Pulling for you. Hang in there, man.
You hang in there too.
I'd suggest a 90 in 90 at AA, it's free !
I've heard that many of these temp live in programs are big businesses and not much else if you get the drift.
You're exactly right. They tried to have me immediately removed to a 21 day "live in" program. The cat at the door was trying his damndest to get me to stay. I could see that most of the punks in there were most likely court ordered to stay in. In my case, I didn't break any laws, so it was on my terms. AA, like you said, is most likely just effective. My uncle was a big time AA proponent. At the national convention here years ago he was a speaker. :o
Other than that brother, unfortunately this is strike 2 for me. Without going into much detail - and it is one hell of a story - I rolled my car a few years back after getting behind the wheel. In a nutshell, I lost 10k+ in one night.
I might never touch another drop again, but again, I might learn the meaning of the word
moderation. Time will tell.
At first I thought this thread's title might have meant something else. :1orglaugh
Anyway I'm glad your ok. Having one person on this board that drank themselves to death is already already too many in my opinion.
Thanks for the words my man.
I just hope you didn't drive yourself to the hospital. I hope you're feeling better and try to get that drinking under control.
I learned that driving under the influence was a no-no a long time ago. I haven't done that in years.
Life is hard. Booze is cheap.
There's nothing else I wish to add to that except control your addictions and if you ever, EVER find cops in your kitchen.. someone needs to get their ass kicked. I'm not above beating my sister if she sent me to jail. But I drink constantly and all my friends tend to agree I'm the best drunk they've ever seen. Never violent, never bad.
I wasn't happy to see them inside my property. IMO that's off limits. I must have got a bit
chippy with them because they cuffed me. I remember some of the conversation, but portions of it I don't. Otherwise, I am a pretty mellow dude when it comes to consuming the firewater. Just a bit stupid at times. :dunno:
Don't really know much to say. Glad that you didn't die, and it seems like you have a pretty positive attitude going on, which is great.
I'm trying to stay positive. I want to see how long I can go without a drop. With my will power, I could go forever.
I had a coworker that experienced a similar situation as yours about 2 years ago. He rented a beachside apartment and decided that he'd had enough, so he just started drinking one day, and nearly drank himself to death within a week. His father visited him on day 4 of his binge, and my coworker basically tried to fight his father, who left and called the police to come and take his son to a hospital. When the police arrived, my coworker started shooting at them with a .22 from his balcony on the 3rd floor, hoping that they would shoot back and kill him. After he'd fired off a few rounds, though, he actually passed out and went into an alcohol-induced coma. I can't remember the exact BAC reading he said he had, but it was close to .4. He spent a month in rehab, and came out a new person. The strongest thing he drinks now is Coca Cola. He actually took over his father's property management company when his father passed away last year, and his life is much better now that he stopped drinking and turned his life around.
The funny (or sad) thing about it is I had about a fourth of a bottle of Philips left and more cans to finish. I was almost through and going to pass out for a good day or so and then get back on the road. It just so happened my sister stopped by and I couldn't answer her questions without slurring my words like a vegetable.
Get well soon and be strong. I am with you and best of luck to you .
I might take a hiatus from the board in the near future (going back to school, working and dealing with this poisoner of my body), or I might not. Have to see what everyone else in my life wants. Like Facetious said though, F-treatment. It's a scam. If anything it would be AA.