Boogie Nights

She was little Bill's (the guy that shot himself at the new year's party) wife.

oh i always wondered who she was in the movie. Nina hartley has done a great job representing the Porn business.
There are a lot of unreal but well-crafted set pieces in Boogie Nights. My fave is the drug deal scene with Alfred Molina and the kid lighting little ladyfingers. Also Philip Seymour Hoffman saying «I'm a fucking idiot» over and over after making a pass at Diggler.

Yes, «There will be blood» could have been half the length and still as interesting.

It's a failry accurate depiction of the porn scene of the late 1970's early 1980's, when the business made the change from film to videotape.

Nina Hartley and Ron Jeremy were both paid consultants on the movie and Hartley was actually in the flick.

I don't think the characters are stupid or dumb, at least not any dumber then anyone who isn't in the porn business.


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Was this movie supposed to be a comedy? Everything about it is so fucking ridiculous. There isn't a brain among the characters in this movie. I swear they're all retarded.

Was there any people from the porn industry that were pissed about this movie for portraying them as basically the most lowest most moronic scum on the planet? Or were a lot of the characters based on various elements of various porn actors lives?

I've laughed more watching this movie than a lot of "real" comedies.

I know some of these actors must have had a hard time dumbing down their abilities, because a lot of the people in this movie are actually good actors... but the acting almost seems to be intentionally bad at a lot of points.

That would be what we call in the business 'An Opinion'...
Glad to see more people posting on this lately. Does anybody know of any other movies specificly about the porn business in the 70's and 80's or even now? I mean like showing the film shooting.
Glad to see more people posting on this lately. Does anybody know of any other movies specificly about the porn business in the 70's and 80's or even now? I mean like showing the film shooting.
Only one I can think of Offhand is that movie "X Rated" starring Emilo and Charlie Sheen. Which was ok. But nothing great in my estimation. Orgazmo is hilarious though.
I did not hate the movie but I do not wish to watch it again any time soon. I do feel that both, the director and actors did a good job. They have tried to portray a dark and gloomy side of porn industry which is generally marked by stupidity of self-deception. If you read some of the biographies of some of porn legends of 1970's and even 1980's, they don't have many happy endings. Most of them are hidden under the layers of obscurity which is perhaps the result of social tabooness of the industry; nevertheless, add some more darkness to the entire scene.

Just my two cents,
yea because after i saw the girl next door and boogie nights i just wanted to see if i could find some other hollywood movies about the business.
does anybody know if ifc (the movie channel) has any hardcore porn or any porn for that matter on their channel?
I love the scene in Boogie Nights with Summer Cummings and Skye Blue in the tub.
They are always hot!
"That's sexy! But .... it lacks ..... Passion! I want to see some passion here!" :D

Thankfully Johnny Doe wasnt present during Skye's and Summer's scene. ;)
yea because after i saw the girl next door and boogie nights i just wanted to see if i could find some other hollywood movies about the business.
There is a movie about John Holms's involvment in a murder back in the day. Val Kilmore plays John Holmes. The movie is pretty good but I cant remember the name of it. The Girl Next Door is an awsome movie too by the way, cracks me up everytime I watch it.
There is a movie about John Holms's involvment in a murder back in the day. Val Kilmore plays John Holmes. The movie is pretty good but I cant remember the name of it. The Girl Next Door is an awsome movie too by the way, cracks me up everytime I watch it.
Yeah, that movie is Wonderland.

Which is exceptionally great, and highly recommended if in any way interested in a very prolific part of the life of John C. Holmes. The film takes place basically after the rise to stardom, and centers mostly well into a time where he was very much in his downward spiral.
Yeah, that movie is Wonderland.

Which is exceptionally great, and highly recommended if in any way interested in a very prolific part of the life of John C. Holmes. The film takes place basically after the rise to stardom, and centers mostly well into a time where he was very much in his downward spiral.

Yea i have seen wonderland and i liked it.. not as much as boogie nights even though boogie nights was fictional. wonderland was good and all but i just didnt like to see the downfall of john holmes even though it happened. Wonderland also never showed anything about the porn business but was still a good movie.
I just watched this again a few nights ago, and I do not view this as a comedy nor do I think the director(Paul Thomas Anderson) was trying to portray porn films in a negative light. This story is about how too much money and too much fame can got to people's head and it doesn't matter what industry you happen to be in. If your not careful the same thing could happen to you. Dirk Diggler let the whole fame monster go straight to his head wich resulted in his down fall