Bombs in london.

okay fox then who was it mate, please again perhaps it was the buddhists, organised crimehahahaha, rediculous and i suppose we should have just welcomed hitler all that is needed for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing. it's also not racist to have an oppinion formed on recent history and experience it's called common sense, multiple attacks, car bombs, nails, nightclubsetc.......mate come back to this when the cctv pictures are given to the media and i suppose when i see a little mound of soil on my front lawn i should look for a whale instead of a mole idiot.
islam is not a race so u cant be racist towards it is called islamophobia there are muslims from all races. racist is one of the easiest words to through at someone it merely stifles debate and makes people more inclined to racism believing their views are being ignored. your ignorance it could be argued is racist itself but then again i dont think you are perhaps you could afford the same respect to others on this board
allthough i believe the iraq war to be wrong i dont confuse the daily killings to be of american origin it is the sunni muslims who are killing their own and shias every day it is not the americans if it was purely down to them there would be a democraticaly elected government you are naive to think that the amrcn army is killing innocents on purpose that is a noncense it only makes their job more difficult garnering support to the enemy. where are amcrn bombing innocent civs on purpose that is frankly rediculouse it is only due to the enemies propensity to hide in schools and other cowardly acts that kill who they purport to be freeing. mate this is england i'm proud of my country and culture fuck them and any sympathisers
no name calling ur positions just boring evrybody has heard it neither based in reality or anything else i think m gibson made a good film about it i think it was treated like bullshit like everything else


It's good to be the king...
Meanwhile, the Gay Pride march took place in central London yesterday - one in the eye to those Islamofacists, who despise homosexuals.

Life goes on.....sod 'em!

Meanwhile, the Gay Pride march took place in central London yesterday - one in the eye to those Islamofacists, who despise homosexuals.

Life goes on.....sod 'em!

There ya go show em you won't be intmidated!!:glugglug:
Meanwhile, the Gay Pride march took place in central London yesterday - one in the eye to those Islamofacists, who despise homosexuals.

Life goes on.....sod 'em!

yeah - that was quality, and somewhat ironic, the first public event after the attempted bombings london's annual gay pride march