Breaking News: Limbaugh Rushed to hospital with chest pains

I may make him the butt of many of my jokes but I like Limbaugh for sheer entertainment value. Although his shtick is a little old for my tastes anymore, he is a political entertainment genius IMO.

I hope this is just a scare and nothing serious....

^^Maybe you should read the posts in your own thread before you spout off comments that contradict the facts.vv:wave2:

I believe the real issue here is that you don't like the fact that my contention that those comments are made because Limbaugh is so successful and very good at his job holds true. I mean, since we are talking intellectual dishonesty here.
^^Maybe you should read the posts in your own thread before you spout off comments that contradict the facts.vv:wave2:

I read that backhanded compliment. People do not become that riled or wish physical harm on a mere "entertainer". Most of the questionable things I read posted by the right are usually conspiracy theories about liberal political figures. But I have yet to see anything that compares to the outright glee and giddyness by the leftists when someone on the right dies or is physically ill.

You do yeoman's work defending your side I will give you that much but it must be a very tiring endeavor.
So? My uncle was rushed in a week ago and there wasn't a thread about that. I hope the guy is OK but just because people know who you are doesn't make you any more important than anybody else.
So? My uncle was rushed in a week ago and there wasn't a thread about that. I hope the guy is OK but just because people know who you are doesn't make you any more important than anybody else.

If you don't think the health of a celebrity is news worthy then you must be living under a rock. My neighbors welcomed the birth of their twins last week but People magazine didn't offer them 1 million for the first exclusive photos. Having said that, all the best to your uncle.
I read that backhanded compliment.
"backhanded compliment"??? As is always the case, people will see what they want to see. I used to listen to Rush daily from '91 to '93 precisely because he is a masterful entertainer. Now if you see something different from what I have just told you (twice)..then again, you can lead a fool to facts but you can't make him think.
People do not become that riled or wish physical harm on a mere "entertainer". Most of the questionable things I read posted by the right are usually conspiracy theories about liberal political figures. But I have yet to see anything that compares to the outright glee and giddyness by the leftists when someone on the right dies or is physically ill.

Pay closer attention then...:dunno: Besides, GOPer hacks and nutjobs don't just sit around laughing when they can concoct their own death threats on "lefty" entertainers....
You do yeoman's work defending your side I will give you that much but it must be a very tiring endeavor.

You'd be surprised how easy it is when you know the facts..and as my mom used to say...."the truth doesn't require a good memory".:2 cents:
"backhanded compliment"??? As is always the case, people will see what they want to see. I used to listen to Rush daily from '91 to '93 precisely because he is a masterful entertainer. Now if you see something different from what I have just told you (twice)..then again, you can lead a fool to facts but you can't make him think.

Pay closer attention then...:dunno:

You'd be surprised how easy it is when you know the facts..and as my mom used to say...."the truth doesn't require a good memory".:2 cents:

If you have proof that Limbaugh does not with all his being believe everything he talks about on his show then kindly furnish this proof. Because to label him solely as an "entertainer" is simply not true. He speaks to the conservative base and energizes them. Of course his show is entertaining and is part of why it is so successful. People of your ilk have been trying to explain away his success for 20 years. He is quite simply a political force in this country. He was not given the title of mouthpiece for the GOP by the Obama administration if he were simply a song and dance act.

As far as a memory for the truth goes you seem to be completely devoid of any such recollection. If that were accurate, you wouldn't be toeing the line on every democratic talking point, misstatement or outright lie that is being sent out by the current administration on a daily basis. But that is a whole different thread.


Hiliary 2020
you know most people who dont like him really have never heard him.
theyre just following the herd,
those are the ones i cant stand.

those who have listened to him enough to form a informed opinion and still dont like him.......thats fine, thats your right.

if you want, watch it. tell me what is wrong with what he is saying.
he is mainly just against big GOV and feels it hurts people from succeeding

hate the "rich"

against spending and big GOV
you know most people who dont like him really have never heard him.
theyre just following the herd,
those are the ones i cant stand.

those who have listened to him enough to form a informed opinion and still dont like him.......thats fine, thats your right.

if you want, watch it. tell me what is wrong with what he is saying.
he is mainly just against big GOV.

I agree with those statements. FTR I believe Mega when he says that he has listened to Rush. What I fail to understand is why some of what he heard didn't sink into the mind of an otherwise intelligent poster. :)
I agree with those statements. FTR I believe Mega when he says that he has listened to Rush. What I fail to understand is why some of what he heard didn't sink into the mind of an otherwise intelligent poster. :)

Because I realize while entertaining... truth is not his shtick, entertainment is. I would prefer serious issues be dealt with in terms of the whole truth even if entertaining...not pure entertainment.:o

A mere cursory examination of the facts by an objective mind should reveal the deceptive but deft navigation through facts, half-truths and sometimes lies Rush employs to lead the inclined and/or impressionable mind to believe other than the whole truth.


Hiliary 2020
i used to listen to his show alot. it just seemed to me he was pro-usa.
pro -the people and anti - big gov.
he wasnt trying to be divisive at all, actually trying to unify the people.
but they hate him.
like children
Most of the questionable things I read posted by the right are usually conspiracy theories about liberal political figures. But I have yet to see anything that compares to the outright glee and giddyness by the leftists when someone on the right dies or is physically ill.

You're serious?
Did you somehow miss the gleeful feeding frenzies in response to Ted Kennedy's cancer diagnosis, and subsequent death?


Hiliary 2020
Because I realize while entertaining... truth is not his shtick, entertainment is. I would prefer serious issues be dealt with in terms of the whole truth even if entertaining...not pure entertainment.:o

A mere cursory examination of the facts by an objective mind should reveal the deceptive but deft navigation through facts, half-truths and sometimes lies Rush employs to lead the inclined and/or impressionable mind to believe other than the whole truth.[/QUOTE]

I was thinking the same thing about most politicians, but especially the democrats.

And i was here when the kennedy news broke bodes, i dont remember any hateful glee, probably was some
but theres idiots all over right?
That fat SOB Rush Limbaugh is not a genuine conservative.

Are there any? Or are they all situational "conservatives"??

Case in point...Bush claims to not believe in using US troops for "nation building". So called "conservatives" cheer wildly. But when he stacks his administration with nation builders and proceeds to do that very thing..."conservatives" re-adjust their equator and create reasons to support the "new" position.

People who voted for Obama who may or may not have paid attention to what he said on Afghanistan and escalation.....still disagree with the position and protest his position.

I on the other hand supported Bush's invasion of Afghanistan and support Obama's efforts to escalated the war (which are overdue).

So called "conservatives" were all gung ho with whatever use of force Bush sought and were willing to stay in Afghanistan or Iraq for "100 yrs." if necessary as long as Bush or McCain thought so...Now they have amnesia as to why we're even in Afghanistan.....Worse yet (and this is absolutely hilarious), they say Obama needs to go full speed ahead or get out....ironically after sitting on their hands through GWB's half-assed effort in Afghanistan.:dunno:
Dear Partisans

Rush has been dieting successfully of late. Perhaps his cardiologist had a word and that word was a bit too late. Damn nicotine. I wish him a speedy recovery and the best American treatment for his personality disorder.