I say : Thanks to the Metropolitan Police!!!
I actually say well done to the man who first spotted the car and reported it to the police :o
I say : Thanks to the Metropolitan Police!!!
Bombers are cowards, whether they push their button remotely, or using a timer, or using a warplane to fly over head and drop them on little Iraqi villages. We celebrate our murder as liberation and condemn anyone else's as evil.
They don't even have to tell us it was Muslims anymore. Everyone is already pre-trained not to even wonder. One day they'll start a war based on evidence from some anonymous internet message board. That's how much we believe blindly these days.
I actually say well done to the man who first spotted the car and reported it to the police :o
That is an inadequate comparison. I won't elaborate on this, but:
Name me one major terrorist attack carried out by Jews (in the name of Jahwe) between 1900 and 1945...??? Hmmm???
If you deny the Islamist threat, you're an anti-semite in my view ... :2 cents:
Oh did he defused it then?...
Not that I'm saying he doesn't deserve thanks, but so do the police. That little face you put made it look like you don't give any credit to them.
Plus it was the bomb squad who defused it. Whoops they are the army :o
Two car bombs found in West End
The first bomb was in a Mercedes outside the "Tiger Tiger" nightclub in Haymarket (been there a couple of years back - nice spot). It contained 60 litres of petrol, gas cylinders and nails.
The second device also containing petrol, cylinders and nails had been found in another Mercedes in Cockspur Street (which leads to Trafalgar Square). However it was illegally parked and towed away.
It is speculated that had the bombs gone off as planned, it would have caused carnage. Survivors from the first bomb in Haymarket, would have fled into Cockspur Street...and into the second bomb. According to the Beeb, this tactic has been regularly used in Iraq by insurgents sympathetic to al-Qaeda's ideology. Also five men jailed earlier this year for their part in a massive fertiliser bomb plot had considered targeting The Ministry of Sound nightclub.
Much worse then I thought.
About 15 gallons of gas and propane? How much damage would that really do I wonder? It might not be very professional.
sorry for the double post, but after reading that article I was doing some reasearch on the general subject and it brought to mind another incident that is even more appropriate. another example of "the great police" and thier response to "terrorist plot."
It seems that there has always been 'enemies out to destroy our way of life', or just having opposing political views, and innocent people to take the blame and punishment.
Sometimes the simplest bombs can be the most effective ones.