job are very important to them being those only things they can approach, being very close to them, not rejecting and judging them. Then again if and when they reject the outside world themselves that's another story...
for one, never had black cock every other day. When I first started in the business I did a lot of inter-racial scenes. but when I returned later I didn't. I was particular about what I shot and with whom I shot. It had nothing to do with the color of skin, I just wasn't going to do those stupid racist black themed movies or work with some thug idiot throwing gang signs while he's fucking.
If I feel chemistry I'll have sex on the first date. why should there be some guideline to when you have sex?
what people expect isn't up to me. I don't care. I try my best not to expect much from anyone. People rarely live up to expectations so why bother? If you expect too much it's tough to accept what you get.
well for one your question was rude and you meant it to be.
Secondly, you'll only be left to ponder the answer to that question.
I do not live to please, some people don't like me, some people do like me, but that's life.