Breaking News: Limbaugh Rushed to hospital with chest pains

So give me a name.......who do you consider a true conservative?

Ron Paul is one of the few who Libertarian Republicans who calls himself a Conservative. He is socially liberal and consistent with fiscal conservative values I highly respect and admire him for being consistent.

Rush Limbaugh, Hannity Colmes, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter and the majority of Fox News hosts are not genuine conservatives and genuine Conservatives would agree with me about this while this who are fraudulent conservatives wouldn't.

Will E Worm

Rush Hudson Limbaugh III

Did you know he was married three time...:rolleyes:

Roxy Maxine McNeely (1977–1980, div.)
Michelle Sixta (1983–1990, div.)
Marta Fitzgerald (1994–2004, div.)

Get Well, Mr. Limbaugh, But Don't Rush Back
Bill Shireman President and CEO of the Future 500

The talk show host has a deeper addiction than the one that likely caused his chest pains

I admit I had mixed feelings when I awoke to news that Rush Limbaugh was rushed to the hospital in Honolulu for the same malady he's been inflicting on me for years.

My best wishes to Rush for a quick recovery from his chest pains, and a very slow return to his perch as the nation's most influential talk radio host.

By my calculation, it is only a matter of hours until the media, pundits, and TV doctors begin to speculate on whether Limbaugh's hospitalization was caused by his addiction to pain killers - a problem he admitted in 2003 after being caught buying illegal drugs.

Back then, I remember hoping that fellow Republicans would begin to distance themselves from a drug-addicted Limbaugh. That, unfortunately, has not happened.



Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Did he die? New Years gift, possibly? He probably popped too many viagra for his small under-aged boy-toy that he keeps in the closet.
He's the "community organizer" for the national fiscal conservative movement, and there is no one that can replacement right now.

As for his role as an entertainer, he came up from the old school, while at the same time inventing the "new school" of partisan commentators; both conservative and liberal. There's enough entertainment in his gig that even pure comedians like Howard Stern give him props. I guess this is partially to appeal to the new people, and partially to indoctrinate the lowest common denominator of listeners.

So yes, you're correct in that he's a showman. But wrong in your critique of him as lacking in the intellectual weight as a conservative commentator. Pun intended.

Limbaugh is an incredibly SELECTIVE "fiscal conservative." He's all for fiscal conservatism in anything and everything relating to the welfare of individual people, but he loves to tax and spend like there's no tomorrow when it comes to the military, wars, and militarizing our domestic police forces. Limbaugh's never met a war he didn't like, although he can put on a good act of "restraint" if and when a Democrat might be the Commander-In-Chief at the time, but that's only because he's the most partisan of partisans, and he doesn't want, for purely political reasons, the Dems to get any "credit" for doing the war thing - that's macho GOP territory!!!

Also, Limbaugh is typically silent when it comes to corporate welfare of various stripes.

As for his entertainment factor, what does he do, what has he ever done, that's truly entertaining?? His "Obama the Magic Negro" song? You know, even if we give him the biggest possible benefit of the doubt (that he's got some serious issues with black people - at least with blacks who aren't dittoheads and/or conservative ideologues within the GOP), it just wasn't funny. He's not even remotely close to being a true comedian of any kind.
Ron Paul is one of the few who Libertarian Republicans who calls himself a Conservative. He is socially liberal and consistent with fiscal conservative values I highly respect and admire him for being consistent.

Rush Limbaugh, Hannity Colmes, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter and the majority of Fox News hosts are not genuine conservatives and genuine Conservatives would agree with me about this while this who are fraudulent conservatives wouldn't.

Is being pro-life socially liberal? Or is he anti-statist in regards to social policy and fiscal policy.
Limbaugh is an incredibly SELECTIVE "fiscal conservative." He's all for fiscal conservatism in anything and everything relating to the welfare of individual people, but he loves to tax and spend like there's no tomorrow when it comes to the military, wars, and militarizing our domestic police forces. Limbaugh's never met a war he didn't like, although he can put on a good act of "restraint" if and when a Democrat might be the Commander-In-Chief at the time, but that's only because he's the most partisan of partisans, and he doesn't want, for purely political reasons, the Dems to get any "credit" for doing the war thing - that's macho GOP territory!!!

Also, Limbaugh is typically silent when it comes to corporate welfare of various stripes.

As for his entertainment factor, what does he do, what has he ever done, that's truly entertaining?? His "Obama the Magic Negro" song? You know, even if we give him the biggest possible benefit of the doubt (that he's got some serious issues with black people - at least with blacks who aren't dittoheads and/or conservative ideologues within the GOP), it just wasn't funny. He's not even remotely close to being a true comedian of any kind.

Military spending is a drop in the bucket compared to payments to individuals and a huge amount of the spending goes to things that have a dual use such as the cell phone, internet, gps, gortex etc. etc. that we all know and love.

As for entertainment value, go consult Howard Stern and the liberals or apolitical folk on this thread who have called him funny or entertaining. I thought I had you blocked a few months ago anyway, you're one of those insane libs who can't be reasoned with.
Military spending is a drop in the bucket compared to payments to individuals

2007 defense budget 548.8 billion
2007 welfare and unemployment payments 294 billion

Were you including something other than welfare and unemployment under "payments to individuals"?


Hiliary 2020
someone tell me one thing he says here that is wrong
tell me one specific thing he ever said?
you dont know because you never listened to him

you know most people who dont like him really have never heard him.
theyre just following the herd,
those are the ones i cant stand.

those who have listened to him enough to form a informed opinion and still dont like him.......thats fine, thats your right.

if you want, watch it. tell me what is wrong with what he is saying.
he is mainly just against big GOV and feels it hurts people from succeeding

hate the "rich"

against spending and big GOV


Hiliary 2020
2007 defense budget 548.8 billion
2007 welfare and unemployment payments 294 billion

Were you including something other than welfare and unemployment under "payments to individuals"?

what about administration costs?
rental assistance, medicaid, food stamps, transportation.
(in new jersey welfare folks take taxis everywhere.).
shit adds up. not to mention those folks dont pay into the system.

why do you think california is broke?
what about administration costs?
rental assistance, medicaid, food stamps, transportation.

if you include medicare and medicaid the 2007 totals are

defense 548.8 billion
welfare, unemployment, medicare, medicaid 964.9 billion

the total federal budget for 2007 was 2.8 trillion

still looking to figure how defense is a "drop in the bucket" compared to anything else, or even any aggregate of other things.
if you include medicare and medicaid the 2007 totals are

defense 548.8 billion
welfare, unemployment, medicare, medicaid 964.9 billion

the total federal budget for 2007 was 2.8 trillion

still looking to figure how defense is a "drop in the bucket" compared to anything else, or even any aggregate of other things.

As I recall the federal budget is 1/3 whats called discretionary spending (which would include although it's not that big a part of even that third things like welfare,food stamps etc),then 1/3 on whats called non-discretionary spending (social security,medicare) and then the last 1/3 is spent on the defense budget.

We spend more on defense than something like the next 10 countries spend put together spend.IMO it really is a welfare program for the military industrial establishment and buys us little in return.All that spending creates much less economic benefit for the country (like jobs) as compared to the other spending.I really think we could make much better use of that money for ourselves and the rest of the world.I know some beleive defense spending is critical as we need to be defended,buit the truth is IMO that we could defend ourselves easily on much much less, at least 1/2 less.No you can't go round the world and invade countries like iraq and afganistan if we did that,but that would be a good thing.:thumbsup:
Rush was treated in our country's most "socialist" health care system in HI (which is also the least expensive in a state where everything else is high), anyone know what he thinks of his experience with "socialized" medicine?

I'm particularly interested in his experience with the gauntlet of death panels and government bureaucrats he fought through to finally see a doctor.:tongue:
Rush was treated in our country's most "socialist" health care system in HI (which is also the least expensive in a state where everything else is high), anyone know what he thinks of his experience with "socialized" medicine?

I'm particularly interested in his experience with the gauntlet of death panels and government bureaucrats he fought through to finally see a doctor.:tongue:

that's funny. The guy has so much money he probably owns Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Rush was treated in our country's most "socialist" health care system in HI (which is also the least expensive in a state where everything else is high), anyone know what he thinks of his experience with "socialized" medicine?

I'm particularly interested in his experience with the gauntlet of death panels and government bureaucrats he fought through to finally see a doctor.:tongue:

Actually, he went to a private hospital and paid out of his own pocket.

The Queens Medical Center
Private, non-profit acute medical care facility located in downtown Honolulu. Largest private hospital in Hawaii.