Blew a 0.32 Last Week

Needless to say, it was a rough week. I spent a night in the ER and almost a week in the hospital (they made me stay). From what I understand 0.32 is pretty bad (4x the legal limit). But whatever, I'm probably off to rehab, then back to school to pursue the major and minor that I had recently selected. All I can say is, God bless those of you that have little difficulty controling your alcohol consumption, you are fortunate. :o

(And no jokes about "blowing" here please) :cool:

Just my girl. It's been rough between us lately, and with a lot of other shit. That was the jist of it (in addition to some other life circumstances) and I just went on a ruthless bender (I have been on them before). I drank for about 5 days straight (vodka, beer) and the shit just built up. My sister came home and I pretty much broke down in front of her. I went down to take another shot and grab a can of rot (the rhyme was not intended), when I came up there were about 6 boys (you know who) in the kitchen. They cuffed me and threw my ass in the ER where it was a real bitch because the people apparently think you are sub-human if you come in in that state. They IV'd me up and gave me valium for the whole time I was down there, which, IMO, only made it worse because I have been through this before and know how to handle it. They also said my heart rate was at 200 over 120 which is bordering on cardiac. :dunno:

I'm not proud of anything, but life is hard some times. Now I will clean up and move on only to be a real positive influence in the community. Life continues on....


There are two ways to look at this thing "stunt" -
Think of it as your rock bottom whilst thinking of it as a reminder that perhaps "somebody" wasn't ready to "let you go".
You've effectively demonstrated yourself to be a fairly tenacious and determined individual (on these pages), besides, as me mums would say : "You're a stubborn Swede" ! ;)

I'd suggest a 90 in 90 at AA, it's free !
I've heard that many of these temp live in programs are big businesses and not much else if you get the drift.

You can do it cav ! Some of world's best doctors can tell stories just like yours.

Go get 'em ! This is your springboard ! . . your calling !

ø :glugglug: ø ;)
At first I thought this thread's title might have meant something else. :1orglaugh

Anyway I'm glad your ok. Having one person on this board that drank themselves to death is already already too many in my opinion.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Needless to say, it was a rough week. I spent a night in the ER and almost a week in the hospital (they made me stay). From what I understand 0.32 is pretty bad (4x the legal limit). But whatever, I'm probably off to rehab, then back to school to pursue the major and minor that I had recently selected. All I can say is, God bless those of you that have little difficulty controling your alcohol consumption, you are fortunate. :o

(And no jokes about "blowing" here please) :cool:


I just hope you didn't drive yourself to the hospital. I hope you're feeling better and try to get that drinking under control.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Life is hard. Booze is cheap.

There's nothing else I wish to add to that except control your addictions and if you ever, EVER find cops in your kitchen.. someone needs to get their ass kicked. I'm not above beating my sister if she sent me to jail. But I drink constantly and all my friends tend to agree I'm the best drunk they've ever seen. Never violent, never bad.

So.. I honestly cant recommend quitting alcy. It's been a lifesaver of mine because my life.. if I didnt drink, I actually would do some stupid shit. I stay home, I drink a bit.. I calm my mood and ignore all the complete ignorant, random-ass bullshit that affects my life. There would be some dead dumbasses if I couldnt have my booze. But I'm not everybody.. my lil brother is a complete prick while drunk and he's only .. umm.. shit.. ::thinks:: only 12? I havent seen him in years and I dont want to. he was a bad drunk at six and no, I didnt give him those beers, he grabbed them behind my mother's back.

Mother.. crazy bitch.. agh.. ::drinks more::
Don't really know much to say. Glad that you didn't die, and it seems like you have a pretty positive attitude going on, which is great.
I had a coworker that experienced a similar situation as yours about 2 years ago. He rented a beachside apartment and decided that he'd had enough, so he just started drinking one day, and nearly drank himself to death within a week. His father visited him on day 4 of his binge, and my coworker basically tried to fight his father, who left and called the police to come and take his son to a hospital. When the police arrived, my coworker started shooting at them with a .22 from his balcony on the 3rd floor, hoping that they would shoot back and kill him. After he'd fired off a few rounds, though, he actually passed out and went into an alcohol-induced coma. I can't remember the exact BAC reading he said he had, but it was close to .4. He spent a month in rehab, and came out a new person. The strongest thing he drinks now is Coca Cola. He actually took over his father's property management company when his father passed away last year, and his life is much better now that he stopped drinking and turned his life around.
this thread has stirred up a lot of emotions and memories for me.

I've been totally sober for about a year now. about three or four years that I haven't been drunk or high more than once every couple months or so. haven't smoked cigarettes or done any non-prescription pills or drove drunk in all that time either.

I'm so grateful to all the people that I know who died. because of them I get to be alive today and never forget that it could have been me. Although it's not a fair trade and I wish that it could be me instead.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Hey cavy sorry you've had all this trauma in your life.. I hope all is well now!! I have been there done that!! not being sent to the ER cuz of my addiction, but I was the victim of a combination of bad habits.. I smoked, toked REEFER like cheech and chong, but I eventually quit on my own! I also drank like a FISH! albeit not much hard liquor but a hell allot of beer and some liquor!! and just a combination of eating terrible, smoking cigarettes, & whatever I induced for my relax mode (as far as substance) that I would choose ended up for me as a serious cardiac condition!!

I can't touch any alcohol or smoke ANYTHING cigs or reefer ever again or I die!! so I have learned my lesson and yes it kills me!! I have done all my parting @ a young age.. and will NEVER be able to relive it unless I plan to die..

So all in all I have been there... I know the regret, the passion, and I definitely fiend to be able to visit and indulge in my old haunts and habits in hopes for a normal life again, but I fucked that up.. so I gotta live with the consequence's! you can do it also, I know I speak for everybody here on FO's but if you need to talk to somebody, I will be more than happy to help you if I can! take care and be well.. goodluck my friend!! :bowdown: :hatsoff:
Pulling for you. Hang in there, man.

You hang in there too.

I'd suggest a 90 in 90 at AA, it's free !
I've heard that many of these temp live in programs are big businesses and not much else if you get the drift.

You're exactly right. They tried to have me immediately removed to a 21 day "live in" program. The cat at the door was trying his damndest to get me to stay. I could see that most of the punks in there were most likely court ordered to stay in. In my case, I didn't break any laws, so it was on my terms. AA, like you said, is most likely just effective. My uncle was a big time AA proponent. At the national convention here years ago he was a speaker. :o

Other than that brother, unfortunately this is strike 2 for me. Without going into much detail - and it is one hell of a story - I rolled my car a few years back after getting behind the wheel. In a nutshell, I lost 10k+ in one night.

I might never touch another drop again, but again, I might learn the meaning of the word moderation. Time will tell.

At first I thought this thread's title might have meant something else. :1orglaugh

Anyway I'm glad your ok. Having one person on this board that drank themselves to death is already already too many in my opinion.

Thanks for the words my man.

I just hope you didn't drive yourself to the hospital. I hope you're feeling better and try to get that drinking under control.

I learned that driving under the influence was a no-no a long time ago. I haven't done that in years.

Life is hard. Booze is cheap.

There's nothing else I wish to add to that except control your addictions and if you ever, EVER find cops in your kitchen.. someone needs to get their ass kicked. I'm not above beating my sister if she sent me to jail. But I drink constantly and all my friends tend to agree I'm the best drunk they've ever seen. Never violent, never bad.

I wasn't happy to see them inside my property. IMO that's off limits. I must have got a bit chippy with them because they cuffed me. I remember some of the conversation, but portions of it I don't. Otherwise, I am a pretty mellow dude when it comes to consuming the firewater. Just a bit stupid at times. :dunno:

Don't really know much to say. Glad that you didn't die, and it seems like you have a pretty positive attitude going on, which is great.

I'm trying to stay positive. I want to see how long I can go without a drop. With my will power, I could go forever.

I had a coworker that experienced a similar situation as yours about 2 years ago. He rented a beachside apartment and decided that he'd had enough, so he just started drinking one day, and nearly drank himself to death within a week. His father visited him on day 4 of his binge, and my coworker basically tried to fight his father, who left and called the police to come and take his son to a hospital. When the police arrived, my coworker started shooting at them with a .22 from his balcony on the 3rd floor, hoping that they would shoot back and kill him. After he'd fired off a few rounds, though, he actually passed out and went into an alcohol-induced coma. I can't remember the exact BAC reading he said he had, but it was close to .4. He spent a month in rehab, and came out a new person. The strongest thing he drinks now is Coca Cola. He actually took over his father's property management company when his father passed away last year, and his life is much better now that he stopped drinking and turned his life around.

The funny (or sad) thing about it is I had about a fourth of a bottle of Philips left and more cans to finish. I was almost through and going to pass out for a good day or so and then get back on the road. It just so happened my sister stopped by and I couldn't answer her questions without slurring my words like a vegetable.

Get well soon and be strong. I am with you and best of luck to you .


I might take a hiatus from the board in the near future (going back to school, working and dealing with this poisoner of my body), or I might not. Have to see what everyone else in my life wants. Like Facetious said though, F-treatment. It's a scam. If anything it would be AA.
Hey cavy sorry you've had all this trauma in your life.. I hope all is well now!! I have been there done that!! not being sent to the ER cuz of my addiction, but I was the victim of a combination of bad habits.. I smoked, toked REEFER like cheech and chong, but I eventually quit on my own! I also drank like a FISH! albeit not much hard liquor but a hell allot of beer and some liquor!! and just a combination of eating terrible, smoking cigarettes, & whatever I induced for my relax mode (as far as substance) that I would choose ended up for me as a serious cardiac condition!!

I can't touch any alcohol or smoke ANYTHING cigs or reefer ever again or I die!! so I have learned my lesson and yes it kills me!! I have done all my parting @ a young age.. and will NEVER be able to relive it unless I plan to die..

So all in all I have been there... I know the regret, the passion, and I definitely fiend to be able to visit and indulge in my old haunts and habits in hopes for a normal life again, but I fucked that up.. so I gotta live with the consequence's! you can do it also, I know I speak for everybody here on FO's but if you need to talk to somebody, I will be more than happy to help you if I can! take care and be well.. goodluck my friend!! :bowdown: :hatsoff:

Thank you.. :hatsoff:

I use(d) it for a variety of reasons: Relaxation (nerves); euphoria; and medicinally (I used to drink to help me sleep). It was just the ramifications of all those things combined that put me in this position. When you use it on so many levels it clearly becomes a problem. When I started using it to help me sleep I knew right then and there it was a problem.

That's not to say that I am not a willful person, because I am. That said, I can't say that I will never be able to be a "Controlled Drinker", because that might be a fitting alternative to driving myself insane about "the good old days." :cool:
I'm very sorry to hear about these demons, Ninety. No girl is worth ruining your life over. If you have family and friends that care about you, that's all anyone really needs in life. Good luck on getting yourself back on track.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
People often ask me about what they call the good old days. I've been doing this for so long that I honestly dont remember much about the past. Every time I find a reason to stop some really bogus shit is thrown my way. Recently I was offered assistant manager at a place I go to all the time just to buy games/movies and to shoot the breeze with the guys there. That's cool. Then my mother called me for the first time in a year. She was being abused by her husband and wanted to talk to me, I did so.. he found out and called me.. threatened a number of my body parts and then a week later she calls back, we work out a plan where she jumps down here and escapes it all. She was drinking heavily and.. well.. my mom just doesnt do that. That fact kept me up at night along with the rest of it.

She came down, we talked.. had fun.. blah blah.. then she cried and said she came back too soon. She took off after maybe 2, 3 hours in a 'safe' environment.

Unemployment is waiting for my severance pay from my last job to run out, except that with the timing of it all.. I'll just barely cut it close between unemployment, leftover cash and the roomie finally getting some hours at her place. But the roomie takes a lot of patience not to argue 24/7. Damned italians.. BE FRIGGIN' MELLOW IN MY HOME!

My ex came back, fucked me and took off. I still need to get her new cell number one of these days. Being used feels good when you're post-coital.. then it really doesnt.

Then, I turned 26 on August 6th.. one year older, one more year sharing it with nobody. Unless you include the half-full glass.

So yeah, it's used to dull whatever fucking ... that G_d sends down to my ass. Maintain a happy state of being, dont let it interfere with your job and dont get arrested for it. If you find yourself consistently tired and waking up sucks more than usual.. give your liver a break and go force yourself to hang out with your best friend or a family member.

The cravings go away. Replace them with exactly what you were feeding your body anyway.. sugar, sugar and more sugar. Sort of a shame that alcy has so many calories.

Ahem, besides all that.. cavy you take care of you, noone else can. They'll complain, pitch a fit and all that.. but if you see a problem, nip that shit before it becomes a 'tragic lifestyle'. Take it easy, brother. :nod:
I'm very sorry to hear about these demons, Ninety. No girl is worth ruining your life over. If you have family and friends that care about you, that's all anyone really needs in life. Good luck on getting yourself back on track.

Thanks. Maybe we'll have a drink some time and talk politics. :eek:

So yeah, it's used to dull whatever fucking ... that G_d sends down to my ass. Maintain a happy state of being, dont let it interfere with your job and dont get arrested for it. If you find yourself consistently tired and waking up sucks more than usual.. give your liver a break and go force yourself to hang out with your best friend or a family member.:[/COLOR][/B]

That's exactly the way it was before. And I really believe it can be that way again - maybe not. Like you said, if you start feeling sick and shit and you start going out of your way to polute your body, then it's a problem.

I need to go watch Taxi Driver. That'll get me in the spirit. :)

"No, more, poluters of my body..."