Boogie Nights

Was this movie supposed to be a comedy? Everything about it is so fucking ridiculous. There isn't a brain among the characters in this movie. I swear they're all retarded.

Was there any people from the porn industry that were pissed about this movie for portraying them as basically the most lowest most moronic scum on the planet? Or were a lot of the characters based on various elements of various porn actors lives?

I've laughed more watching this movie than a lot of "real" comedies.

I know some of these actors must have had a hard time dumbing down their abilities, because a lot of the people in this movie are actually good actors... but the acting almost seems to be intentionally bad at a lot of points.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
It was supposed to be a retelling of the John 'The Wad' Holmes story. But.. with.. like.. Marky Mark and Burt Reynolds and .. yeah.



Hiliary 2020
Gee Path I actually enjoyed the flic. I think the characters were supposed to be stupid in many ways and I think the actors did a good job portraying them that way.
While it wasn't the best movie I've ever seen, it doesn't come close to being the worst, either.


It's good to be the king...
You are right it was supposed to be loosely based on John Holmes. However aside from Heather Graham as roller girl and Burt Reynolds. The performances are lacking somewhat. It is still an all around good flick but Mark Walhburg is just a plain old bad actor.


The movie bored me to tears when I saw in the theater years ago. That director, to me, pumps out long winded crap.

two words - roller girl :D

Heather Graham, fully nude. Ok, that justified my ticket price to see it.

To be honest, I try and only see movies, that are "iffy" if I there is at least eye candy to enjoy. (Like a Sandra Bullock or Uma movie...)
I'm not a hater on this movie... I watched it for the third time last night... but not so much for the movie itself as for the comedic acting.

Heather Graham as Roller Slut? You can have her. I thought she and every other chick in that movie was about as nasty as real porn stars looked in those days.

Burt Reynolds is Burt Reynolds. I liked him in it. He's fairly likable in a lot of what he does...
Mark Wahlburg is definitely a lousy actor, and that movie was almost his crowning achievement of shit acting. He has absolutely no depth. The best thing I've seen him in was probably The Departed.


Closed Account
I liked the movie a lot. I saw it first time when I was in fifth grade. Mark's acting was really good and the movie had a good plot.

You watched that in fifth grade. :eek: How disturbing, no parental block on your tv I suppose.:dunno:

I never watched it or American Pie, heard enough about them so I never cared too.



You cant pay me to beat off in a truck next to another dude. Movies a classic tho.

"You got the power!!!!" Yeah!
You watched that in fifth grade. :eek: How disturbing, no parental block on your tv I suppose.:dunno:

I never watched it or American Pie, heard enough about them so I never cared too.


My parents were sleeping and I couldn't so I watched TV and there was Boogie Nights. To me that day it was a regular movie, but i didn't understand plot properly


Closed Account
My parents were sleeping and I couldn't so I watched TV and there was Boogie Nights. To me that day it was a regular movie, but i didn't understand plot properly

:nono: Shame on you. lol

Just teasing, I can imagine most here have done it. Rep to you for honesty and good attitude, not all see a ribbing as just that. :thumbsup:

i watched it last nite also (IFC) the music is great!

Me too. What's the deal with that channel? Is it on a trial basis or something? Commercial free, uncut, uncensored, and it's not a premium channel? I just don't get it. Where do they get off not charging me. :rolleyes:

"You got the power!!!!" Yeah!

What's funny is that song was in Transformers the movie. It's by Stan Bush... not Dirk Diggler or John Holmes. That's definitely one of the funniest scenes in the movie though. Those two complete morons jamming and thinking they are just the banging out a #1 hit.


Me too. What's the deal with that channel? Is it on a trial basis or something? Commercial free, uncut, uncensored, and it's not a premium channel? I just don't get it. Where do they get off not charging me. :rolleyes:

IFC is a pay channel. :dunno: