Brazil Oil Finds May End Reliance on Middle East

Interesting. I was worried at first that the oil was under the rainforest. Well, we need oil so it's good news that another friendly nation has it.


what the fuck you lookin at?
This will only serve to further drive up gas prices...
This will only serve to further drive up gas prices...

This is a pretty dumb statement. Supply and demand dude.

Considering that Brazil uses highly effective sugar cane ethanol already, they'll be able to export every bit of the oil. $$$$
so does this mean we are going to war with brazil?


Why are we so deserving of that oil when we have our own to drill ! ?
Isn't that a tad arrogant on our part to expect relief from other nations ?

Who gives Brasil license to extract that oil from from the Environmentalist's Earth ?

How is it that China can mount platforms out in the Gulf of Mexico yet America(ns) are challenged in doing the same (within our maritime boundaries) ?

Is there something going on here ? :sleep:


Is somewhere outhere.
If the prices of the hybrids come down considerably by the time i'm looking for a new car.I won't need to bother ;)
Good idea for lil dumplin' (My new nickname for Chavez) to start dicking with everyone down there. He'll make a lot of friends that way. Brazil is a beautiful country, and we (USA) have pretty good relations with them.

This is just another example, though, as I read through the thread of the world we live in. I think a lot of folks here would bitch if they were getting hung with a new rope. Complain we're tied to middle Eastern oil. Possible solution pops up? Oh, bitch about that, then.

Maybe this will turn out to be really, REALLY cool. Might not bring gas prices down right away, but I'd sure as hell rather get oil from Brazil than from Saudi Arabia.

i think it's more likely that Brazil will just sell their oil at the same prices as the Middle East countries do and we won't see any benefit other than another few years of oil supply past what they previously estimated it to be


what the fuck you lookin at?
This is a pretty dumb statement. Supply and demand dude.

Considering that Brazil uses highly effective sugar cane ethanol already, they'll be able to export every bit of the oil. $$$$

Supply and demand would have an effect on gas prices yes. But the effect would be an gradual increase over time. Gas prices have soared in recent years and NOT JUST because of supply and demand.

A lot of it has to do with those greedy saudie (Edit - no racist terms, please) fucks thinking "Ah the world will pay, regardless of what we charge" so up the fuckin price goes! That and I'm sure jack ass GWBitch had something to do with it as well! :thefinger

So supply and demand alone wouldn't push gas prices past $4 a fuckin gallon this soon! India and China are still developing, they've not caught up with the U.S. yet!
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Supply and demand would have an effect on gas prices yes. But the effect would be an gradual increase over time. Gas prices have soared in recent years and NOT JUST because of supply and demand.

A lot of it has to do with those greedy saudie (Edit - no racist terms, please) fucks thinking "Ah the world will pay, regardless of what we charge" so up the fuckin price goes! That and I'm sure jack ass GWBitch had something to do with it as well! :thefinger

So supply and demand alone wouldn't push gas prices past $4 a fuckin gallon this soon! India and China are still developing, they've not caught up with the U.S. yet!

Your correct that supply and demand isn't the only factor in oil prices. But it is one of the factors. The main reason oil prices have shot up recently, though, at least in the US, is because of the falling value of the dollar. Look at the rise in the price of oil and the rise in the price of gold. They coincide for a reason. The cost of everything is going up because the dollar is falling.


what the fuck you lookin at?
The main reason oil prices have shot up recently, though, at least in the US, is because of the falling value of the dollar. Look at the rise in the price of oil and the rise in the price of gold. They coincide for a reason. The cost of everything is going up because the dollar is falling.

And why is the dollar falling? Cause our economy is in the shitter, and why is the economy in the shitter? Because oil prices are so fucking high! That and the whole mortgage thing. All of the above server to further fuck the other 2 or 3 things on the list as well as a few other things. We are all in a vicious downward spiral that will only end with the depraved undoing of man kind!
Oil prices are high for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the preferred tax treatment oil speculators receive. they can risk very little while driving the price sky high. These laws/regulations need to be changed.
this is stupid. people are going to panic when oil starts running out because they are not prepared. then they are going to find some more somewhere and say "it's ok, people. we found oil to last for ten years." and they'll go "oh OK. great!" and then do nothing and be in the exact same spot ten years from now.

yeah, let's just keep on being dependent on foreign oil, because that's such a great thing for us right now, and we'll just have it be a different country we get it from until it's all gone. fucking stupid.

you think that ANYTHING is EVER going to get any cheaper? it never has before. get a clue.
Whether it's Saudi Arabia or Brazil, we're still at the mercy of someone else. While this find might benefit us in terms of not having to rusty-trombone the Arabs for their oil, it doesn't solve the problem of having to rely on other countries for energy, transportation, goods, etc.