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Don't take away the guns, just simply legalize prostitution in all 50 states.
Seriously, hear me out on this one... What single thing do these mass murdering tirade goons have in common?
You got it, they just simply ain't gettin any...
So it is here I say we offer the not so gifted men of this great republic (ungifted as far as charming women goes anyway) the opportunity the get their hands on the very thing their hormonally crazed / chemically imbalanced brain(s) needs.... a 'lil lovin, i.e. (sugar)
How about it
''Hoes not bullets!"
Have I had too many beers tonight?
Simply put: bad things happen when there aren't any woman around. This applies to men's athletics(e.g. PSU and Sandusky), the military, and religion(i.e the Catholic Church)
It was one day in one city. These aren't isolated. What is isolated is areas heavily armed with legal ownership having homicides and such.
When I go to a relative's house there have been occasions where you would hear gunfire just a couple acres away while at the same time a truck full of good ol' boys drive around with rifles up on the dirt road. It's a heavily armed area and there has been ONE murder there in the area's history, and that was domestic. Again, this area everyone owns one or knows someone who owns one.
Anyway, I'm made my point on the issue. As far as the tragedy I really feel for all those involved. The last time I went to a movie I remember the layout - stadium style seating, I was at the top row and if what I'm thinking about how this pussy pulled this stunt in the front in such a setup everyone in there would've been sitting ducks. I hope they give Holmes CP (capital punishment).
These are isolated incidents because they are occurring in certain pockets of the city, isolated means its set apart. You can walk down Michigan Avenue in downtown Chicago where all the tourists are at and you don't have to worry about being shot, this isn't where the gun violence is occurring. Chicago like every other major city has it's bad neighborhoods and it is in these bad neighborhoods, which are gang infested, that all the violence is occurring in. I live in Chicago and I know where all these shootings are happening. If you live up in the northern suburbs or in the city, you aren't being affected by the gun violence. People make it sound like the entire city is under fire, people are being shot all over the city. This simply is not true.