It means that he didn't experience the socialized health care side of it. By paying out of his own pocket, he did not deal with any social or government program to pay for his treatment. Now, I heard his show when he explained his experience back then and he said he has no insurance because he doesn't want to deal with it. And because he paid out of pocket he actually got a lot of discounts since it simplified the process by leaving out having to go through any private or government insurance.
You know, how sometimes some insurors, even government insurance like Medicare, refuses claims? That whole claim process was left out. I personally have had experience like his, where I once had an accident, did not have insurance, but paid out of pocket for my treatment. It was MUCH cheaper than I thought, of course, I didn't see a specialist, but I didn't really need to see one anyway. Total for 3 doctor visits, 2 sets of x-rays, crutches, pills, bandages and medical supplies with no insurance: $300 to 350